"It's over, this murderer not only took away all of our things, but even gave us a layer of barriers, and then we have no way to find him!"

Lin Zhiyuan was wailing loudly in pain, and he didn't know how much headache this matter was.

Now even if they want to contact Chen Ping, they have no way.

"Forget it, let the fate, let's just wait here honestly, there is always a chance to be able to leave, the big deal will be killed by him!" The old monk looked very open, he did not let this matter go. In his eyes, it doesn't matter to him whether it is life or death.

At this time, Chen Ping also appeared in the underground palace. He looked at the situation inside the underground palace and his expression became extremely brilliant. He found that all the cracks had been repaired inexplicably.

After seeing this scene, Chen Ping's expression became a little ugly.

After the old monks had saved the souls of the dead, they had destroyed everything here, and he knew this well.

Now that this happens suddenly, it is clear that there is something weird.

The dark shadow had already been guessed, this group of people must have a boss, so he has been watching by the side, waiting for Chen Ping's appearance.

Unexpectedly, he had just dealt with the opponent, and the person behind the scenes had already appeared, and it seemed that he was planning to shoot himself, and his mood became a bit heavy at this moment.

Because he discovered that Chen Ping's strength should not be underestimated. If he really wants to deal with Chen Ping, it's not that simple.

So he followed Chen Ping carefully all the way, wanting to know exactly what Chen Ping was like.

Little did he know that Chen Ping had discovered his existence, and Chen Ping's face had a look of confusion. I don't know why this dark shadow has to follow him so weirdly. This was originally a very strange thing.

This black shadow directly pretended to be his own shadow, and appeared beside him like that.

"Don't hide it, just show it off if you have any ability. I also want to know what kind of strength you have."

Chen Ping directly stretched out his hand and grabbed the shadow. He knew very well that the purpose of the shadow was to target himself.

If that is the case, then he has to figure out what identity this guy is, and it is likely to be related to the owner of the underground palace he is looking for.

The black shadow did not expect Chen Ping to start suddenly. He was immediately caught by Chen Ping alive. After feeling the opponent's powerful strength, the shadow immediately fled around in panic.

It wasn't that he didn't have strong strength, but suddenly he was a little flustered by Chen Ping's operation.

"You can actually find me?"

He has no actual identity at all, and has always been just a virtual shadow, so he was surprised that someone could actually perceive his existence.

When he attacked Lin Zhiyuan and the old monk, the two of them didn't find his position during the whole process, which made him a little proud at the time. He didn't expect their boss to be so powerful.

"Isn't it easy to find out where you are? You, a dark shadow, has been attached to me for a long time, and it's hard to find it or not."

There is one more thing on his body that normal people can still feel, but this black shadow has extraordinary abilities. He can easily control his weight, basically it is difficult for a practitioner to detect it.

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