Chen Ping frowned like this. He even thought these guys came from some decent people, but he could hear them. This is an extremely powerful pretending to be the other party, and he pretends to be decent, deliberately frightening. Where's Chen Ping.

"I'm your father!" The old monk didn't have the slightest affection for these guys who pretended to be fools, so he cursed directly.

Chen Ping coughed twice, and he almost fainted with his saliva. I don't know when the old monk actually became so exaggerated.

After hearing these words, the weird voice also felt extremely angry, and directly scolded the old monk, feeling like two naive children insulting each other.

The old monk secretly winked at Chen Ping.

"This thing is absolutely immature in mind. I just tried it twice at random, and actually forced this guy to expose his nature. He still wants to pretend to be very mature to scare us!"

Chen Ping knew that the old monk had just yelled at him. It was definitely not that he was immature, but that he had other purposes.

The old monk has always been a very refined existence, and suddenly he is so rude, he must have a plan.

"Dare to break into my site without authorization. You really don't know how to write death words. Didn't you see the plaque under the mountain?"

"Those people specially made a stone tablet for us, just to warn you that this group of people are not allowed to come to this place!"

"Unexpectedly, you dared to show up, but you are so bold. If that's the case, then I don't blame me for killing you!"

This voice no longer grew old, but became very immature. At first glance, he knew that it was definitely a child talking.

Chen Ping's eyes also had a curious look. I don't know why this voice sounds like a child. Is it possible that the legendary existence is a young child? This is too exaggerated.

You must know that there are hordes of wild people here in the legend.

In Chen Ping's impression, those savages are all strange-looking existences, and they are extremely terrifying, they never make sense, or even speak.

But what is the situation with such a child? Chen Ping really didn't understand.

"It's a person or a ghost who stands up and talks face to face together. Don't hide in a corner here to scare people, don't think you are a good thing!"

The old monk couldn't help yelling, he didn't expect that he would be frightened by such a guy.

Perhaps he heard the voice of the old monk, and this guy rushed out into the forest. After seeing the other person's appearance, the old monk trembled in terror. He never dreamed that he would see such a horrible thing. , This is completely the existence of the devil.

There was a child floating in the sky. This child looked harmless to humans and animals, but the real scary thing was not in the other's appearance, but in his skin.

Although his expression does look harmless like humans and animals, his skin is extremely ulcerated, giving people a very scary feeling.

It's hard to imagine how harmless humans and animals and festering body can combine perfectly.

The child just looked at Chen Ping with a smile on his face. He recognized that Chen Ping was the boss here, so there was no need to say more to the old monk. Talking too much was just nonsense.

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