I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 4014: , To buy people's hearts

After hearing these words, Chen Ping was really surprised. He knew that the Mother of God Yaochi should be a very powerful person, but such an existence would be sealed off by others. This shows how this person's strength is. How strong.

"I fought with a strong man for several days. In the end, he was able to get to this ghost place because I couldn't match him. I didn't want to come here. There were some unpleasant smells everywhere. I feel like I will be crazy if I stay here!"

Chen Ping nodded. It is true that the smell of this place is not unpleasant, and there is also a very strange feeling. Obviously, he felt his back numb in the water, and there was a bit of wind.

"I haven't been to this place for a long time. I didn't expect it to be like this. It's really disappointing!"

Many years ago, Our Lady of Yaochi did come here.

At that time, the mountains and rivers were beautiful, and the environment here was very good.

At that time, there was no legend that there were treasures in the Dragon Palace, so everyone did not take this matter in their eyes, and they just came to visit it.

After knowing the identity of the Mother of Yaochi, a hint of surprise flashed across Ao Tianguang's face. He didn't expect that this person was actually an extremely noble Mother, that was really an existence that could not be provoke.

"I didn't expect you to be the Mother of the Jade Lake. I always thought that people like you would not come to our Dragon Palace!"

A trace of emotion flashed in Ao Tianguang's eyes, and he had to say that these people are really too powerful, and their greedy level is simply amazing.

As the people of the Dragon Palace, they naturally know that there are some legends of treasures here, so they know in their hearts what the purpose of most people here is.

These treasures are not something ordinary people can own.

That was something that belonged to their dragon clan, even if the identity of the Virgin of Yaochi was noble, Ao Tianguang would never give in.

"I'm only interested in these treasures, but I have never really wanted to get them. It's boring to say that."

Our Lady of Yaochi stared at each other, with a trace of seriousness in her eyes.

"And I got those things from another person's room."

Our Lady of Yaochi shrugged, knowing that she did something wrong, but there was no other way.

The little devil immediately poured out all the things he had stolen and placed it in front of the opponent.

"Hey, boss, this is what I got, don't worry, I have absolutely no other intentions, I just want to observe it, I have already taken out the things, you are not allowed to attack me again!"

Having said that, Xiao Guitou's eyes also showed a very tangled look.

And at this time, it was Ao Tianguang's turn to be surprised, because this thing was his own garbage brother's stuff.

"How did you get this? Isn't this my brother's thing? That Fei I hid all the treasures tightly, and they can be found out. This is really interesting!"

Ao Tianguang kept studying the other party's baby, with a bright smile on his face.

"This is my **** brother's thing. I've already been very interested in his treasures. I didn't expect you to get it. You did a good job. I want to give you an award!"

This action by the other party successfully bought people's hearts.

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