I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 800: ,I'm coming!

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It was almost the moment when Chen Ping's words fell!

Step by step!

In an instant, a few black modified anti-riot vehicles rushed out of the street!

Dozens of heavily armed combatants wearing black combat uniforms, black berets and black combat boots jumped out of the car and quickly surrounded here!

Seeing this scene, everyone is dumbfounded!

follow closely!


The sound of intensive combat boots stepping on the floor tiles sounded from behind everyone!

When everyone looked around, they saw the excuses, and dozens of well-armed combatants ran uniformly, all wearing berets and goggles, all holding explosion-proof shields and anti-riot sticks, so they rushed in. !

"Put down your weapon! The offender was killed!"

"Give up resistance! Squat down!"

"Squat down! Put down your weapons!"

Suddenly, the gangsters downstairs were all crushed to the ground by these fighters who rushed in!

No resistance at all!

Wu Desheng and Wu Han and others also quickly hugged their heads and squatted down.

Shen Wenlong was desperate to escape, but was kicked directly on the chest and abdomen by a black combat boot. The whole person fell in front of Chen Ping's feet!

Everyone was frightened, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out!

Where did the combatants come from?

These people are well-trained at first sight!

This is exactly the plot in the movie, why did it happen here?

Followed by, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, the person who led the team walked directly to Chen Ping in a respectful manner and stooped: "Chen Shao, we will come one step later and make you wronged!"

Chen Ping stood up, looking at the heavily armed man in front of him, saying: "Just right."

Who are these people?

It is Chen's personal guard!

All are well-trained elites!

Since the moment Chen Ping chose to be the heir, Qiao Fugui has sent a private guard to stay near Shangjiang.

Naturally, they closely guarded Chen Ping's safety.

Whenever an uncontrollable situation occurs, they will take action and wipe out the enemy in one fell swoop!

At the moment, Shen Wenlong, already panicked!

He had no idea what kind of character he would have to have such a personal guard!

Shen Wenlong was dumbfounded. He was the former Xiaoxiong of Shangjiang. What kind of scenes haven't he seen?

But today, he panicked, which has completely exceeded his expectations!

Especially when he saw the leader of these people and respectfully spoke to Chen Ping, Shen Wenlong understood that the young man in front of him couldn't afford it!


He screamed in his heart!

Everyone took a breath of gas, and their eyes widened, watching this scene in disbelief!

too strong!

Who is this man?

There can be such a fully armed guard!

Wu Desheng, Wu Han and others, squatting on the ground at this moment, holding their heads, are also regretful!

Why did you provoke such a great god!

This is simply looking for death!

Jiang Guochang, hurt yourself!

Immediately following, in the eyes of everyone, Chen Ping looked down at Shen Wenlong on the ground and asked in a cold voice: "Shen Wenlong, do you think my words are still big words now?"

Shen Wenlong got up from the ground at the moment, a cold flash in his eyes, shouted: "Ignorant child! You think that with these two clicks, I will be afraid that you will not succeed?! I am Shen Wenlong, in Shangjiang, there is no such thing as Shen Wenlong. people!"

Shen Wenlong knows that he must not be timid at this time, otherwise, he will definitely lose!

He didn't believe it, how great this boy could be!

Perhaps, just to know some dignitaries and nobles.

Ha ha.

Chen Ping shook his head and knew that an old guy like Shen Wenlong would not easily bow his head, so he said: "Remember what I just said, ten minutes, declare the Long Yue Group bankruptcy."

Shen Wenlong heard the words and frowned, not knowing what medicine was sold in this boy's gourd.

"Oh, young man, you are too arrogant! Long Yue Group is a famous company in Shangjiang, and the company has billions of assets! Why do you say that you are bankrupt?"

Shen Wenlong sneered.

This kid, what on earth is he daring to say?


As soon as Shen Wenlong's words fell, his cell phone rang.

After hesitating for a while, he answered the phone and said in a cold voice, "What are you calling me now?"

Over the phone, there was an anxious voice: "Uncle Wen, what a big deal! You are watching the news!"


