You should know that if you go outside for disaster relief, you can gain a lot of things.

As long as the disaster relief is successful outside, then a lot of treasures can be swallowed secretly.

Generally, the Dragon King handed this matter to Ao Tianguang to solve it. I didn’t expect that this time the matter could be handed over to Ao Tianxiang to solve it. Although Ao Tianguang was onlookers around the whole process, it was considered to be a problem. A great improvement.

Thinking of this, Umiji immediately thanked each other by the side.

"Great, thank you father now! Hurry up to complete this task, and don't let down the trust my father has placed in you!" Yuwei Ji was grateful to Dade next to her, thinking that this matter must be unusual.

The Dragon King waved his hand. In fact, he simply wanted to let the other party know how trash he was.

Ao Tianguang also got news here, and more importantly, this time he chose to act with Chen Ping's people.

"Hurry up and pack things up. We are ready to set off here. I ask some people to go out with me." Ao Tianguang's other brothers are all performing other tasks outside, so there is only Ao Tian in this place. This waste exists.

Ao Tianguang just said that he was going to bring Chen Ping, but he didn't expect that Ao Tianxiang would also speak directly.

He looked at Our Lady of Yaochi very excited.

"I also want to bring the Virgin of Yaochi, only in this way can the other party observe my handsome posture all the time!"

Hearing this, even Chen Ping felt a little funny.

But they didn't say anything, just followed each other and left.

Chen Ping is very interested in this legendary Xihai.

Under the leadership of Ao Tianguang, everyone went directly to the Xihai area.

There are many fishermen in this place, as long as they belong to the sea, they are under the jurisdiction of the Dragon King.

Even the people above are managed by the Dragon King.

The people living in these places are basically very pitiful. They can't get enough to eat or wear warm all year round. Therefore, Ao Tianguang's mission this time is to help them.

Ao Tianguang brought a lot of things, and when he came to this group of people, he showed the noble attitude of his dragon clan, and he handed out supplies to these people very compassionately.

Ao Tianguang didn't mean to be reluctant to these poor people, but instead gave them a lot of supplies.

At this time, Ao Tianxiang stopped the other party suddenly.

"There is no need to give them all of these supplies, we can keep a little bit for ourselves." Ao Tianxiang blinked at the other party, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

It was clear in his mind that this matter was not as simple as he imagined.

If you want these people to compromise, just give something casually.

Hearing this, Ao Tianguang frowned.

He knows that many people will choose to make a huge sum of money through disaster relief, but he is not such a person. This group of people has already fallen to the point where disaster relief is needed. Why should he covet their things?

"It's not necessary, but it's just a little ordinary supplies. We won't help us at all if we get it. Besides, you won't be so poor, are you greedy for these treasures?"

Chen Ping saw the extremely painful appearance of this group of people nearby, and a trace of regret flashed across his eyes.

"Just help them!"

There is a look of helplessness in the eyes of Our Lady of Yaochi, this group of people is indeed very pitiful.

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