I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3508: , Into the city!

After hearing the other party's ridicule, Feng Shiyun couldn't help showing a helpless look, and had to say that this guy was really poor.

Chen Ping was aside, his brows were frowning, and there was a tangled look at the bottom of his eyes, never dreaming that these people looked quite shrewd.

"Don't talk about these, don't you see that the people next to you are eavesdropping? But if you say a few more words, your identities will be exposed in a while."

Foreign guests are also welcome here, but they are still very cautious in their attitude towards foreign guests, and will never let them stay in this place casually.

"I have to say that the people of the Bailing clan are indeed rich and bold. They can actually own such a large city. If they don't have thousands of years of heritage, I don't want to believe it."

The old monk's eyes showed a look of relief. In his eyes, the identity of his lover from home is even more mysterious. It is very possible that the other party is really a daughter of a big family. At this moment, he also has a kind of his own success. Get the feeling of nostalgia for the rich woman.

"In that case, it's even harder for you to marry a wealthy family. People who are rich and powerful have very strict requirements for son-in-law, and you will probably end up with a female superior to a male inferior when you marry. This is not a good thing."

Lin Zhiyuan shook his head helplessly. They had seen too many of these things, and they knew very well that there would be many such chaotic situations.

The old monk didn't care about his heart at all, and he was certain that the other party would never pose any threat to him.

The wedding of the other party will continue for many days. At this moment, Chen Ping and the others felt the extremely strong wedding atmosphere when they entered the city. Chen Ping was a little confused in his heart.

"Unexpectedly, there is still a wedding here. If so, have you ever thought about it, it is very likely that this wedding is your lover's."

Lin Zhiyuan couldn't hold back for a while, he was very excited and said, that this guy is like this, sometimes his heart is straightforward, and he can directly say what he thinks, and he doesn't care about the other party's feelings at all.

After hearing this, the old monk almost died on the spot, he just looked at the other side in silence, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

"I also want to know who this wedding belongs to. It looks like it must be inseparable from the Bailing clan."

"Excuse me, please tell me who got married. It seems to be extremely lively."

Lin Zhiyuan was very curious and spoke under his eyes, with a look of doubt, wondering who could make the wedding so grand.

Hearing the inquiring voices of people around, these passers-by did not hesitate to say everything they knew.

Originally, they set up stalls in these places to make money, and they would naturally chat and brag when they were idle and nothing to do.

"I know you are from outside, right? You don't even know these things."

There was a look of expectation on an old woman's face. She had nothing to do on weekdays, and she liked to talk gossip everywhere.

"The eldest lady of the Bailing clan has been married these few days, so is her status and status unusual?"

He was very excited to say everything he knew, with an expression of expectation on his face. When he thought that they could all eat a lot of delicious meals for free, everyone was extremely happy.

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