Shen Wenlong is suspicious. Chen Ping has opened the mobile video software and tuned to the news channel.

"Emergency broadcast! The Longyue Group of this city was reported that there is corruption and profit transfer within the enterprise, and there is a huge amount of tax evasion and leakage, which has been investigated!"

When this news was broadcast, Shen Wenlong felt that his head was hot and there was a feeling of blood rising!

He took a few steps back, fell to the ground, and the whole person's breathing became short!

How could this be?

Shen Wenlong had already dealt with these problems, how could they still be exploded!


"The latest news from this station, Shen Wenlong, the largest shareholder of Long Yue Group, has been investigated for a gray transaction, and the private villas of Long Yue Group and Shen Wen Long have been blocked."


Shen Wenlong was so scared that his legs were soft, and the whole person sat there languidly, with a dull look!


This is absolutely impossible!

He is Shen Wenlong. He has been preparing for so many years. He has already managed everything. How could he...


He immediately dialed a number, and after a long beep, the phone was connected. He shouted anxiously: "Mr. Wang, what's going on? Why am I being..."

However, before he finished speaking, there was a noisy sound from the end of the phone: "Wang Haili, you are suspected of interest transmission, let's go with us!"


The phone fell to the ground!

Shen Wenlong is already ashamed!


He is completely over!

His retreat is gone!

Immediately afterwards, on the streets all around, the sound of the flute was great!

Shen Wenlong didn't want to be taken away like this, he was so scared that he knelt in front of Chen Ping and kowtowed, begging for mercy: "Mr. Chen, please, please let me go, I'm too old to go in, this in , Died inside."


Chen Ping looked at Shen Wenlong indifferently and said, "Originally, I didn't want to do anything to you. You have to stand up for Wu De, everything is your responsibility!"


This is like a decree that directly sentenced Shen Wenlong's death!

And here, Wu Desheng is already sweating at the moment, he jumped up from the ground, and he was about to run!



A fighter in a black combat uniform kicked directly, kicked Wu Desheng to the ground, and shouted, "Don't move!"

Wu Desheng was terrified.

When Chen Ping walked over, this guy climbed directly to Chen Ping's heel, and then kowtowed for mercy: "Mr. Chen, I was wrong. I was confused for a while. I should not be greedy for money! I should be damn, I should be damn!"

With that said, he was still pumping his mouth.

Chen Ping looked at Wu Desheng with indifferent eyes, full of endless chill, and shouted, "Why do you do this?"

"Yes, Jiang Guochang and Jiang Guosheng brothers, they let me do this, they said, as long as I tied you today and recorded the video, then I can threaten Jiang Wan to sign and take all the shares, I can also get five points."

Under great pressure, Wu Desheng said all of his brain.

Hearing this, Chen Ping was very angry!

Jiang Guochang and Jiang Guosheng, you are really looking for your own way!

Knowing the causes and consequences, Chen Ping didn't want to get entangled anymore, and directly told Zheng Tai: "They, I don't want to see any of them again, you deal with it cleanly!"

"Good Mr. Chen." Zheng Tai replied respectfully.

Looking back at the No. 1 Palace Villa, Jiang Guochang was anxiously pacing back and forth.

Jiang Guosheng also hurried in and yelled, "Second brother, it's not good, something serious happened!"

"What's the matter, people caught?" Jiang Guochang was very anxious.

Jiang Guosheng took a breath and said, "Wu... Wu Desheng lost and was arrested!"

"What? Wu Desheng was arrested?" Jiang Guochang panicked, cold sweat in his head.

"What about Uncle Wen? How about Shen Wenlong?" Jiang Guochang asked nervously again, "Did he not show up?"

Jiang Guosheng said: "He came forward, and even Shen Wenlong was arrested! Now, we are bad!"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Guochang walked in vain, directly fell on the sofa, and said inconceivably: "How could this happen? Shen Wenlong was also arrested? Then... What about Chen Ping? Where are the others?"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a cold drink in the direction of the door:

"Look for me? I'm not invited to come!"

Chen Pingren suddenly appeared at the front entrance of the villa, with all armed combatants behind him!

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