I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 4035: , Enhance strength【下】

Moreover, Chen Ping's strength must be extremely exaggerated, and he was so intrepid.

He likes to challenge the masters to challenge all kinds of powerhouses, so at this moment he also has a strong interest in Chen Ping, and wants to try to challenge Chen Ping.

"My brother, don't think about provoking others. This person is not something you can deal with. His personal strength is absolutely extraordinary. Let me say that people can crush you with one hand!"

Ao Tianguang couldn't help but speak very seriously, his face also had a very cautious look, as if all this was true.

But he had forgotten what his elder brother was like, the more he heard these news, the more excited he became.

"It's really great. Your brother and I have rarely met opponents over the years. Now I finally have an opportunity to communicate with opponents. I will naturally not let it go!"

An expression of excitement appeared on Ao Tianping's face, and he chose to stand with Chen Ping without saying a word.

"Brother, are you free?" At this moment he also found Chen Ping.

He admires all kinds of strong men very much, and Chen Ping is one of them.

He had never imagined that he would see such a strong presence of Chen Ping. He also observed Chen Ping carefully along the way, knowing that Chen Ping was extraordinary.

So he wanted to please Chen Ping in his heart. If he could be friends with Chen Ping, then it would be the best.

Chen Ping turned his head and glanced at the other person, his eyes were curious, and he didn't know what this person wanted to say to himself.

"I want. I ask you why you are so strong. I have always admired the strong. It would be great if I could become as good as you!"

As a dragon, Ao Tianping has always been quite strong, but he has never been very satisfied with his own state.

He always feels that he has not reached the strongest peak state, so he is also very dissatisfied.

He always felt that once he followed Chen Ping, he would definitely be able to reach this peak state.

So he has always longed for the strong.

"Why don't you let me follow you so that I can become very strong, and I have a great desire for strength. If I can become stronger, I will recognize it even if I put in more effort!"

The attitude of Ao Tianping and the previous Ao Tianguang is very different. In order to become stronger, this person even chose to follow himself directly. This is really an exaggeration.

However, Chen Ping admired the other party's thoughts very much, and he could see that he was a person who pursued a strong pursuit.

"If you want to follow me, you have to see if you have this ability."

Chen Ping smiled and joked.

Ao Tianguang was also beside him, proudly raised his head, looking very proud.

"That's right, only the strong can follow the boss of my family, and I am the strong!" Ao Tianguang knew very well in his heart that he was inferior to his elder brother, and being able to follow Chen Ping just happened to be fate. That's it.

If it wasn't for that I wanted to become stronger and begged Chen Ping to take him in, it is estimated that Chen Ping would not be willing to take him in.

After hearing these words, a trace of envy flashed through Ao Tianping's eyes.

He naturally knows that his younger brother has a lot of opportunities, so he is not envious of it. The only way is to work **** his own.

"Anyway, you have accepted so many apprentices, and I am not the one behind. Or would you accept me as an apprentice?"

Ao Tianping was begging Chen Ping with a look of excitement in his eyes. If Chen Ping wanted, he could even kneel down to learn art from the teacher.

These things are not dignified to the Dragon people, but they don't matter to Ao Tianping.

After all, as long as you can become stronger, even if you compromise with anyone, there is no problem.

A hint of surprise flashed through Chen Ping's eyes, and the other party's attitude was indeed surprising.

He didn't even think that Ao Tianping would compromise to himself so casually.

"Well, just for your attitude, I also think you are extraordinary!" Chen Ping felt that Ao Tianping was very open-minded, much more powerful than he thought.

For this kind of person, Chen Ping is unwilling to hit the other's self-confidence.

"No problem, as long as you want, I can accept you."

After speaking, Chen Ping took out a handful of pills and handed it to the other party.

This scene saw Ao Tianguang extremely jealous.

However, he didn't mean anything else, just smiled indifferently.

A flash of excitement flashed through Ao Tianguang's eyes, and he knew that his brother would become stronger next.

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