I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3503: , The secret of the Bailing clan [below]

"Then please tell me how I should look for them. In any case, I want to figure out what the situation is, at least I want to die clearly."

In the end, the old monk decided to look for the other person, no matter what, he wanted to figure out what would happen to this guy.

If everything is really as he imagined, then he will die of this heart.

After hearing these words, Feng Shiyun showed a tangled expression on her face, as if her heart was also entangled in whether she should tell the other party these words.

"Telling you these things will not do me any good. Do you think I will take so many risks for no reason?"

Feng Shiyun said with a smile.

"I'm a businessman, do you think I don't need to pay for anything I do?"

Chen Ping laughed silently when he heard these words. He felt that these words sounded too familiar. It seemed that when he had spoken them.

In the past, he often said this when he was in business. The purpose was very simple. It was to fool these stupid fools.

"I naturally know that you are a businessman. If you are willing to tell these things, we can also provide you with some benefits. If you want money, we can naturally provide you with a lot of money. We can provide you with resources if you want."

Chen Ping vowed to say that his eyes had a calm look, no matter what the other party wanted, he could easily provide it.

Feng Shiyun smiled calmly after hearing Chen Ping's words.

"What I want is very simple, I want your people."

Hearing this, Chen Ping was completely stunned. There was a trace of doubt on his face. He really couldn't figure out what the situation was. He always felt that this woman was crazy.

"I don't think this is a very funny joke."

Chen Ping's expression became serious. After hearing these words, Feng Shiyun couldn't help shrugging his shoulders.

"Look, I know you can't promise me casually. If you want, I can naturally tell me what I know."

Feng Shiyun's rhetoric felt like a rascal, which made people feel surprised to hear it.

"This girl, we really have very important things to do with the Bailings. We are definitely not joking with you. If you can help, we will naturally be grateful."

Lin Zhiyuan also became rare, serious, his face was very dissatisfied, and he felt a little helpless for this woman's speech.

The old monk was silent throughout the whole process. He didn't know in his heart, this woman was simply making some extremely rude requests.

"If you don't want to say it, then it's okay. We can find it in our own way, but it's boring if you say this."

Lin Zhiyuan frowned. This woman just pushed her nose to her face, without even considering their feelings.

Feng Shiyun was a little flustered when he heard this, but he didn't expect that this group of people would actually reject him.

Originally, Feng Shiyun saw this group of people look so urgent, and thought they would agree no matter what the conditions. Now it seems that everything is not as simple as he imagined. Compromise yourself.

Thinking of this, Feng Shiyun couldn't help sighing, with a look of helplessness on his face.

"If this is the case, then I will wait until I think about this requirement before mentioning it. At least now I don't seem to have much demand."

After saying this, he turned around and went back to the room, and took out a notebook from the room.

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