I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 809: , Shock! His identity...

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Soon, ten minutes passed.

There was no movement downstairs.

Jiang Guosheng also stood and looked at the window. The downstairs street, except for a few private cars driving in the past, there was no shadow of any money transporter, not even a personal figure!

He turned around and shook his head to Jiang Guochang: "Second brother, no."

Jiang Guochang immediately patted the armrests with both hands, got up, and laughed at Chen Ping with unbridled laughs, saying: "Chen Xian nephew, how is it, ten minutes have passed, what about your money transport team? What about your 1.6 billion cash? Hahaha !"

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding directors also sarcastically said:

"It's such a laugh to me. It's fun enough to see this drama at night."

"Yeah, when I am old, I can still see such funny things. I will count on this smile in my second half of life. Maybe I can live longer."

"Chen Ping, what about your team? We waited for you for ten minutes."

Everyone's laughter brought out Chen Ping's ignorance.

Jiang Guochang sneered even more, and said: "Chen Ping, it's not too early, we will go back first, you are here waiting for your money transport team slowly, I hope that when we meet tomorrow, you can hold At the time, I think it must be an unprecedented grand event. You hold the sixteen billion, and rescued Jang Kang. Jiang Wan will be very grateful to you, haha."

Jiang Guochang couldn't stop laughing now.

Chen Ping smiled faintly, looked at the clock on the wall, and said, "Come."


Just two words, but all the people in the hall looked suspicious.

Is this **** Chen Ping still struggling to die?

The ridicule on Jiang Guochang's face also turned angry at this moment, shouting: "Chen Ping, we have no time to continue waiting with you, you just wait for Zi Kang to go bankrupt!"

After all, Jiang Guochang shook his hand and would have to leave with people!


At this moment, the downstairs sirens sound, as well as the trampling of leather boots!

For a time, everyone in the hall panicked.

Jiang Guosheng stood in front of the window and immediately looked down and looked down. In an instant, he was dumbfounded!

"Two... Brother, come and see, this..." Jiang Guosheng exclaimed, his face full of shock!

Jiang Guochang glanced at the casual Chen Ping on the sofa, then rushed to the window in a few steps and looked down!

In an instant, he was dumbfounded!

At this moment, downstairs, a dozen red and blue patrol cars flashing, escorting a dozen black modified cash transport vehicles, lined up and stopped at the bottom of the building.

Moreover, two green pickup trucks followed!

In the car, quickly jumped down one by one armed security personnel, all are on standby, and will be alert to the surroundings!

Then, I saw those people, carrying boxes and boxes of money from the money transporter, and went to the building!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Guochang and others were all calm!

How is this possible?

There is really a money transport team!

This is a joke!

Jiang Guochang turned his head to stare at Chen Ping, his face was in a trance, and asked, "This, this money transport team, are you really transferred?"

Chen Ping shrugged and said, "He will come up soon."

As soon as the words fell, the door of the box was pushed open. Zheng Tai first came in and bowed respectfully to Chen Ping sitting on the off-white sofa: "Chen Shao, the money has arrived."

"Come in." Chen Ping said lightly.

Followed, the two carried a large silver box, walked in line, all placed in the entire small hall.

This lasted for more than ten minutes before it was over.

The center of the entire small hall was filled with dozens of large silver boxes.

At this moment, Jiang Guochang all stared at this scene in stunned sight, even if the large silver boxes were neatly placed, they really shocked their senses!

Chen Ping raised his hand and said: "Open all."


Immediately following, each box was opened by the guards who were guarding.

In an instant, the entire hall was filled with the smell of banknotes, and there were dozens of large boxes full of banknotes!

One box, 50 million!

Seeing this, the hearts of Jiang Guochang and others have sunk to the bottom!

Chen Ping, did he actually transfer 1.6 billion?

And in a short time!

This is terrible!

What kind of strength can it achieve?

Jiang Guochang panicked and was terribly afraid!

What kind of monster is he fighting against?

Chen Ping has such strength, why still stay in the Jiang family and suffer scorn and scorn?

"Here, you got them all?" Jiang Guochang still held a skeptical attitude.

However, immediately followed, a middle-aged man in a gray suit hurriedly ran in from the door, very respectfully standing in front of Chen Ping, bending down and bowing his head, said: "Chen Shao, thank you for using Swiss Bank, here is 1.6 billion cash, this is your purple gold black card, please check it."


Everyone was shocked when they heard the Swiss bank.

At this moment, when I saw that the middle-aged man respectfully handed a purple gold and black card to Chen Ping, they all took a breath!

Swiss bank's purple gold black card, that is the highest level bank card!

Savers must have 10 billion dollars in savings!

Moreover, with this kind of card, all major banks in the world are guests and can enjoy the highest level of treatment!

Now, Chen Ping actually owns this purple gold black card!


It's incredible!

Jiang Guochang and others have been completely dumbfounded, this is simply...an unspeakable scene!

Isn't he useless?

Isn't he the bankrupt master of the Chen Group?

Where did he come from with so much money and still have a purple gold black card!

what's the problem?

Jiang Guochang panicked, not only him, but the rest of the board members were even panicked!

Against a person with a purple gold and black card, the end is simply to die!

Such people, in fact, can they be compared?

"Who the **** are you?" Jiang Guochang asked with an angry roar.

Chen Ping put the card away, and then turned his head, with a slight smile, looking at Jiang Guochang said: "Ah, just a waste son-in-law of the Jiang family, why is it strange?"

"Impossible! How could you be just a waste son-in-law, you have a purple gold black card, this card, where did you come from?" Jiang Guochang panicked.

He also knew what it would be like to fight against a person with a purple gold and black card.

Chen Ping chuckled and said, "This card, my own, is there a problem?"


Everyone took a sigh of relief!


How else to play?

Looking at the panicked faces of several of them, Chen Ping smiled and said, "What's wrong with you, your face is so bad, don't worry, this game is just beginning. Tomorrow, I hope to see you at the company's shareholders' meeting. Smiley face, how?"

Chen Ping said that he walked to Jiang Guochang and patted him on the shoulder. "Laugh, don't be embarrassed, or you'll get old soon."

With that said, he stepped up and walked out of the small hall. When he was at the door, he paused and turned back and smiled: "Don't care too much, the good show is still coming."

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