I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3500: , Can't afford it!

And at this moment, in the backstage of Mingyue Tea House, Xiaoer Dian was telling the woman who had just sang about the situation here.

The woman had an incredible look on her face when she heard this, as if she felt that the shopkeeper was deceiving.

"Don't fool me, how can someone withstand this attack from me?"

The woman wears a veil on her face and looks extremely mysterious.

Only this woman knew in her heart that when she was not playing or casting spells, his appearance would be disgusting.

Covering your face is the best choice.

Dian Xiaoer vowed to talk to the other party, and directly described Chen Ping and their status. Although two people have been recruited, once someone stays awake, the problem will be very serious. If it is their little tricks Known by others, you will face all kinds of troubles.

This woman's methods are extraordinary, even if she is a powerful person on weekdays, it is difficult to get rid of his attack.

Therefore, those so-called strong players generally get inexplicably hit.

At this moment, the storyteller was also on the stage. This was what Chen Ping was most interested in. Through the storyteller, they could also know a lot of new things about this place.

As soon as the other party came, they talked freely, telling all the trivial things between this big family.

These things are nothing more than the son of who's son, who's the young lady, and so on.

Chen Ping and the others did not hear anything about the Bailings for a long time. At this time, the old monk suddenly raised the teacup in his hands.

He directly put forward the question he was interested in.

"Can you tell me something about the Bailing family, I'm more curious about these things."

It is normal for someone on the scene to ask questions or raise questions to most people. Under normal circumstances, they will also ask what they are interested in. But when the old monk said something, everyone showed a surprised look, it seems I didn't expect that someone would ask such a question.

The people around turned their heads curiously to look at the old monk who asked the question, either with a panic or a lively look in their eyes.

In their eyes, the Bailing clan was originally a relatively taboo topic, and no one dared to ask this kind of question in public. They did not expect that someone was so bold and really dared to ask.

After hearing this, the storyteller stared at the old monk in an incredible way.

"You should come from somewhere else?" There was a look of doubt on his face, and his hands trembled unconsciously. He didn't know if he was afraid of the other party's question or what.

The old monk didn't deny it either, and he nodded directly. They didn't know the world at all, and didn't even know the situation here, so even if they wanted to pretend to be a local, it was unlikely.

If this is the case, he shouldn't be honest, and explain his situation clearly, so that he can still appear to be more sincere.

"We are not the people here, and we just heard of the Bailing family by chance, so I want to ask clearly, but there is no other meaning. I hope you don't get me wrong!"

The words of the old monk are half-truths and half-truths, and generally people will choose to believe in this situation.

After hearing this, the storyteller sighed directly.

"If this is the case, then I will be a good-hearted person and advise you not to inquire about this kind of thing. If a few years ago, I might be able to solve your doubts for you, but it is no longer possible. You only need to know that their strength is very strong. You and I can afford to provoke, if you offend them, there is only a dead end."

The other tea guests were also chilling, and they did not dare to participate in the discussion of this matter at all.

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