The old monk glanced at Chen Ping unexpectedly. He didn't expect Chen Ping's strength to be much stronger than his own. This is really an exaggeration.

At this time, Bai Wudi finally realized Chen Ping's toughness, his expression became ugly, and he never dreamed that he could not help Chen Ping.

It takes a lot of effort for him to deal with Chen Ping, which is not something an ordinary person can do.

Just relying on Chen Ping's ability to easily solve these sinister monsters is enough to prove that he is definitely not Chen Ping's opponent.

Tan Wulang watched this scene next to him, and his face became ugly. He was thinking about what he should do. According to normal circumstances, there should be almost the same strength between him and Chen Ping, but he did not expect the two to be the same. The strength of the room is so much worse.

This is a world of difference.

Soon, Tan Wulang and Bai Wudi shrank together, and both of them had expressions of horror in their eyes, not knowing what they should do.

"What to do? We are in serious trouble now. If Chen Ping cannot be resolved as soon as possible, I guess we both will have to be planted in this place!"

After hearing these words, Bai Wudi's face was also ugly. Why didn't he know that this matter was extremely dangerous, but facing Chen Ping's powerful strength, he was naturally helpless.

"What else can we do? Let's not run quickly. This guy made it clear that his strength is definitely not something we can deal with. The two sticks will continue to stay here, just asking for trouble. Hurry up, don't stay here and ask for trouble. NS……"

He spoke in a panic, with a trace of horror in his eyes, and he was very clear in his heart that they had indeed encountered a stubborn stubble, if it was not resolved in time. If Chen Ping is such a powerful existence, then everyone will only have a dead end.

The old monk guessed that these two guys wanted to run, and he immediately reached out to stop them, but his movements were a bit slow after all, and he couldn't stop them.

Bai Wudi and Tan Wulang seemed to move instantaneously, and disappeared all at once.

Chen Ping's expression also carried a trace of the people. It turns out that these two people must know some way to escape from here, otherwise they could not disappear so easily.

"What about the boss? Let them run away, these **** guys, what should they do if they trouble us?"

Lin Zhiyuan had a look of alertness on his face. When he thought of these guys' ugly faces, he couldn't wait to hurry up and get this group of people dealt with.

It's a pity that these people have already run away.

Chen Ping waved his hand to tell everyone not to pursue these things anymore.

"Don't panic for the time being, these things are all trivial things. The most important thing is to figure out the secrets here first. I am a little curious about what the structure of this place is, and why such a weird underground palace appears?"

Chen Ping didn't put these guys in his eyes, so he didn't plan to care about these things at all.

What he wanted to figure out most was the secret of this underground palace, and wanted to know what the underground palace was.

Because of the extremely strong Yin Qi here, Chen Ping always felt that there was something wrong with this place.

"This place is absolutely weird. Everyone must be careful. I always feel that something strange is staring at me here, making me feel very uncomfortable!"

The rabbit couldn't help but emphasized, and there was a trace of doubt in his heart. He really couldn't tell for a while, where is the strange point, but there are weird things here, which are obvious and obvious.

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