"It turned out to be like this, but I saw that there seems to be a sacrificial stand in front of me. Isn't that place for sacrificial offerings?"

Chen Ping pointed to the front, with a curious look in his eyes, as if he wanted to figure out what was going on here.

After hearing this, Bai Wudi's whole body trembled. He didn't expect Chen Ping to actually see this place as a sacrificial platform.

It is hidden here on weekdays, so basically everyone can't tell what the situation is.

There are overgrown weeds around here, and no one knows what happened.

In addition, there are bones around, almost everyone is trying to avoid these bones, so as not to be a little taboo.

But Chen Ping didn't mean anything to be taboo, instead he stepped forward and took a look.

His original purpose was to find a way to directly stun Chen Ping and then throw them into this place.

What I didn't expect was that Chen Ping took the initiative to stand up. This made people instantly wonder what to say, and could only say that Chen Ping was too stupid.

Seeing Chen Ping walk up, he activated the formation without saying anything, and then Chen Ping was directly trapped aside.

When everyone saw Chen Ping trapped in this place, they suddenly showed a look of confusion.

The old monk's reaction was the strongest, with a trace of anger in his eyes, just staring straight at the opponent.

"Bai Wudi, what are you planning to do? Is it possible that you want to die? Actually dare to attack our boss!"

The others also rushed forward, staring at Bai Invincible very seriously. They couldn't wait to solve Bai Invincible.

Originally, Lin Zhiyuan had already planned to make a move, but he didn't expect this guy to take the lead and take the lead. This is simply too exaggerated.

After seeing the appearance of the other party, Bai Wudi couldn't help but sneered. In fact, the only thing he wanted to deal with was Chen Ping.

The other people were not as strong as Chen Ping at all, so just dealing with Chen Ping was enough.

This guy never dreamed that this place could not trap Chen Ping at all.

After feeling the power here, Chen Ping just smiled silently. I have to say that these places are quite powerful, but there is no pressure at all for him.

Chen Ping broke the barrier directly with a wave of his hand. He was very clear in his heart that this place would definitely not trap himself.

After breaking the barrier, he strode out directly, with an indifferent expression on his face, just staring straight at Bai Wudi.

At this moment, Bai Wudi was still proud. He felt that he would definitely be able to solve Chen Ping. He didn't need to worry about anything at all, and he didn't need to be afraid of any accidents.

But when he was proud, Chen Ping had already broken the barrier.

And Chen Ping appeared directly in front of him, without the slightest intention of being controlled.

Seeing Chen Ping suddenly appeared in front of him, he was dumbfounded in an instant. He didn't expect Chen Ping's strength to be so powerful.

It stands to reason that Chen Ping should not be so good.

This thing can have extremely powerful strength, no matter who it is, there is no way to break free directly.

However, not only did Chen Ping break free, he even avoided the attack easily, which is simply too exaggerated.

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