I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3551: , Flower Fairy Auction

"So your story tells us that you have to save more money when you are young, otherwise you will only be as pitiful as you, you can't even buy things!"

Everyone is around, you are chatting with each other, with an expression of ridicule in your eyes.

They are very clear in their hearts that everyone is just saying this matter for joy.

Unexpectedly, these words were heard clearly by the onlookers next to them, and a trace of disdain flashed in their eyes, as if they were very mocking of Yun Sinan's experience.

Since this auction is about to be held, there are a lot of wealthy foreigners here. All of them are wealthy. Everyone has enough wealth to come and show their hands. The reputation started.

This is not just an auction, but also a competition of financial resources.

If a plaque falls from the sky, then several top rich men can be killed every minute in this place.

The eyes of this group of people looking at Yun Sinan were full of mockery, and they felt that such poor people shouldn't be here.

"Oh, I didn't expect that there are such poor people who come to Flower City and want to participate in the auction?"

There was a look of disdain on the face of a handsome man with a big belly. He just kept shaking his head, seemingly intending to mock Yun Sinan.

Yun Sinan didn't expect that he was just inexplicably discussing the embarrassing affairs of his life with his friends, and he was very uncomfortable when he encountered someone who wanted to mock him again.

"What does this matter have to do with you?" Lin Zhiyuan stood up immediately. He has always attached great importance to friendship. He felt very dissatisfied when he saw someone daring to mock his friends.

"What to do with me? Of course it's none of my business, I just look down on poor people like you."

The fat man smiled at Mimi's opening. He knew very well that these people were just a bunch of poor ghosts and had no value.

"Garbage, you can buy the flower demon if you have a seed." The rabbit cursed at the side.

The fat man glanced at the talking rabbit a little unexpectedly, and a flash of excitement flashed through his eyes.

He is still quite interested in this rabbit.

He didn't want to say anything about the appearance of this group of poor people. He just turned around silently and left. It was a waste of time for him to chat with this group of people.

Even if this group of people mocks themselves, what can they do? They are all the bottom-level figures in society after all.

The fat man looked open, he smiled directly, turned and left, not intending to talk back at all.

Seeing this guy leave here quickly, Chen Ping shook his head helplessly. He didn't expect such people everywhere.

If the other party is unwilling to find something, it is naturally best.

He didn't want to cause a lot of trouble inexplicably.

This person will definitely meet them at the auction next time, and then you will know who has the more money.

"I'm so angry, this guy's strength is not very good! I don't think any of the clothes he wears are full of vitality!"

Yun Sinan frowned and cursed.

It is certain that this man has money, but it is impossible to have money to such an arrogant point.

"It must be because we are dressed too ordinary, so we smoke and taunt. This guy is really interesting. Then we will use the money offensive to defeat him."

The old monk smiled, he is in a very good mood now.

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