I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 4028: , Wait for death!

Now this guy suddenly asked to leave, wouldn't it be a shame for himself?

"I will go wherever you go. My mother said that I will never leave you." Ao Tianxiang said stubbornly, absolutely unwilling to stay away from the other party for a half step.

Chen Ping also felt a little disgusted when he saw this guy's appearance. This person seemed to have a bad mind. If he wanted to follow them, it would definitely cause a lot of trouble.

"No, I don't agree." Ao Tianguang directly rejected the opponent, with an extremely disgusting look on his face, and he didn't want to care about this fool at all.

Ao Tianping didn't have any good feelings for this fool, so he turned around and left. It looked like he didn't intend to take him to act with him at all.

Everyone just turned around and left, they walked very fast.

Ao Tianxiang saw everyone leaving immediately, with an anxious look on his face.

"Where did you go?!"

Looking at this, Chen Ping didn't seem to want to take the other party. They all left at an extremely fast speed.

Ao Tianxiang was a little panicked. He didn't expect that things would turn out to be like this. Isn't this intentional to harm himself?

He looked around at a loss, trying to find someone to save himself. As a young master, he had never traveled far by himself, so when he encountered this situation, his heart was already panicked. .

At this moment, the group of refugees also strode out.

All of them are very ordinary people, but this does not mean that there are only ordinary people here.

Here came a very powerful master, with a calm look on his face, just staring straight at everyone present.

"I originally heard that the people here are very pitiful. I wanted to come and help. I didn't expect to encounter the Dragon King's disaster relief. I originally thought it would be a good thing. I didn't expect it to end like this. It's true. It's incredible!"

His name is Scavenger.

But he is not a fish, but a being who thinks he is extremely just.

He wants to deal with those hateful people with strong strength.

And this hateful person is Ao Tianxiang.

Ao Tianxiang saw the opponent suddenly appear in front of him, with a panic expression on his face.

"Don't forget what you are going to do. I am the eldest master of the Dragon Palace. If you want to do something to me, then you can wait to die!" Ao Tianxiang did not forget to threaten the other party.

Hearing this, the other party's face also showed a very disdainful look. I didn't expect this person to dare to be so arrogant when he died, it was ridiculous and sad.

"Your strength is so bad, is it possible that you still want to fight against me?"

He could hear Ao Tianxiang's words clearly before, knowing that the other party was planning to covet all other people's treasures.

So he is very dissatisfied with this extremely disgusting existence, and he secretly vowed to kill this guy.

Now that the good guys have left, he doesn't bother to waste time anymore, just kill this trash guy.

Before Ao Tianxiang had time to react, this person had directly attacked Ao Tianxiang.

After seeing this scene, everyone clapped and praised.

At this moment, Umiji suddenly felt something was wrong, feeling her heart empty, as if something went wrong.

She nestled beside the Dragon King and spoke very cautiously.

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