Everyone was praying for Chen Ping's help. In fact, this group of mermaids didn't think there was any problem with Chen Ping's previous approach.

Their hearts are not clear, their saint had an accident, and they have an inseparable relationship with the person named Adong.

Chen Ping has no problems at all.

Even many people have serious opinions about the Patriarch, but in order to continue to survive in this place, they dare not express their opinions even if they have considerable opinions, and can only continue to endure silently.

This time they were really scared.

Everyone begged Chen Ping from the bottom of their hearts. Although this looked really dignified, it was the only way to survive.

People of other races stared at the mermaid clan unexpectedly, and they couldn't figure out what happened to this group of people.

Many people know that the strength of the mermaid clan is impaired, but they didn't expect them to become so spineless.

The matter of the mermaid clan is not a secret, and the matter of their saint has long been passed on.

It's just that most of the people don't know the inside story. They thought it was something difficult and difficult. Coupled with the appearance of the demons, everyone slowly ignored the incident.

Now seeing the appearance of the mermaid clan, everyone is extremely curious.

"What the **** is going on? Why are their mermaid people suddenly so embarrassed?"

"I heard early on that their family's strength was damaged, but I didn't expect it to be exaggerated to the point that they need to pray for humans to get shelter. Is this completely embarrassing to my own race!"

"I haven't forgotten the murlocs they gave birth to... These guys don't seem to have appeared for a long time, and I don't know what the situation is now?"

All of them suddenly forgot their own situation in the middle of the way, and they all started to discuss it one by one.

At this time, the black shadows are slowly condensing.

Seeing that the other party already had the entity, Chen Ping's complexion became extremely ugly, and he didn't have the intention to say anything to this group of mermaid people.

"Go back to where you should be."

Chen Pingyuan said solemnly, and then he greeted the people under his hands to deal with the shadows.

The other party has been slowly condensing, and there is no intention to deal with them at all.

However, Chen Ping knew that he was not yet a completely condensed entity.

If he waits until he is completely finalized, it will be too late.

"Try to attack this thing first, and see if you can crush it."

Chen Ping didn't care what kind of thoughts or thoughts these people had. In short, this matter was closely related to him.

After hearing Chen Ping's words, everyone started to take action. They quickly wielded their weapons and fought with the shadow.

Although Sombra hasn't condensed into an entity yet, his combat effectiveness is definitely not weak.

The black air was already prohibitive.

Chen Ping saw this black air and plucked his hand in with the courage. He didn't expect that this black air would have no effect on him.

Since their bodies have undergone various improvements, they are no longer comparable to ordinary people.

In addition, Chen Ping has countless pill that can quickly restore his body. As long as they hold the pill at any time, many problems can be avoided.

After seeing this scene, Chen Ping couldn't help letting go of the stone in his heart. Since there is no problem, there is nothing to worry about next.

"Don't be afraid, this thing cannot cause harm to us. What we need to do now is to fight with each other boldly."

As soon as Chen Ping's words fell, the true gods who had been resurrected also moved quickly.

Their strength has not been restored to the realm of the original true god, and their strength has been weakened by half.

So it is very easy to deal with them.

However, there are a lot of true gods, they have all kinds of abilities, and it is a bit difficult to deal with them.

Chen Ping gave an order, and everyone moved quickly. People of other races saw this scene, thought a little bit, and joined the battle.

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