I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 3794: , Seeking a dead end

"You are really crazy, you dare to invade our boss?" Lin Zhiyuan yelled frantically next to him. He had never thought that the shadow would seek his own death like this.

"You really don't understand anything!" Shadow whispered to himself next to him, and immediately began to try to invade Chen Ping's body.

The old monk and others directly chose to hide aside silently, without saying a word, they didn't know in their hearts, this guy was completely seeking his own death, and they didn't need to waste this time.

"What a mad dog!" The old monk saw this scene and didn't say much. He turned around and started looking for all kinds of treasures.

At this time, the shadow also noticed something wrong, as if these guys were a little too relaxed.

Even Chen Ping didn't even feel uncomfortable. He seemed to be enjoying it all.

Chen Ping just closed his eyes, feeling the gesture when the other party invaded him.

Shadow reached Chen Ping's Dantian position unimpeded all the way, and his face became quite ugly.

"Why is this dantian so wide?" He frowned, a little at a loss.

The next moment, he discovered that he had lost himself in Chen Ping's Dantian.

This place is so big that he can get lost in it, which is not good at all.

He was looking for a good opportunity to enter Chen Ping's body.

The next moment, he suddenly felt a gentle force sweeping toward him, and this force made him a little at a loss.

"How can this force be gentle and fierce? What does it mean?" After feeling this force, he backed back again and again, but didn't expect this powerful force to pinch him directly.

After feeling this powerful force, his heart panicked instantly.

"what's up?"

He panicked. He wanted to run out of Chen Ping's body, but he found that he had no way to resist.

This force was directly transformed into a hand, holding it down quickly, leaving it with no way to escape.

"What the **** is going on? How could Chen Ping have such a strong strength?" He struggled hard, with a trace of panic in his heart.

After feeling the opponent's powerful strength, he instantly knew what he should do.


Desperately to escape from here, otherwise he will only have a dead end.

Chen Ping also didn't expect the other party's reaction to be so extreme. He could feel that this guy was struggling constantly, and he meant to run away quickly from here.

"If you continue to struggle, you will be battered every minute, and you will end up with a death consequence."

Chen Ping communicated with the shadow in his heart. In fact, his purpose is very simple, just want to trick the shadow.

Unexpectedly, this guy was so excited that he didn't even want his life. This was an extreme exaggeration, and Chen Ping felt incredible.

However, after the shadow felt Chen Ping's toughness, he had no other thoughts at all. He was so arrogant all the time, seeing this, Chen Ping was already scared to death by Chen Ping.

Chen Ping didn't expect the other party's psychological quality to be so bad, he sighed helplessly, and directly forcibly dragged this guy out of his dantian.

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