Biquge, the fastest update I don’t want to inherit the latest chapter of trillions of properties!

Zheng Tai respectfully invited Chen Ping into the car, and a team of vehicles drove straight to the hotel where Jiang Guochang stayed.

At the same time, inside the hotel.

The brothers Jiang Guochang and Jiang Guosheng are in secret talks with several key members of the company.

"What? The person you are looking for failed?" Jiang Guochang looked angry at the moment, pacing back and forth in the suite.

Jiang Guosheng stood aside, sullen his head, full of anxiety and regret, said: "Second brother, rest assured, even if it fails, Chen Ping will not dare to do anything."


Jiang Guochang snorted a few times and said, "You, you, let me say what is good for you? This is the first few times? Can the person you are looking for be reliable? Why do you lose again and again? "

Jiang Guochang died angrily, and his third brother was carrying some ground ruff and rogue on his back to clean up Chen Ping. As a result, he was beaten up by others!

Incompetent bungler!

Jiang Guosheng couldn't hold his face, and said, "Second Brother, it's all my fault. I'll go find some people here and I will definitely teach Chen Ping a lesson!"

After all, Jiang Guosheng turned around and left.

"Okay, don't go. What time is it now? Do you think Chen Ping is such a mindless person? Didn't you see Zheng Tai as his?" Jiang Guochang waved his hands impatiently, and then With a wrinkled eyebrow, he looked at the few present and asked, "Everyone, the situation is now pressing. Our plan has to be prepared in advance. Have you prepared it?"

There are nine people in the suite, except for Jiang Guochang and Jiang Guosheng brothers, there are seven people who swear allegiance to Jiang Guochang.

Of course Kang Rong and Cui Zhengkai are among them.

At the moment, Cui Zhengkai walked proudly with a red wine glass in his hand and said, "Jiang Dong, this matter is not difficult. Since you have something in your hand that is enough to frighten Chen Ping, you should take it out early. If it does, it will not cause the situation today."

"Yes, Jiang Dong, what is the thing in your hands? Can't you trust us a few?"

"Yes, Jiang Dong, the more we delay the day, the situation will be detrimental to us. It is said that I heard news that Zi Kang has already started to contact partners. This is to give them preventive injections."

It is said that Jiang Guochang's face was also sinking, saying: "That ace card, I will not use it unless it is a last resort, we use it for life. If I take it out early in the morning, I will lose its original value."

Everyone heard it and nodded silently.

Kang Rong said: "Jiang Dong, in fact, we don't have to be so nervous, we can move forward. We can see Chen Ping's move, and then we will take the move. Now, you have this trump card in my hand, I think Chen Ping will not easily hit you, we might as well spend it slowly, wait for Chen Ping anxiously, come to us actively."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Guochang's tight expression suddenly relaxed.

Kang Rong is right.

Since he has this trump card in his hand, why is he eager to shoot?

Anxious, it should be Chen Ping.

After all, if the secret came out, Jiang Wan couldn't survive in Shangjiang.

Even in China, Jiang Wan will not be tolerated.

Even Chen Ping will become a rat crossing the street.

After all, the Luo family is taboo!

"You're right, since I have this trump card, I should wait for Chen Ping to come and ask me, ha ha, how do I want to understand now. Well, you really are my think tank division!"

Jiang Guochang laughed and poured a glass of red wine for Kang Rong personally, saying: "Brother Kang, in the future, the development of our company will have to ask you to contribute more."

Kang Rong got up and respectfully said, "This is the right Jiang Dong. It is my honor to be able to solve your worries."

Cui Zhengkai on the side saw this scene, his eyes twisted, his eyes showed a lot of dissatisfaction, and he swallowed the wine in his hand.

Damn Kang Rong, why always grab his own limelight!

"Brother Cui, why don't you be used to the appearance of Kang Rong's hypocrite?" another middle-aged man on one side asked Cui Zhengkai with his elbow.

Cui Zhengkai snorted and said, "I just can't get used to what he seems to be thinking about."

"Oh, I have the same idea as Brother Cui. This Kang Rong, but our enemy, with him in, we want to act in front of Jiang Dong. I am afraid there is no chance."

The man took a sip of the wine route.

Cui Zhengkai twitched his brow, squeezed his fist fiercely, and said, "A Kang Rong is nothing but fear."

"Brother Cui, you are wrong. Now Jiang Dong has paid more attention to him. If we don’t do anything, I’m afraid that it won’t take long for Kang Rong to drive us all out. , We became the dog of the bereavement." The man continued.

Hearing this, Cui Zhengkai's face sank and he glanced at the other person, suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

The man shook his head and didn't make it clear.

This time, Jiang Guochang looked at the time and asked Jiang Guosheng: "Is there any news from Chen Ping?"

Jiang Guosheng shook his head and said: "Not yet, what if he still fights with us?"

"Then put that secret in a stormy city!"

Jiang Guochang looked cold and shouted, "Isn't he loving his wife? I don't believe it. For a little Jang Kang, he can put Jiang Wan's reputation out of business."

Jiang Guosheng nodded and said, "Then, do I need to go to the villa and ask about the situation?"

Jiang Guochang thought for a while and nodded: "Go again and see what he thinks. If he can figure it out, then it would be better. If it's still an arrogant attitude, then we don't need to be merciless!"

"it is good!"

Jiang Guosheng responded that he would walk out of the suite when he turned around.



The door of the confined suite was kicked directly from the outside!

Then, dozens of thugs in black suits broke in!

The lead is naturally Chen Ping, with his hands in his trouser pockets and a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, followed by Zheng Tai.

"Jiang Guochang, I'm here by myself. I don't need him to go to the villa and ask me about my choice."

Chen Ping walked in, his face indifferent, his eyes lingering in chill.

Before Jiang Guosheng reacted, Chen Ping pushed it away.

Chen Ping strode directly to Jiang Guochang, raised his hands and snapped his fingers, saying: "Come in."

As soon as the voice fell, two thugs in black suits brought in a big bell directly from the outside!


This clock fell directly to the ground!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Guochang's complexion changed suddenly, with doubts and chills between his eyebrows, he said angrily: "Chen Ping, what do you mean?"

Chen Ping chuckled and patted the big clock, saying: "I heard that your birthday is two days ago. I will give you a gift in advance and send the clock."

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