I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3487: , The situation is wrong!

The old monk's heart made another assessment of Chen Ping's strength. He used to think that Chen Ping should be just one of the best among the younger generation. Although he was very powerful, he could not be called a peerless power.

But Chen Ping actually has the ability to change the rules of heaven and earth. This is not what a leader can describe. Even if Chen Ping is called a lucky man favored by heaven, it is definitely not an exaggeration.

Soon they talked a few words, Chen Ping did not pay attention to He Shangfeng's side, but simply asked Lin Zhiyuan to find someone to bury him.

Soon Lin Zhiyuan and the others finished their things and packed their luggage. They were waiting to set off with Chen Ping. The old monk had no luggage at all, so he sat quietly and waited for Chen Ping to speak.

Chen Ping directly stuffed the rabbit into the space of the Tongtian Tower. This guy must follow him to act together, otherwise who knows what moths he will inexplicably produce here.

"Rabbit, go to the Tongtian Tower space by yourself, don't chat with me here."

When the rabbit heard that he was going back to the Tongtian Tower, he couldn't help but groan, but when he thought that Chen Ping would take him with him wherever he went, he still felt a little sweet in his heart.

"Next you two relax, I will have a power to wrap you up, don't try to resist, otherwise you will only be injured."

Chen Ping emphasized that he was afraid that the two men would start to resist subconsciously. If they were accidentally injured by the Tongtian Tower space, it would be no good.

Hearing this, the two nodded in excitement, and closed their eyes directly. They were not clear in their hearts, and what they were going to next was definitely a very mysterious place.

Chen Ping didn't squeeze them into the space of Tongtian Tower, but just used the power of this space to take them away.

Guan Fengqi looked at the crowd with some envy, and instantly disappeared from his eyes. With a look of expectation, he also hoped in his heart that he could be so powerful one day.

But after all, he just thought about it. With his ability, there is no way to take people away in this magical way.

At this moment, everyone felt that the sky was spinning, and there was a trace of panic in their eyes, and they didn't know what was going on.

"My god, this is so dizzy, I feel like I am stupid."

After Lin Zhiyuan woke up, his whole person was completely sluggish. He didn't even think that he had just entered a secret realm and was able to faint like this.

Although the old monk did not speak, his state was not very good. He wore a panicked look on his face, and some Liushen looked forward without a master.

Chen Ping didn't feel dizzy, he was very used to staying here.

When he entered this magical area, an unexpected look flashed across his face.

He originally thought he would come to a city or another new world, but he didn't expect that he would come into a mighty starry sky.

The starry sky looks a little too luxurious, and Chen Ping always feels like he has become a fairy.

"Old monk, what the **** is this place? Why does it look so weird?"

Chen Ping was quite puzzled, a curious look flashed across his face, and he always felt that this thing was a little abnormal.

After hearing Chen Ping's words, the old monk also had a look of helplessness in his eyes. To be honest, he really didn't know what the situation was.

"I don't know. I only have the key to come here, and I don't have any other understanding. If I know something about this place, I won't be so embarrassed to beg for help."

The old monk's heart is really blank, he really can't figure out what is going on?

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