I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3756: , It's easy

Lin Zhiyuan lowered his voice from the side and said to the old monk that he couldn't wait to solve this guy.

He knew very well in his heart that although Bai Wudi looked harmless to humans and animals, it was actually extremely dangerous and might threaten their lives at any time. This was not what he wanted to see.

Chen Ping looked at Bai Wudi with a hint of curiosity in his eyes. He wanted to know why this person had to deal with them.

Although the other party has made it clear that he does not want to deal with himself, but hopes that he can help, but Chen Ping always feels that something is not quite right. It seems that this person has no good intentions, and is constantly calculating. That's it for yourself.

Bai Wudi did not expect that his identity had been exposed. At this moment, he was still thinking about how to solve these problems.

As the person in charge of this place, he also knows what he represents in his heart.

As the lord of the Devil City, he has the obligation to develop the entire Devil City.

Now that the Devil City has become such a terrifying appearance, he is extremely unwilling to see it in his heart.

Bai Wudi's thoughts were flying, and along the way, he was thinking about the Devil City's cracking Dafa mentioned in that ancient book.

This ancient book is extremely detailed on how to lift the status quo of the Devil City.

Find a few extremely powerful people to serve as priests, so that they can help Devil City break these curses.

You must know that these curses in the Devil City have lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, and no one can crack them. Bai Wudi has searched for the powerful characters they requested, but no matter what, he could not find himself. The desired object.

For some reason, this time he always felt that Chen Ping was the person he was looking for, and that Chen Ping and the others were so powerful that they would definitely be able to help them solve the crisis.

To sacrifice, Chen Ping and their lives must be sacrificed.

Although it was indeed a bit cruel to do so, he knew very well that he had to sacrifice Chen Ping-Ping for the residents of the entire Devil City.

Chen Ping had never thought that this guy would want to send his life away, and he was still thinking about how to solve these things at the moment.

In his heart, he only felt that the yin in this place was too heavy, and the people living here were extremely pitiful.

He didn't even think that he would be looked at inexplicably.

At this moment, everyone else in the Devil City was talking about them extremely nervously, and everyone cherished this free time.

"Can the city master get this group of people out? Why do I feel that things are not so simple? Those few people know at a glance that they are definitely not fools!"

"I think these people are not ordinary. It is very possible that they can really help us solve the devil's crisis!"

Everyone was very excited. They knew very well in their hearts that Chen Ping’s appearance was completely different from the appearance of the group of people they had seen. It was obvious that Chen Ping’s strength was the most suitable for sacrifice. .

"Don't you still believe in the strength of our city lord? It's just a group of ordinary guys. It's easy to solve them!"

at this time. A child who looked very young, spoke extremely calmly next to him.

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