I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 863: , Kyushu General Administration

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Lin Xuelan put down her coffee with dignity, raised her eyebrows, looked at Chen Ping, and said with a gentle smile on the corner of her mouth, "Why, don't you welcome me?"

Chen Ping shrugged and said, "It's not unwelcome, but, I always feel that your woman is not simple. Although I have some relationship with you, but I think we still meet less."

Lin Xuelan confessed directly and said frankly: "You feel right, I am not a worrying woman. I was born in such a family. I have learned selfishness since childhood and I have learned a lot of intrigue. Many people have met me. It’s said that I’m a viper, but I don’t think I am, I am just a lamb to be slaughtered.”

Ha ha.

Chen Ping smiled and said, "Compare yourself to a poor lamb. I guess you know who you Lin Xuelan was when I was a kid. There is no need to go around such a big circle between us. I’m determined by my mood."

Lin Xuelan, according to information, Xiangjiang Lin family is the most qualified person to inherit the Lin family, or a woman.

Such a woman, who can stand on top of the Lin family and stand up in such intrigue and strife, must have her rare side and scheming.

Therefore, even if they have this relative, Chen Ping still has to be careful.

After all, the woman is fragrant and the murder knife.

Lin Xuelan smiled, and turned out a card from the Gucci bag he carried. Black, inlaid with gold rims, there were two words written on the front: Kyushu, and the back is a schematic diagram of the geometric symbol of an institution.

Chen Ping was puzzled and frowned, asking, "What does this mean?"

Lin Xuelan said: "People from the Kyushu General Administration sent it to the access card to enter the Kyushu General Administration. Since you and I have reached an agreement, this card will naturally belong to you."

Chen Ping thought about it, picked up the card with black gold borders, and the access card for the Kyushu General Administration.

It seems ordinary, not surprising.

However, Lin Xuelan's next sentence made Chen Ping frown.

"With this card, you can enter or leave any institution in the country, no one can block it, special treatment, of course, exclude some institutions that require advanced permissions." Lin Xuelan smiled, and the charming eyes kept staring at Chen Ping, wanting to see through His heart changed at the moment.

Chen Ping chuckled and put away the card, saying: "I think you are looking for me, not only to send this access card so simple."

Lin Xuelan raised her eyebrows, raised the corner of her mouth, snapped her fingers, bowed before her, and smiled: "Chen Ping, I have to say, you are smart."

"Lin Xuelan, don't forget, nominally, I'm your cousin. You talk to me so big and small, I can cure you a big crime of disrespect." Chen Ping said with a smirk, deliberately ridiculed A sentence.

Lin Xuelan shrugged her shoulders, leaned back on the sofa indifferently, with a lazy posture, she said: "If you want my predecessors to call you uncle, it's not impossible, but I think You won't. Besides, we are now a cooperative relationship. You don't care about this trivial matter, just follow me on the line."

Chen Ping pinched his chin and smiled, "What do you think?"

As soon as this sentence was spoken, the surrounding atmosphere was quickly silenced, and the four eyes met, each speculating.

Lin Xuelan finally giggled, pulled out a small box from the bag, put it on the table, and smiled: "Gift for the unborn child, I hope he can like it."

Chen Ping glanced at the little brocade box and said, "Take it back, I can give what my child wants."

Lin Xuelan did not take it back, but said: "Chen Ping, I think you can still accept this thing, maybe one day, you can save your life."

Chen Ping raised an eyebrow, staring coldly at Lin Xuelan and asked, "What do you mean?"

Lin Xuelan's lips turned upwards, revealing an obscure smile, saying: "I just know something that happens to happen to you. This gift is just a favor you owe me. Remember to give it to me in the future."

Having said that, Lin Xuelan got up and left, just taking two steps, she suddenly looked back at Chen Ping and said, "Tonight, at the Peace Hotel, there is a private party, you are going to attend."

Chen Ping wrinkled his brow and replied, "Don't go."

"Why, don't you want to see someone from the Kyushu General Administration? Don't you want to know what is the relationship between your mother's death and the Kyushu General Administration?" Lin Xuelan smiled.

When Chen Ping heard it, he stood up suddenly, his eyes like a jackal, staring at Lin Xuelan, and asked, "What are you talking about? People in Kyushu General Administration?"

Lin Xuelan nodded and said: "The Kyushu General Administration is looking for people who can enter the door. Do you think that such opportunities will be missed by those of the big family?"

"Chen Ping, a lot of things are not solved by your ability, but by your network and resources. There are many injustices in this world. For example, the qualification selection after entering the door can also make a fuss. The Kyushu General Administration is in The deacons in the Shanghai Division happened to be a kind of insatiable people. The private party tonight is actually the qualifications of major families competing to enter the Kyushu General Administration. If it is measured by money, you think the starting price is How many?"

Lin Xuelan asked with a smile.

Chen Ping frowned, saying, "I don't know."

Lin Xuelan asked herself and answered, "One billion."

Following that, she continued: "Do you know why these people dare to be so unscrupulous?"

Chen Ping did not speak.

Lin Xuelan continued to ask herself and answer: "Because, even if you are now qualified to enter the Kyushu General Administration, it will be wiped out unless you have real contacts and resources and will send you to the final level all the way. And such a family, There are very few. However, the qualification of one billion to study in Kyushu is not a loss for these ordinary families, because they have the asylum of Kyushu."

Chen Ping frowned, staring at Lin Xuelan and asked, "Why do you tell me this?"

Lin Xuelan replied: "Let you have a psychological preparation before, Kyushu is not an unmatched and clean place, the competition there is a hundred times more intense than what you are encountering now. The people there are more than you meet It’s a lot better. Really entering Kyushu, the ones selected are all geniuses, the geniuses out of nothing. And your mother, that year was the most genius and the most amazing among the selected people. Unfortunately, She fell in love with a man who should not love, ruined her life, and ruined Lin."

At the end, Lin Xuelan put on wide sunglasses and glanced at Chen Pingdao: "Remember, don't be late, bring that card, it is a symbol of entering a private party tonight. If you have more to know, please Come on time, I will wait for you."

After all, Lin Xuelan directly turned and left the hotel lobby.

Chen Ping held the black card of the Kyushu General Administration in his hand, and his eyebrows were wrinkled.

What is the relationship between the Kyushu General Administration and the mother?

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