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Ye Fan nodded and said: "Yes, this is only part of the training behind the door. When you enter, you will see all kinds of talents. Some of them will control the flames, some will control the water waves, and some Some can float, some can control the thunder, and others can be teleported. These are based on the potential of their own excitation, that is, the qi and potential developed in you, and carry out different targeted training."


Chen Ping was shocked, controlling the flames and water waves?

This is not exactly the same as those guys in the Avengers.

Control the energy of matter?

Seeing Chen Ping's appearance, Ye Fan smiled and said, "Don't be too surprised, this world is much more complicated than you want. Some people were struck by lightning, and it was a big hit. The Kyushu General Administration detected it afterwards. People who are born are close to the power of Thunder. Some people are more imaginative than ordinary people. Such people have superior spiritual strength. Some people are amazed by their bones. They are born to be martial arts... too many, All the guys you see that are different from ordinary people are the release of their own potential. Once you have completed the teaching and training, you can control the physical and energy bodies around you."


Chen Pingchang exhaled, followed by the burning eyes and asked, "What kind of potential are you?"

Ye Fan chuckled, leaned back on the sofa lazily, and said, "I, Almighty."



Chen Ping almost spurted out the old blood and scolded: "Do you not die if you step on a horse?"

Ye Fan laughed twice, then looked at the time, and said: "Oops, the time agreed with Lin Xiaoniu is coming, or else, I'll go first?"

Chen Ping looked ugly and asked: "Last time you reminded me not to believe Lin Xuelan, why are you so serious with her?"

"Sorry? Brother, I don't like to listen to you, we are true love!" Ye Fan was excited and shouted.

Chen Ping was speechless and glanced at Ye Fan, saying: "I'm going back too."

Having said that, the two got up and prepared to leave.

However, it was not a coincidence that at this time, several men and women dressed in bright and fashionable fashions swaggered and came over with arrogant attitudes.

"Yo, you are Chen Ping? That talent selected by the Lin family?"

Headed by a second generation of Huang Maofu wearing earrings, he reached out and pushed a handful of Chen Ping, teasing his eyes.

Chen Ping frowned, looking at the group of young men and women in front of Sa Huan'er, and said, "Sorry, I don't know you."

Hey, he is leaving.

But the second generation of Huang Maofu was a wave of arrogant attitude, shouting slightly drunk: "Stop him!"

A few friends immediately stopped Chen Ping and Ye Fan.

Then, the second generation of Huang Maofu looked at Chen Ping with a sneering face and said, "You don't know me, but Lao Tzu knows you. Today, I have seen you at the Peace Hotel. I can't figure it out, you are like this. , Can actually be valued by the Lin family? I want to see if you have three heads and six arms."

With that said, the second generation of Huang Maofu also pulled Chen Ping.

Chen flattened and pushed away, the guy didn't stand firm, and fell directly on the ground!

In an instant, several men and women hurried to the past and helped the second generation of Huang Maofu.

"Lying trough! How dare you do to our brother Hao?"

"Your kid is dead! Our brother Hao is the younger master of the Du family! Does the Du family know? The biggest Du family in Chuzhou!"

"Grass! Dry this boy, just die!"

A group of people, pointing at Chen Ping, began to scold constantly.

Chen Ping's eyes were cold, and he turned his head to look at Ye Fan's side of the eyes. He seemed very calm, with a helpless expression on his face.

Then Du Hao got up from the ground, pushed away from the crowd, stared at Chen Ping angrily, and said, "Grass! Do you dare to push me? Do you know who this young master is? My name is Du Hao, Du's Du! Du family in Chuzhou! I want you now, kneel down and apologize to me, and lick the shoe uppers for Lao Tzu! Otherwise, I will let you not see the sun of tomorrow!"

Du Hao is angry!

I am the young master of the Du family, but I was pushed down by a cock, which is so shameful!

This is his golden ass!

Chen Ping's face changed, and his expression dimmed. Looking at Du Hao, who yelled at himself in front of him, he asked: "Are you from the Du family?"

Du Hao immediately sneered with a terrible face, and said, "Why, know my Du family's prestige? Ha ha, boy, don't hurry down and apologize to Master Ben, and then give up your quota!"

Du Hao is very arrogant at the moment, and the name of the Du family spread throughout Chuzhou!

Who dares to disrespect the Du family?

That is to die!

Although he is a young master of the Du family, he is also a member of the Du family!

Push him?

That would be equivalent to pushing the Du family!

The rest of the young men were sneering at the moment, and said, "Boy, Brother Hao has spoken, you don't have to kneel down and apologize!"

"That is, standing there like a fool, why, and we still can't do it for you?"

Chen Ping shook his head helplessly and asked, "Who are you Du Miao?"

Du Miao?

Du Hao instantly shivered when he heard this, followed by a look of fear in his eyes, stuttered and asked, "You, do you know my cousin?"

It turned out to be his cousin.

Chen Ping understood and replied: "Let's know it."

Hearing this, Du Hao instinctively panicked and glanced at his friends.

Du Miao's fierceness, he had seen it with his own eyes.

Is this guy a friend of Du Miao?

"Brother Hao, don't panic, I think it's the kid who fooled it! How can a guy like him know him."

"Yes, Brother Hao, it must be from where he heard it, nonsense, and wanted to scare us."

For a time, several people said this to Du Hao, while staring at Chen Ping more resentfully, shouting:

"Boy, do you think the name of Du Miao will be raised, and our brother Hao will be afraid that you will not succeed?"

"That's it! Our brother Hao is the younger master of the Du family and the grandson loved by the Du family!"

"Du Miao? Ha ha, in front of our brother Hao, then we have to bow our heads and call Master Hao!"

Several guys spare no effort to tout Du Hao and blow him into the sky.

Du Hao panicked, he was the most grandson of Du Du's favorite pet.

When he saw Du Miao, he would shout respectfully Master Young Miao!

Du Miao's status in the Du family, that is the treatment of the prince!

But now, Du Hao has been so high, if he counsels, he will lose face.

Simply, Du Hao sneered twice, ripped his clothes, and put on a arrogant look of whoever he is, saying, "Yes, I am the most favored young master of the Du family, you kid, just for you just now Push me, and disrespect me, apologize!"

Du Hao's face is steady, but in fact he panicked.

Chen Ping's eyes were cold and he followed, "What if I don't apologize?"

Du Hao immediately said with anger: "No apology? Then I will make you lose your limbs, and then sink you! In this case, the Lin family will also choose talents again."

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