I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3206: , What is retribution? !

At this moment, their various bad reputations were completely settled.

After Chen Ping learned of all this, his face also showed a calm look. He knew that the people of the Su family would be ruined one day, but with his own help, they were ruined a lot earlier.

Originally, he didn't want to deal with the Su Family, but this group of people made troubles with him again and again, and had to fight him.

Not only did he have a puppet by his side, he was constantly watching him, and he even wanted to directly refine himself into a puppet, which was a vicious-minded guy, but he absolutely didn't want to let it go.

Shi Zhentian was the happiest one. When he thought of Erlang Shen's extremely terrifying face, he felt his whole body tremble.

This guy not only started on himself, but also used some illusions, which made him fall into various hallucinations.

Shi Zhentian, a person who is not afraid and not afraid, was so frightened by him, it was extremely embarrassing.

At this time, Su Muyun also walked out of the room. After seeing this scene, there was no surprise in his eyes.

Su Baiqi greeted Su Muyun in a panic, wanting the other party to come and help quickly.

"Su Muyun, come here, they are completely crazy, stop them quickly, don't let them go to the cellar to destroy it!"

After saying this, he was pushed abruptly, and he couldn't stand firmly, and fell to the ground, looking too embarrassed.

"Su Family..."

Su Muyun saw the other's embarrassed look and couldn't help but sneered.

As a cultivator, he would be pushed to the ground, which shows how weak his strength is.

"If your own strength is not good enough, I advise you to give up your crooked ways as soon as possible and study more things about cultivation."

Whenever he encounters a powerful person, he can only be forced to compromise, this kind of waste is not worthy of becoming the Su family.

After hearing these words, Su Baiqi's face had a look of doubt. He didn't understand what the other party meant.

Su Muyun glanced at each other, and suddenly a dagger appeared in his hand, and he walked directly towards Su Baiqi. He didn't know in his heart that the imprisonment of Xiao Li was done by him alone.

Don't worry about this home.

After seeing this movement of Su Muyun, he instantly panicked, with a trace of panic in his heart.

At this moment, Chen Ping didn't say much, it was all their family affairs, and it was not convenient for him to mix it up.

And the death of the other party can be regarded as a lot of benefits for him.

It is a great thing for Chen Ping to be able to solve a disgusting enemy with no effort. He is too late to be happy.

"Don't come here!"

"Don't forget that we are a family, you will be condemned by God if you do this!"

Su Baiqi backed back again and again, with a flustered expression on his face, afraid that the opponent's attack would suddenly come.

Su Hantian was also a little flustered when he saw this scene, and he hurriedly asked to stop it.

"Su Muyun what are you doing? How can you face your brother with a sword!"

He just wanted to rush up, but was blocked by those powerful races, and there was no way to rush over to stop the opponent.

Their family has always been extremely gentle to the outside world, not only because they want to maintain a good image, but also because of their own weakness.

If it weren't for recruiting some masters in the family, they wouldn't even be able to gain a foothold.

But this is only known in their own hearts.

And Su Muyun knew that all of this would not work.

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