At this moment, Mermaid was busy, and she didn't have time to bother about Ao Tianxiang at all.

"If you have something to say directly, don't waste time with your mother here, am I still waiting to report the situation to your dad?" Umiji said displeasedly next to her. .

"I want to marry the Virgin of Yaochi as my wife. You have to do this for me! The Virgin of Yaochi said, as long as I can become the prince, then I will definitely marry me. If this is the case, then you should quickly find a way for me. I have to become a prince, and I have to grab the position of Ao Tianguang!"

"And I suspect that Mother Yaochi came here to find Ao Tianguang. There must be an extraordinary relationship between the two of them. Mom, you must fix them for me!"

Ao Tianxiang was frantically coquettish next to him, anyway, he felt that his mother must have the ability to settle the matter.

When Umiji heard this, she felt helpless in her heart.

"Hey, do you think you are unwilling to scold me? I also hope that you can become a prince as soon as possible. If you inherit your father's position as soon as possible, you will be able to save a lot of things then!"

Thinking that this matter still has a lot of trouble, Umiji couldn't help frowning.

"I don't care. If you don't help me, I will go to my father and say, anyway, I want to get this position now!"

After saying this, Ao Tianxiang ran away in stride. It seemed that he didn't think there was any problem with doing this.

Mermaid stretched out her hand to stop the opponent, but in a blink of an eye the little guy ran away without a trace.

"Hurry up and stop the young master, but you can't let him be so impulsive. If something goes wrong, it will be finished!"

Umiji's face also had a very anxious look, she was afraid that the other party would do something on impulse.

After hearing this, the men rushed over immediately, and they tried to stop each other.

However, Ao Tianxiang's movements are extremely proficient, and he feels that he has thoroughly familiarized himself with the routines of this group of people.

This group of guards couldn't stop each other at all, and this young master ran away happily.

Soon, Ao Tianxiang went directly to the Dragon King's bedroom without being stopped.

The Dragon King is dealing with government affairs seriously, and he has no time to care about his stupid son.

He is not a fool either, he naturally knows that these people want to fight for the throne, but in his heart it is even clearer that no one can inherit his position at all.

In fact, you really want to cultivate Ao Tianguang in your heart, but Ao Tianguang is full of hatred for yourself, which doesn't seem to mean you want to be good to yourself.

At the beginning, Master Ao Tianguang attributed his mother's death to himself.

Since he has too many sons, not all of them are so stupid, so he must ignore Ao Tianguang so that he can grow up without incident.

But Ao Tianguang didn't pay attention to his good intentions at all, and even blamed himself, which made him feel a little bit painful.

Moreover, Umiji is pressing **** herself, wishing to take this position out to his son immediately!

While he was still struggling, suddenly there was a voice from his father, and she raised her head with some doubts, and found that the person calling herself was actually Ao Tianxiang.

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