Biquge, the fastest update I don’t want to inherit the latest chapter of trillions of properties!


Everyone took a deep breath, this Chen Ping, the voice was too crazy!

In more than ten minutes, Tan Qifu, who wanted more than 60 billion yuan, was penniless?

Who is he when he is?

Can a billionaire go bankrupt in one sentence?


Is this crazy?

Zhao Haiming was also frightened by Chen Ping's tone, but he quickly reacted with a sneer on his face, saying: "Chen Ping, you are really arrogant enough to say such things without knowing you. Where is the guts!"

Ha ha.

In this way, Chen Ping is a fool.

Li He also sneered twice, and said: "Chen Dong, it seems that you still don't know much about the strength of Tan Qifu's Master Tan, let alone anything else, this is your company. As long as he wants, Master Tan can do it in no time. The full purchase. If you are acquaintance, hurry up and take advantage of Mr. Tan’s mood now, sell it. Otherwise, Mr. Tan is angry, and some means will make your company bankrupt!”

Chen Ping smiled coldly, looking at everyone's mischievous face, and said, "Oh? It seems that you have determined that I will fall under the means of this old Master Tan."

"Oh, that's for sure! Father Tan's reputation and fame in China is many times greater than you don't know!"

"Yes, Mr. Tan casually said, even if it is the whole Shangjiang, it must be shaken!"

"Chen Dong, don't be mistaken. You are still young. Don't be stubborn."

The crowd persuaded, but the expression on his face was full of ridicule.

Su Qing from the side saw this scene, but his face was extremely calm.

She has seen the strength of Chen Ping. Mo said that it was Mr. Tan. Even if there are ten of them, it will not be a problem!

At the same time, Tan Qifu's expression on the other end of the phone grew colder and said lightly: "Chen Dong, I'll just treat you as a joke. Just tell me how much you want to sell your company."

Chen Ping huh, said: "You are a joke, I did not say yes. From now on, countdown, Tan Qifu, everything you have, will slowly become a bubble."


Tan Qifu has never seen such a junior who toasted and ate fines, and immediately shouted: "Chen Dong, are you planning to fight my Tan Qifu?"

Chen Ping said calmly: "I'm sorry, you don't have that qualification yet, you have the ability, you have to pass this level before you talk."


After all, Chen Ping hung up the phone directly.

This scene, in the eyes of Zhao Haiming and others, it is a full provocation!

This guy dared to have such an attitude towards Master Tan!

"Crazy! Chen Ping, you really don't want to live when you talk to Master Tan like this?" Zhao Haiming shouted with a terrified look.

Li He echoed and said: "Zhao Dong, I don't think we need to talk nonsense with him. This guy is determined to do the right thing with us. Since this is the case, it is better to let him understand the relationship between him and us. gap!"

Everyone nodded.

On the other hand, after being hung up by Chen Ping, Tan Qifu looked calm and sneered, "This young man is kind of interesting."

After all, he said to the assistant behind him: "Help me check the details of the Shangjiang errands delivery company and ask a person named Chen Ping. I want to know all his information."


The assistant behind him responded, and quickly made a few calls to get out.

However, only a few minutes after he made this call, he received a call back. After listening to a few words, he was shocked and ran to Tan Qifu's side, saying: "Sir, something happened!"

Tan Qifu is now playing golf, feeling very happy, turning his head to look at the assistant and asking, "What's the matter, so panic?"

The assistant hurriedly said: "I just received a call from the company saying that all of the shipments we shipped abroad had problems and were temporarily detained!"

Hearing this, Master Tan shuddered and asked suspiciously: "How come? Didn't you say hello in advance?"

The assistant said: "It's all old rules, there will be no problems. This time, the other party came to check our goods directly, not the person we directly contacted."

Tan Qifu's face sank, and said: "Don't panic, stabilize the other party first, and inquire about the situation. It may only be a temporary sampling. In addition, notify the company's public relations department to deal with the impact of public opinion on this matter."

With that in mind, Tan Qifu took out his mobile phone and said, "I gave Qian a phone call to ask about the situation, a temporary spot check, why didn't I notify me in advance."

Soon, the phone was connected, and Tan Qifu said in a somewhat unpleasant tone: "Mr. Qian, what's going on? Why is there a problem with several shipments shipped by our company abroad at the same time? Is it a temporary random inspection? Why didn't you notify us in advance? What about me?"

Over the phone, there was a cold hum: "Tan Qifu, please ask yourself for more blessings. This is not a temporary sampling inspection. It is an inspection of your company. You received a report from the relevant person. You are suspected of smuggling. This is directly from the top. I checked it, and I just received the notice."

After hearing this, Tan Qifu panicked and asked with question: "How is this possible? Are you mistaken? Mr. Qian, you must help me inquire about the situation this time. These batches of goods are related to me. My life! This is a tens of billions of goods!"

Tan Qifu is in a hurry!

How can you not worry!

These shipments were shipped abroad by him, and the agreement was signed. If they cannot be delivered in time, or if there is any problem, Tan Qifu will have to compensate tens of billions of dollars!

If he continues to do so, he will not mass produce in an instant!

"Humph! Tan Qifu, it's useless to ask me. As far as I know, you provoke a big figure yourself. Think about it yourself."


After talking, the other party hung up!

Tan Qifu frowned, very worried in his heart, he provoked a great person?

The meaning of President Qian's sentence has been clearly conveyed.

He just made a few more phone calls to ask about the situation, and there hurriedly came over and shouted, "Tan Dong, it's not good, it's not good, our company was sealed up, and they brought people over!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw a group of more than a dozen people, all in black professional suits with golden badges on their chests.

They went straight in. The leading woman, with a ponytail, holding a document in his hand, directly showed Tan Qifu: "Tan Qifu, now, I have received reports from related people, you are suspected of smuggling, please come back with us A trip to cooperate with our investigation."


Completely dumbfounded!

Tan Qifu froze in place, looking at the pedestrian, only one thought flashed in his head.

Just now, that Chen Ping said that he would make himself penniless in the next ten minutes!

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