I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 890: , Thorough investigation!

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A bright red blood!

Fang Lele stunned on the carpet!

Covered with blood!

For a moment, there was a heart-breaking cry in the suite: "Lele, Lele!"

Jiang Wan had already reacted from the panic at the moment, and immediately hurriedly helped her stomach to run!

Chen Ping squatted on the ground quickly, placed his hand between Fang Lele's nose, and explored the breath, still breathing.

At the same time, several bodyguards in black suits were already standing in front of the suite, and they were frightened by the scene in front of them!

Fortunately, Mrs. Chen is fine.

Chen Ping hugged Fang Lele from the princess on the ground, looked at Jiang Wan, and shouted at several bodyguards: "Immediately contact the nearest hospital, and, notify Weng Bai, let him send additional staff, block the entire hotel, and make sure that his wife Safe!"

"Yes, Mr. Chen!" Several bodyguards nodded solemnly, followed by hitting 120 hitting 120, contacting Weng Bai's contact Weng Bai.

Chen Ping, already holding Fang Lele, turned and left.

Jiang Wan stood at the door of the suite and looked at the departing Chen Ping, shouting, "I'm going too!"

"Madam, for your safety, please stay here." Several bodyguards stopped Jiang Wan and persuaded.

Jiang Wan had no choice but to cry in silence, praying in her heart: Lele, you will be fine.

At the same time, Weng Bai, who received friends and handled things in Shanghai, has received calls from his men.

"What? Someone attacked the hotel? Also seriously injured Fang Lele? Madam Chen, is there anything wrong with Madam?!"

At the moment, Weng Bai, who was accompanying several friends in a restaurant, received a call from his men and jumped up from the seat immediately, looking shocked!

Something went wrong!

Someone dared to attack the hotel!

Weng Bai's cold sweat in his head!

He didn't care to say goodbye to some friends, he left the restaurant and ran all the way to the hospital.

Inside the hospital, Chen Pian was cold, standing outside the operating room.

Weng Bai trot all the way to Chen Ping and bowed: "Chen Shao, I'm a little late, is Miss Fang okay?"

Chen Pinghan coldly shook his head and shook his head and said, "We are rescuing."

After all, he looked heavy and looked at Weng Baidao: "Immediately find out who moved the hand!"

Weng Bai was terrified at the moment, because, from Chen Ping's body and the chill that he had shown in his eyes at the moment, he understood that Chen Shao was angry!

Although Fang Lele is just an ordinary woman, Weng Bai understands that Chen Ping has recognized her as a dry sister.

Now she is actually rescuing! I am afraid to go to Shanghai... No, even the entire Qinhuai area will have an earthquake!

Weng Bai bowed his head and said, "Understood, I'll check it!"

Having said that, he immediately contacted his capable officer.

It didn't take long for a man in a leather jacket to appear in the hospital. The man's face was dull and he looked fierce.

His name is Chai Ba. He was recruited by Weng Bai. He used to work in a related organization and was engaged in professional follow-up investigation!

However, because of a case, in order to punish a murderer who escaped the law, he broke the rules and was expelled.

Then, he met Weng Bai and had been following Weng Bai for five years.

There are many ways for people.

In his words, he is responsible for things that the law cannot.

He is not a hero, just to give an account of his conscience and faith.

Weng Bai briefly introduced Chen Ping to Chen Ping, who also bowed to Chen Ping respectfully: "Chen Shao."

Chen Ping nodded, and Weng Bai immediately told Chaiba about the situation.

After listening, Chaiba squeezed his chin and said, "The hotel should be monitored. I immediately went to the hotel to investigate and check to see if anything was found."

In less than ten minutes, Chaiba rushed back from the hotel and told Chen Ping: "Chen Shao, it has been found. This is a surveillance video of the perpetrator."

Followed, Chaiba opened the mobile video.

Inside is the surveillance video at the entrance of the hotel's Jiang Wan Suite.

The two guys ran to the door and clashed with several bodyguards, then the bodyguard chased them out.

Soon after, Chen Ping came out.

It was then that a group of people wearing masks sneakily appeared at the door, followed closely, the suite door opened, and Fang Lele appeared at the door.

Then, the leader of the group of people, holding a baseball bat in his hand, shone a stick on Fang Lele's head!

Then, when Chen Ping arrived, the group ran away.

Seeing this, Chen Ping squeezed his fist resentfully and took a deep breath, his eyes chilling!

He has recognized that this group of people are Du Hao and Wang Gui who had conflicted with themselves in the bar before!

Unexpectedly, his soft-heartedness actually hurt Fang Lele!

Moreover, it can be seen that they should have targeted themselves, but after they came out, they set the target in the suite!

At this moment, Chen Ping felt scared!

If there is no Fang Lele, then Jiang Wan may fall in the pool of blood, and Jiang Wan is now in the rescue room!

Damn it!

Du Hao, Wang Gui!

Damn you!

At this moment, a low voice came from not far away, and a patrol directly said: "Are you a victim's family? My name is Han Guan. From now on, Fang Lele's case will be handed over to us. Now."

When Chen Ping looked sideways, he saw a middle-aged man with a Chinese face and thick eyebrows in a uniform.

He frowned slightly and asked, "How did you come here?"

Then Han Guan glanced at Chen Ping, and respectfully stood beside him Weng Bai and Chai Ba.

Immediately, Han Guan was shocked!

Weng Bai, he knows it!

One of the three heroes on the Shanghai underground!

He is actually here, and looking at the situation in front of him, he has great respect for the young man in front of him.

This is not what surprised Han Guan, what surprised him even more is that Chaiba is also there!

Han Guan knew the name of Chai Ba, and he has always admired such a man!

However, I heard later that he had done things with Weng Bai. He thought it was a rumor, but he didn't expect it to be true.

In this way, the identity of the young man in front of him cannot be underestimated.

With Weng Bai and Chai Ba as companions, it is enough to see that his status is very high.

Therefore, Han Guan did not take Chen Ping's attitude to heart, saying: "I received a report saying that there was a deliberate injury, and we came to investigate. Please also cooperate with a few."

Chen Ping frowned and looked at Chaiba. Chaibar immediately explained: "I didn't notify the relevant personnel."

Following that, his eyebrows narrowed and said, "This should be reported by them, they don't want us to intervene, and, in doing so, they seem to be very confident in the subsequent treatment, and don't worry about the intervention of relevant personnel at all."

When Chen Ping heard it, his eyebrows narrowed, and he already understood what Chaiba meant.

Du Hao, want to solve it through normal ways, not let himself intervene.

In this way, he can have room for operation.

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