Seeing the appearance of this group of people, the other party did not say much, just sighed silently.

Soon they came to this yard. Chen Ping did not expect that someone would suddenly break into his yard. He also felt a little surprised by this.

Since they just arrived here, they didn't do anything like enchantment, as long as they were a powerful person, they could easily break into it.

Looking at the dilapidated yard, Chen Ping's face flashed with helplessness. He really didn't expect someone to come over and destroy it as soon as he moved in.

"I was very optimistic about this gate at the beginning, but I didn't expect it to be ruined in the end."

Originally, Chen Ping chose this place because he felt that the gate was extremely magnificent. Unexpectedly, as soon as this group of people rushed in, the gate would be knocked torn in the first place.


Lin Zhiyuan's face also flashed unpleasantly, thinking of what this group of people had done, he trembled with anger.

On weekdays, he is also a superior person. When has he been so humiliated.

Don't say kicking the door, even if this group of people want to enter their room, they have to knock on the door cautiously.

"It doesn't matter, just let them pay compensation at the price."

At this moment, the old monk suddenly spoke. Chen Ping raised his head unexpectedly when he heard these words. He did not expect that the old monk would suddenly cease to shut himself down.

At this time Chen Ping also saw clearly. No wonder the old monk was suddenly so excited about the clothes on this group of people. It turns out that all these men are guards of the Bailing clan.

The clothes on their bodies have the words Bailing written on them, and they are very eye-catching. Normal people can see their identities at a glance.

Now the old monk can't bear a grudge against them. I didn't expect them to take the initiative to send it to the door.

"Our door is expensive to build. If we want to compensate, we have to leave their lives."

Although the old monk is indeed not a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately, he is very angry when he thinks about what happened to him.

This time he just simply wanted to say something angry to scare the other party.

Hearing what the old monk said, this guy was a little unhappy.

"What an arrogant person, we are here to take your dog's life this time. I didn't expect that you would dare to take the initiative to pick things on your own."

A trace of disdain flashed across the face of the captain of the guard. In his eyes, this group of people was completely overwhelmed and asking for trouble.

Originally, they wanted to keep a whole body of each other, but now it seems that this is no longer necessary.

"Old man Xi, you guys are all raccoon dogs, so you live together."

The captain of the guard spoke with disdain, with a triumphant smile on his face, and his mood was very good when he thought that they would be cleaned up by himself next.

"Catch all these people to me, and then we will send them out to the lady."

The old monk knew that this matter was definitely related to Feng Yuqin. After all, the guards of the Bailing clan could not come to their troubles inexplicably. They had no grudges or grudges, and there was never the slightest connection between them. How could they be inexplicable. What about it?

"You mean Feng Yuqin arranged all of this. Feng Yuqin wanted to kill me, right?"

Although the old monk had already received a positive answer from the other party's mouth, his heart was somewhat reluctant to believe all this after all.

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