"If you want to move people in our family, shouldn't you think about your own strength?"

At this moment, Feng Yuqin's father came out with an angry look on his face. He didn't expect that someone would dare to threaten his daughter in front of him.

He has always been a man who loves his daughter very much. When he sees her daughter being threatened, a trace of anger flashes across his face.

"You still want to kill on my turf, you are really naive."

He probably already knew what this happened, so he felt a little heavy at the moment.

At the beginning, his daughter was accidentally transferred to another place because of a mistake of her own.

After finally coming back, I even felt depressed for a long time.

Although he returned to normal afterwards, his heart has always been very guilty about it.

Now that he learned that his daughter had met the old monk in that world, he was even more dissatisfied with the old monk in his heart. He felt that his daughter's initial depression was completely related to the other party.

Thinking of this, he also showed murderous intent.

This man must die, and his companions cannot survive.

The companion he was referring to was naturally Chen Ping.

His cultivation level is much higher than other people, so it is clear that Chen Ping does not seem to have any threat, but in fact it is very powerful.

This time he must find the majesty of the family, otherwise his position as the head of the family may be unstable.

All the elders were staring at this position, wishing that they could make some mistakes, and then they would be able to trouble themselves.

Now that he has made such a serious mistake, if he can't solve it in time, it will be over.

The old monk glanced at each other, and this man exploded with extremely exaggerated coercion, and directly attacked him alone.

Thinking of this, his face became ugly.

"Hurry up and kneel down for me!" Feng Yuqin's father yelled. He wanted to use his strength to crush the old monk, at least let the old monk kneel down and apologize to himself.

As long as the old monks can be defeated, the whole thing will have been half completed, and by that time, they can just find an excuse to let these things go.

The old monk resisted the opposing coercion somewhat angrily, his strength is not weak, but facing this guy is still a bit bad.

Chen Ping naturally felt this coercion. He did not expect that this guy would actually do it as soon as he came.

He easily helped the old monk relieve this pressure.

Then he released the same pressure directly, covering Feng Yuqin's father.

The other party didn't react at once, and was shocked to vomit blood.

A hint of surprise flashed across his face, never dreaming that someone would attack him so arrogantly.

In this family, even in the entire city, his cultivation strength is already considered to be an extremely powerful existence, and he did not expect that there are people who can be stronger than himself.

He knew very well in his heart that this coercion was definitely not released by the old monk.

Although it seemed that he was comparing himself with the old monk, in fact the strength of the people around him should not be underestimated.

He glanced at Chen Ping subconsciously, then turned to glance at Lin Zhiyuan.

I never dreamed that my coercion would be bounced back.

In fact, the most excited people are the members of the Lark family. They don't know why the other party will vomit blood suddenly, but they know that they must have had a private contest.

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