Even Chen Ping had a feeling that he regarded the pill as a jelly bean, and this person was enjoying it.

"It's just a pill. I don't believe anything that I dare not eat. Would you dare to harm me in broad daylight?" Long Prince said calmly, he didn't put this matter at all. In the eyes.

Hearing this, Chen Ping smiled, and suddenly he wanted to scare the other person.

"This matter is not as simple as you think. If I put some poison in it, you will definitely not eat it if you eat it!"

He spoke with a smile, with a calm expression in his eyes.

Upon hearing this, the guards around Prince Long showed an angry look.

They all wanted to kill Chen Ping directly.

"You **** fellow, actually fed our prince prince this poison!" They knew that they couldn't beat Chen Ping and now they were almost trembling with anger, but they could only watch helplessly.

"It's impossible for our dragon clan to let you go, so don't worry! Then you will be tortured to death by our dragon clan. When that happens, everyone will spurn your corpse and even attack your family!"

Hearing this, Chen Ping's expression became serious.

"So this is your attitude?" Chen Ping stared straight at Prince Long. It was not clear in his heart that Prince Long did not dare to refute himself.

"I think the two of us can find a chance to talk separately. There is no need to make things public. We are all young people. I think we should have a good talk!"

Long Prince is also a good face, with a tangled look on his face, staring directly at Chen Ping, hoping to make Chen Ping compromise.

The members of the Chen family originally thought that they had eaten the Murong family, but they didn't expect to suddenly kill a powerful figure like Chen Ping halfway through. This made people feel a headache.

Chen Shuyuan was really dumbfounded now, and didn't know what the other party meant.

According to Long Prince's strength, it was not difficult at all to solve the problem.

However, this arrogant and domineering Long Prince didn't even mean to deal with Chen Ping at all. Instead, he talked with each other in a pleasant way.

What's the situation? This attitude is really amazing!

Chen Shuyuan's heart was also a little flustered. If his plan really failed, it would be too sad.

Chen Ping ignored these people, he went straight back to his Sky Tower space, and kept communicating with this little loot guy.

"I know your purpose." Chen Ping said calmly. He didn't put the other party in his eyes, just calmly mocking the other party.

After Long Prince heard Chen Ping's words, his expression became tangled.

He thought Chen Ping knew his true purpose.

They came here to investigate the terrain and the situation deliberately under the pretext of dealing with the Murong family.

Now it seems that the whole thing has been different.

He must hurry up and find an opportunity to report the matter, otherwise he will be over.

When Chen Ping suddenly said such a sentence, he was shocked at once, and he was also worried, if his secret was really exposed, what should he do next?

"Okay, don't talk about other things. It is absolutely impossible for me and the dragon clan to compromise with anyone to be someone else's pet, but I can be your friend."

Chen Ping did not expect that the other party would dare to bargain when he died.

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