I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 429: ask

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"Of Dew... No, Leo, have you received the book of analysis of the channel circle?" The Lord of Knowledge asked when they met.

"I have received it, thank you for your help, it helped me a lot. This time I came here, besides thanking you, I also want to ask two things." Leo thanked him sincerely and explained his intentions at the same time.

"Oh? Tell me, if I knew it, I would not hide it." The Lord of Knowledge was very happy. The process of the Nagqu star battle has spread, and it is naturally pleasant to have friendship with such a strong man.

Leo pondered for a moment and said: "The first thing, the scorpion spirit flower is known from you. I want to find out where it once appeared. Second, the channel circle I gave you belongs to a fixed location. I don’t know you. Is there a channel array where anchors are used? It's best to pass through the turbulence of time and space."

The Lord of Knowledge shook his head and said: "I can give you the location where the scorpion spirit flower once appeared. There are also things that are teleported by anchors, although they are not tunnel formations. However, there is no one that can pass through the turbulent flow of time and space, otherwise, A large number of demigods who are about to end their lifespan have already gone to the wild and confiscated gods."

Leo pondered for a moment, thinking it made sense. He thought for a while and asked, "Do you know the gate of time and space?"

"... I know that it is a very special treasure. Not many people know it, but it has the ability to let people travel through the turbulence of time and space. However, in the age of the gods, the turbulence of time and space is only the most desolate at the edge of the void. It’s only there. It’s not of much value. I don’t know whose hands it fell into. Since the battle of the gods, the uninterrupted war of gods has broken the wild periphery into a turbulent flow of time and space. At this time, someone wants to find time and space. The gate of time is no longer found.” The Lord of Knowledge is worthy of being a knowledgeable person, who actually explained the origin of the gate of time and space like a few treasures.

Leo pondered for a while and realized that there were only two roads back to the wild.

One, get the special artifact of the endless dragon master. But don't even think about it and know that the endless dragon master will definitely not lend to Leo, so unless he can kill him, it's impossible to get it.

Second, find a way to return to the underworld fragment, and then return to the wilderness through the gate of time and space.

"What is the specialty of the endless dragon master? I mean besides being able to travel through the turbulence of time and space." Leo frowned and asked.

"In addition to being able to travel through the turbulence of time and space, Infinite Wings also has super defense and extreme speed. One piece is worth two artifacts. In addition to the attack, he is one of the most difficult to kill. "The Lord of Knowledge vaguely guessed what Leo was thinking, and replied solemnly.

"Feihe Defense? One of the hardest to kill?" Leo frowned, thinking for a while and completely gave up the idea of ​​thinking about the endless dragon.

The key is that this product can go to the wild, which means that if the sneak attack fails, Leo himself is not afraid, but it will bring disaster to the human race and family, and can only choose to give up.

Hopefully, Leo asked, "...So, is there any place where evil spirits gather in the void, or hallucinogenic ghost generals..." While reminiscing, he recalled what he saw in the evil ghost cave. Wen whispered.

The Lord of Knowledge usually looks strange when he hears it. After Leo finished speaking, he solemnly said: "Everything you said is very similar to the Death Star Region. It is indeed the ruins of at least three kingdoms of God in the Underworld. There are many differences. The laws of the kingdom are mixed. With the spread of death, there are countless terrifying death monsters in it, some left over from the beginning, and some born later. Even I dare not pass. It is a famous Jedi in the void."

"...Are there evil spirits and ghost generals?" Leo asked heavily.

"Yes, and it's on the periphery, otherwise no one can come back alive and tell others." The Lord of Knowledge replied.

"So, did the survivors say that there is a weird vortex that **** people away?" Leo narrowed his eyes and asked the key question.

"...Death vortex, a unique phenomenon in the Death Star Region, randomly appearing everywhere in the Death Star Region, very unstable, I have seen a lot of people, and a lot of people have been sucked away, but I have come back... I haven't heard yet. Said it." The Lord of Knowledge replied immediately.

Isn't this the weird vortex that sucked him into the underworld fragments in the first place? Leo was overjoyed, nodded gratefully to the Lord of Knowledge, changed the subject, and asked where the scorpion spirit flower appeared.

"I can't remember this, come with me." The Lord of Knowledge took Leo to the Temple of Knowledge, pulled out all the records of the Scorpion Spirit Flower from the pile of old papers, and asked Leo to copy a copy.

"Sure enough, scorpion spirit flowers have also appeared in the scorpion poison star. Other places are just rumors." Leo turned over for a while, put away the record thoughtfully, and asked the Lord of Knowledge. After thanking him, he returned to the City of Thousand Stars.

He found some books in the City of Thousand Stars to verify the claim of the Lord of Knowledge, and then returned to the Scorpion Venom Star through the Star Gate.

"The only people who can really prove that the scorpion spirit flower are obtained are the Purple Wist Plain, Qianyun Peak and Desperate Hills~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Other places are some unrecognizable legends. But Qianyun Peak and Despair Hills are poisonous everywhere. The scorpion poison star is also a terrifying Jedi, and there shouldn't be too many people going there, so we should start with these two places first."

Choosing a destination, Leo flew to Qianyun Peak at a super fast speed, landed on the ground and began to slowly search for it.

As time passed bit by bit, Leo had searched Qian Yunfeng for half a year, but he still found nothing. It was accidentally discovered that some people, although their own strength was insufficient, but with the help of special high-level starships to resist the clouds that Qianyunfeng corroded everything, ventured into Qianyunfeng to search for them.

"This scorpion poison star is also very lively." Leo glanced at these star ships from a distance, and did not do anything.

Anyway, there are insect soldiers everywhere. Although Qian Yunfeng can kill even the insect soldiers below Leo level 7, there are 500 insects above level 7 in the worm nest army. Sooner or later, he will find this place.

"Five hundred million insect soldiers, for the entire Scorpion Venom Star." After half a year, Leo still did not find the Scorpion Spirit Flower, and finally lost his patience and left and flew towards the desperate hills.

The Desperate Hills is different. Although they can also poison the insect soldiers below the seventh level, they have long been discovered. There are ten seventh-level insect soldiers wandering in the desperate hills, and they will respectfully avoid them when they see Leo.

In this way, it was another six months, and Leo still did not find the Scorpion Spirit Flower.

"Does the scorpion spirit flower really have spirituality?" Leo thought in surprise for a while, and had to leave the desperate hills to try his luck in the purple mist plain.

As soon as he entered the Purple Mist Plain, messy footprints and wheel traces appeared on the ground, and a faint sound of fighting came from the front.

"Someone is fighting with my insect soldiers?" Leo frowned slightly, already feeling that a large number of insect soldiers were gathering there.

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