I Do Not Want to Inherit the Family Fortune

Chapter 895: , The price of 50 billion

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This scene directly let all the medical staff in the Shanghai Hospital be shocked!

so horrible!

The people in front of me are all the figures in the domestic medical profession. At this moment, they all bowed to the young man in front of them with respect.

The lineup and configuration of such a group of medical personnel is almost difficult to find the second one in China, and above the head is the hovering helicopter!

For a time, the medical staff were full of awe and suspicious of Chen Ping's eyes.

The identity of the young man in front of him is definitely not trivial.

He was so ordinary, where the strength came from, in such a short period of time, he gathered such a group of medical giants.

Looking back at Chen Ping, he left the hospital and appeared in Weng Bai's office.

Weng Bai stayed awake all night and didn't dare to sloppy at all, because Fang Lele had something wrong, he didn't dare to carelessly, he had already dispatched all his brothers to hunt down the city, and only then caught Wang Gui and others.

Moreover, he is still troubled by Du Hao's affairs.

After all, the other party has fled to Shanghai and went straight to Chuzhou.

If this were to return to Chuzhou, his Weng Bai would be unmatched.

The water in Chuzhou is too deep for him to intervene.

Although he Weng Bai was one of the three underground heroes in Shanghai, compared to Chuzhou, it was nothing but a big one.

Chen Ping was standing in front of the large window at the moment, standing hand in hand, looking at the neon night scene outside the window.

Weng Baili stood behind Chen Ping, with a serious face, and said one by one: "Chen Shao, the water in Chuzhou is too deep, and the Du family is also an old big family in Chuzhou. Its power is in Chuzhou. It is second to none, and I am afraid that it is difficult to capture Du Hao by our present means."

Chen Ping frowned, the glass reflected his face, very ugly, said: "how to say?"

Weng Bai immediately explained: "Chuzhou is different from Shanghai, Chuzhou is a large area, which is in charge of eight urban areas, and Chuzhou has been a big town since ancient times. It is an ancient city with a thousand years of history, with many families and places. Haoqiang, even now, the Chu family is related to each other. And this Du family has been a big family in Chuzhou since ancient times, and it is also the largest family with a surname. It has a strong clan color. Although Du Hao is just a side branch of the Du family, but after all, he is also a descendant of the Du family, and his bones are still connected with tendons. If we target Du Hao, the Du family will never sit by and ignore.

After listening to this sentence, Chen was flat and said with a sneer: "You mean, if we want to capture Du Hao back, we will inevitably have conflicts with the Du family? At that time, we may also be with the entire Chu State is the enemy?"

"Yes, Shao Chen, although this is unlikely, it is difficult to say, after all, none of us understand the meaning of the Du family." Weng Bai said solemnly.

It can be heard that Weng Bai did not want Chen Ping to offend the entire Du family in Chuzhou in order to deal with a Du Hao.

In that case, there are too many dangerous factors.

This is not as simple as dealing with individuals and companies. Chuzhou’s families have complicated relationships. If you deal with one, you will probably jump out of seven or eight. If you deal with seven or eight, maybe, in the end To deal with the entire Chuzhou family!

However, after hearing this sentence, Chen Ping said indifferently: "Okay, I know everything."

Having said that, he took out his cell phone and dialed Qiao Fugui's phone, coldly saying: "Old Qiao, help me contact Du Hao's father."

"Good young master, I will arrange this." Qiao Fugui immediately agreed.

Soon, Qiao Fugui found Du Hao's father's phone number and passed it to Chen Ping.

Without hesitation, Chen Ping directly dialed the other party's number.

The phone was quickly connected, but the person on the other side of the phone, with a puzzled voice, asked, "Who are you? How could I have my private phone?"

"Du Qifeng, my name is Chen Ping." Chen Ping said lightly.

"Chen Ping? I don't know. Did you make a mistake?" Du Qifeng at the other end of the phone heard this sentence, frowning, and wanted to hang up.

But Chen Ping's next sentence made him stunned, "Your son Du Hao injured my dry sister, and has now fled back to Chuzhou."

"Du Hao?"

Du Qifeng frowned.

He just contacted his son and learned that he was in trouble in Shanghai and injured a female nanny. He didn't think it was a big deal, so he didn't ask much.

But now, the other brother's brother actually came to the door, and he can still find his private phone in such a short time, which means that the other party's power is not small.

It seems that this matter is not simple.

After thinking for a while, Du Qifeng said, "It turns out that this is the case. My son really started to do the wrong thing, but he did something wrong. However, young people will inevitably be impulsive. Since this is the case, I am a father. It will definitely be fully responsible. So, you can put forward any compensation you want, as long as I can do it, it will satisfy you, how?"

Du Qifeng always spoiled his son.

Now that things have reached this point, he naturally wants to take all the blame for his son.

It's just money.

Some of the Du family is.

As long as the other party doesn't pursue it, millions, he can still afford it.

However, the only thing he ignored was that he didn't know Chen Ping's temper and details, thinking that the Du family's name could overwhelm everything.

After hearing Du Qifeng’s words, Chen Ping smiled coldly, bursting cold into his eyes, staring at the neon night scene outside the window and saying, “Since you want to be private, then my condition is also very simple, let Du Hao now Just roll back to Shanghai!"

With this sentence spoken, Du Qifeng walked silently on the other side of the phone.

He looked slightly cold, and did not expect the young man on the phone to be so arrogant!

After a long while, Du Qifeng said one by one: "Haoer is still young, and he will make mistakes when he is young. There is no need to chase after such a trivial matter. And, you should give him a chance to change, you Being able to find my private phone in such a short time means that you are not an ordinary person, so I’ll compensate you for 5 million, this is the end, he just hit your sister with a baseball bat For a moment, it's nothing. Five million is a lot. You should learn to give in."

However, Chen Ping on the phone, but his face was unusually ugly, especially those eyes, with a fearful look, cold voice and said: "Five million? You now let Du Hao roll back, Lao Tzu gave You are 50 billion! I only want his life, how?"

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