I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3505: , The legendary family who pioneered the world [below]

"I am very pleased that you can come to the once-in-a-century ceremony of our Bailing clan."

In the center of the square, there is a man talking, and the bride standing aside has a happy smile on her face. She looks like a talented woman, and the two are very right.

When the people around saw this scene, they all blessed them with a smile.

If the old monk was there, he would be able to recognize that the woman in front of him was the lover of his dream, Bai Yunying, who had waited so hard for many years.

At this moment, beside this woman stood a man who looked extremely chic, and the other person's every move was very grand, giving people a domineering feeling.

"After many selections, I also successfully selected the most suitable husband-in-law for my daughter. This is a major event for our Bailings!"

The status of the Bailing clan is high, and everyone wants to be the husband-in-law of this clan.

After a lot of selection, the man in front of him finally had a chance to win the opponent.

Over the years, there have been countless men around Bai Yunying, and after various observations, this man is the most up to standard.

So that the old monk has long been completely forgotten.

Only the old monk could be so infatuated, and Bai Yunying had long forgotten this man who had been infatuated for a long time and had set a lifelong privately.

"I know you are great, but one thing seems to have not been resolved before."

At this moment, a man appeared here, his status is not weak, he is also the existence of the young master level in a large family.

These families were originally competing in secret, although this time he came to participate in other people's wedding ceremony, but he still wanted to do something in his heart.

"Isn't there a mentally handicapped young master in your family who was deceived? I heard that that person is still very at ease now. It seems that you can't help but get that woman."

"It's just a woman, who can actually be free for such a long time. If he is replaced by our family, then he will undoubtedly die."

Having said this, he suddenly showed a thoughtful smile, and the sarcasm was obvious.

"No, our family wouldn't have such a stupid disciple who would believe this kind of liar. This matter is a very shame for your family."

Hearing this, many people showed an expression of watching the show. If it were an ordinary small family, the Bailing family would naturally not let them go, but the family in front of them was not ordinary. The other party and the Bailing family could be called the same. Sit on an equal footing.

"Hehe, I really worry about this young master, don't worry, we have found the trace of that woman, and we are ready to do it now. Today is the most precious day for this young lady in our family, and I don't want to mention these things. I originally wanted to make it public in a few days."

He explained a few words indifferently, with an unhappy look on his face, showing that he was very dissatisfied with the other party's questions.

Hearing this, the young master shook the fan in his hand and nodded silently, without saying more, his goal had been achieved.

He just wanted to deliberately disgust the other person, let this matter become a laughing stock in everyone's eyes, and remind everyone of this shameful matter.

Sure enough, after the matter was mentioned again, the expressions of all the Bailings became very ugly. They felt extremely troubled when they recalled the most embarrassing things at the beginning.

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