Although the rabbit was a little scared in his heart, he also felt Chen Ping's anger.

Everyone has flesh and blood, and seeing this kind of thing is naturally irritating, and I can't wait for the murderer to be broken into pieces.

More importantly, this corpse looked similar to humans, so Chen Ping was also prone to empathy.

Apart from the fact that his ears are different from humans, there is almost no difference from humans in other places.

Chen Ping followed the river all the way up, and soon heard someone talking.

As soon as he caught his eye, he saw a few extremely burly guys chatting next to him.

Obviously they are not of the same race, but he can understand this group of people.

"Where did this kid come from?"

Those burly guys looked at Chen Ping with some doubts. They thought they had already killed everyone here, but they didn't expect another one to pop up suddenly.

However, he also keenly noticed the difference between Chen Ping and this group of people, as if they did not belong to the same kind of people.

"Did you kill all these people?"

Chen Ping did not answer the other party's question, but asked very suspiciously.

There was a strong smell of blood in this group of people. It was obvious that the murderer was them, but Chen Ping wanted to hear their own answers from this group of people.

After seeing Chen Ping's appearance, these guys couldn't help but laugh arrogantly. They even thought it was an extremely proud thing.

"Hehe...Of course we killed it. Let's see how brilliant our record is!"

"But their entrails are really delicious, little guy, I think you look good, I think it will taste better than them, since you have delivered it to the door, then I'm not welcome?"

When they saw Chen Ping's skin and tender flesh, they couldn't help feeling very good, and they couldn't wait to do something to Chen Ping.

Seeing how shameless they were, the rabbit couldn't help frowning.

"Boss, this group of people is really disgusting, if I say we should get them all cleaned up!"

For the desire of oral sex, they actually destroyed all of their races, which is enough to see how cruel this group of people is, and even they are not worthy of living.

Naturally, Chen Ping didn't let the group of people's plans go. He just shook his head silently, with killing intent shining in his eyes.

"Even though your skin is thick and thick, it doesn't mean that I can't kill you."

Chen Ping drew his long sword and stabbed directly at the opponent. Although he didn't know the strength of this group of guys, he knew that he had enough confidence in the face of these ugly guys.

He used to think that the murlocs were already ugly enough, but these guys were the real ugliness of ugliness.

There are some conch-like things on their faces, which directly affects the appearance of the entire face. After Chen Ping took the first look, he even couldn't bear to look at the second look. After all, he really hadn’t seen it. Choucheng exists like this.

Even he couldn't help but want to do it, going up to the other party to pull off all the small conch on his face.

Chen Ping randomly drew a few times with a sword in the air.

Then he put away the sword.

Those burly guys couldn't help laughing, they thought what kind of trick Chen Ping would use, but they didn't expect it to be just a gesture with themselves in the void.

"Are you cutting vegetables? Although these tricks look handsome, they have no effect at all. I even wonder if you are a fool!"

"That's right, if you swipe a weapon in the air, you can kill this force in our place. Isn't it too powerful?"

Just as these burly guys were laughing, suddenly their expressions froze.

At the next moment, all the ugly guys knelt on the ground in embarrassment, with a look of horror on their faces, wondering what happened.


Someone started screaming inexplicably, looking extremely embarrassed.

The rabbit stared at each other with wide-eyed eyes, and he found that the bodies of this group of people began to slowly break apart.

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