I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3533: , Come in and sit down?

The strength of the old monk is still relatively strong, so this time he didn't bring many people, but simply brought two men to assist him.

The old monks did not leave the yard, but in the yard, they were in the yard, drinking tea and chatting comfortably, listening to the voices of discussion coming from outside the door.

Lin Zhiyuan and the others suddenly admired Chen Ping extremely. They never dreamed that Chen Ping could actually come up with such a perfect method.

"Now I am really calling you the boss, these ideas of yours are really perfect!"

Lin Zhiyuan spoke very grandiosely on the side, because the discussion of this group of people had already made him very excited.

The reputation of the Bailing family has become very bad now, and everyone knows that if something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and the Bailing family must have offended something extraordinary.

Those small families who wanted to take action against the Bailing family gradually began to unite.

Although I don't know what kind of identity the people behind this have, they will never miss such a good opportunity.

At this moment, the uninvited guest Song Weiqing also came to the door.

After seeing Song Weiqing's appearance, they showed a puzzled look. They didn't know why this person came to the door.

"You are the old monk, right?" Song Weiqing stood at the door and looked at each other, without intending to come in directly.

Seeing that this person was quite polite, the old monk naturally had no other unhappy attitudes. He nodded silently and looked at each other curiously.

"Who are you?" The old monk felt that this person had an aura that he didn't like very much.

Song Weiqing smiled slightly, "I am Feng Yuqin's husband."

As soon as this was said, the faces of several other people also became ugly.

Originally they thought it was a passer-by, but they didn't expect that their rivals suddenly came to the door.

Especially the old monk, his expression changed again and again, and in the end he had turned pale.

He has completely hated Feng Yuqin now, so he has no expectations for Feng Yuqin in his heart.

Even now the old monk only hates Feng Yuqin.

They were thinking about how to deal with each other. They didn't expect Feng Yuqin's husband to come back again.

"What's the matter with you?" The old monk's expression became very ugly, so he frowned and looked at each other, a fierce flash in his eyes.

If this person dares to cause trouble, then he will eat it directly, and that is, it is not that he has never killed anyone anyway.

Feeling the old monk's killing intent, Song Weiqing didn't mean to be scared at all. This time he didn't come to trouble the other party.

"Will you not invite me in and sit down? Maybe we can still have a good chat."

In fact, Song Weiqing really wanted to talk to the old monk this time.

But his identity is placed here, which makes people feel very embarrassed.

Song Weichen didn't realize what was wrong with this matter. In his eyes, he just wanted to have a good business talk.

Although I was extremely dissatisfied with the old monk, and even had the idea of ​​wanting to kill the other person in my heart, I still had to continue doing business or something.

Originally, he and Feng Yuqin were a combination of interests, and now in order to seek greater benefits for himself, he is also willing to unite with each other.

"Would you like to come in and sit for a while?" Chen Ping said suddenly.

After hearing Chen Ping's words, everyone closed their mouths.

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