I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 649: First wish

"I don't know, there is no record in that record. In addition, this situation is very wrong. The travel records I have seen are scattered around the ancient city of Lou Meng. How can there be three in the same place?" Ai Te expression Unexpected answer.

The people in the Tulip Kingdom suddenly became serious.

"Maybe your guess is correct. The ancient city of Lou Meng hasn't been discovered for too long. As a result, after a long time, the sand monsters in it have been promoted, and even level seven!"

"That's not necessarily. Dark gold doesn't necessarily represent level seven, maybe it's a special state of level six?" Aite was obviously unwilling.

At this time, the dark golden sand monster also saw the people in the Tulip Kingdom, glanced at them, and seemed unwilling to leave the three wishing fruits around him, and did not act abnormally.

"Three uncles, such a powerful monster, let's not mess with it. Didn't we say that there are ten Wishing Fruits? Let's find a few others." A tender voice interjected.

The three brilliant powerhouses looked at each other and replied together: "His Royal Highness is right. Let's go elsewhere and continue searching."

The people of the Tulip Kingdom avoided the dark golden sand monsters, immediately changed directions and walked to other locations. Leo let out a sneer secretly and followed them silently.

In the next few hours, Leo saw their tacit cooperation and exquisite killing methods, and saw two other dark golden sand monsters on the detour, and naturally saw the other six wishing fruits.

At this point, everyone in the Tulip Kingdom stopped fighting and stayed far away from the third dark golden sand monster.

"Savannah, what should I do?" Guri, who had been in doubt, looked at the brilliant female powerhouse.

"It's no wonder we haven't found it. The original ten fruits, nine of them are here. Gu Li, I'm afraid we don't have too many choices, we have to try it." Savannah said blankly.

"Try it? What if it is level seven, even if it is a farmer with only level seven strength, the person who tries it will be dead." Guri raised objections.

The people of the Tulip Kingdom fell silent for a while.

In this team, except for the three princes, everyone else is either brilliant or brilliant. In the Tulip Kingdom of the seventh-level nightmare era, they are the absolute high-levels of the kingdom, and each of them is a powerful figure. In other words, if you take the risk of sacrificing this kind of thing, they have always been the only ones instructing others to do it.

As for the remaining three princes. . . Just kidding, this is not someone who can take a risk.

"I knew we should bring a few Slave Beasts with Slave Beast Crystal." A brilliant knight patted his thigh in annoyance.

"Don't dream. Facing the seventh-level sand monster, do you think the fifth-level alien beast is stupid? If you dare to order it to die, it will immediately rebel, believe it or not?" Another brilliant knight sneered and pointed out the problem.

"Okay, well, this assumption goes without saying. The question we should consider now is... How to verify the strength of that dark sand monster?" Savannah stopped the argument and raised the most critical question.

A group of people became silent again.

The gap between level 7 and level 6 is too big. If level 6 is still a powerful person who can come and go vertically and horizontally, reaching level 7 and mastering the particle fission technique will have the ability to turn rivers and seas with every gesture, which can be described as a moving nuclear bomb. The problem is that this kind of nuclear bomb can freely control its power and concentrate it on a certain weapon or a spell, which is terrifying.

After watching for a while, Leo had determined that they would not be able to take risks. With a move in his heart, he sneaked close to the people in the Tulip Kingdom, hid in a room near them, took out the piercing magic bow and a piercing magic arrow, bent the bow and set the arrow, aimed The dark golden sand monster shot out with one arrow.

Everyone in the Tulip Kingdom was stunned for a moment, and a ripple violently broke out on the dark golden sand monster, and the piercing arrow was shot out all of a sudden.

"Oops!" The expressions of everyone in the Tulip Kingdom changed. While running away, a few spells and swordslight passed Leo's hiding hut, blasting it into powder.

However, there was no one inside.

"How is it possible!" After a few unbelievable yells, a roar of unbelievable emotions in anger suddenly sounded, and the dark golden sand monster no longer cares about the wishing fruit, and chases after the people who fled in all directions.

"Aite, Guri, I'll lead him away, you take your Highness and run away." Savannah floated into the air, pointing his staff at the dark golden sand monster in the distance to spark a fireball, and then fleeing to the right.

The sand monster was hit by a fireball, and his intelligence was low, and he screamed and chased Savannah.

At this moment, a young prince pointed at the wishing fruit and yelled: "It is him, he is the one who harmed us!" With the words, everyone in the Tulip Kingdom focused on a person wearing a dark cloak. .

Seeing that everyone in the Tulip Kingdom saw him, Leo smiled at them, not panicking at all.

Before, they were afraid to provoke the dark golden sand monster, and they stood a mile away from the wishing fruit, and they would not be able to rush for a while. What's more, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Under the threat of Dark Sand Monsters, if they dare to rush over, Leo will let them know what despair is.

Leo quickly ignored them, reached out and took a wishing fruit and held it in his hand, whispering, "I hope to improve all my talents!"

It stands to reason that wishing to be promoted to level 6 is the best choice. But Leo's current environment is obviously impossible for him to be promoted leisurely. Even if the wishing fruit can make him break through, but without a stable time, the ending will be the same as the original underground cave, falling again. So Leo can only make other wishes.

As Leo's voice fell, the wishing fruit lighted up, and soon dimmed. In this way, it seemed that he had done something beyond his ability, and became lifeless.

"Unexpectedly?" Leo was surprised, and was very disappointed with the ability of this wishing fruit, guessing that it might be too demanding or lack of certain conditions for upgrading his talent? He dropped this wishing fruit, immediately picked another one, held it in his hand, and said loudly: "I make a wish to improve or integrate any of my talents without affecting my actions."

In today's situation, if he is really unconscious and unconscious, it is purely seeking death, which is a hundred times worse than the outcome of being raised to the sixth level but having no time for a quiet and stable state.

The wishing fruit in Leo's hand lit up, and then he felt countless weird runes appearing on his hands and skin. In the spiritual space, the illusion of the learned tribe and the illusion of the mystery goblin slowly merged together, becoming a never-seen-before-seen illusion. The weird goblin illusion.

More importantly, although this step of fusion gave Leo a groggy feeling, it did not make him lose consciousness.

At this time there is the last wishing fruit left. Leo raised his head and glanced at the jealous and resentful gazes of everyone in the Tulip Kingdom, remembering the restriction that each person can only make a wish once in his life, and his heart flashed.

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