He has been hiding these secrets for a long time, so he dared not arbitrarily control a way of telling others, because once these things are said, he must bear a great risk, and no one can bear all of them.

As soon as this remark came out, a trace of doubt flashed through Tan Wulang's eyes. They all knew a small part of the story and didn't know what was going on.

"In fact, this city is also a huge altar. It is precisely because of this that this place is so terrifying!"

"If there is really no way, we can only use some special methods to completely sacrifice this place. At that time, Chen Ping, no matter how strong he is, will never escape our palms. After this sacrifice, we We can also turn the whole area into what we want, and how about the disobedient residents who can be easily handled by us? Is this plan perfect?"

Bai Wudi said sullenly, he didn't know what was going on in his heart, and at the same time, his heart was also looking forward to turning the entire Devil City into people who listened to his own words.

Now there are many people in the Devil City who are still in a state of extremely disobedient, which makes him feel very headache. When he thinks of these people, he wants to kill these guys quickly.

Now that the establishment of a new city requires sacrifices, he will use all these people as sacrifices.

This will not only make the city safer, but also make the entire city look like you like it.

After Tan Wulang heard this, there was a slight surprise at the end of the year, but he did not expect that there was such a statement in it.

He was also a little grateful that the relationship between himself and the other party was pretty good, otherwise he would never know about it.

And it is very likely to be solved directly as a sacrifice.

"In this case, let's set our final method here. If Chen Ping and the others return without incident, then we will use this method to solve them!"

After hearing these words, Bai Wudi nodded calmly, this is undoubtedly the best method.

Their level of fear of Chen Ping has greatly exceeded everyone's imagination.

It's just that they are now pretending to be themselves in front of others.

At this moment, Chen Ping didn't have so many thoughts about these things, and he was constantly cleaning up these monsters.

He discovered that these monsters were all human beings.

This group of humans didn't know what happened to them, and unexpectedly became a little weird.

Obviously, there are no signs of life in their bodies, they are already dead many years ago.

Seeing the appearance of this group of people, Chen Ping's eyes also flashed with curiosity. What made them like this?

After dealing with countless monsters, Chen Ping randomly captured one of them alive, so he held it in his hand and took a closer look.

He found that these guys possessed inexplicable weirdness.

Chen Ping directly extracted their memories without saying anything, intending to see what was going on.

He tried to read the other's memory.

But the next moment, Chen Ping discovered that the memory he had extracted was actually fragmented, and he had no way of knowing what had happened.

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