I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 665: Cost and guidance

Leo watched him concentrate on reading, suddenly his heart moved, and he took out an experiment book and handed it over.

The old man read the book carefully, and after a long time he looked up at Leo and found the book in front of him. He took it indifferently and took a few glances. His eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Leo with a little surprise and said, "Artificial essence? If the record is true, it is useless for the strong, but it is useful for the entire human race. Extraordinary. If it can be extended to various departments, the importance of this experiment can even squeeze into the top 100 of the greatest achievements of mankind."

For eight years, Leo has absorbed everything that can be learned, and this book is no exception. At this moment, he heard the words and smiled: "Elders, you can see it, but it is not easy. It is equivalent to exchanging high-level crystal marrow above level 7 for low-level essence, and the significance is not as significant as you think."

The old man quietly began to browse quickly, Leo waited patiently. After a long time, the old man shook his head and sighed, "It is true. It is a kind of exchange that must consume more pure energy. But you are wrong. This thing is still very meaningful, but it cannot be popularized on a large scale. It can only become another resource for the rapid promotion of young people with backgrounds."

Leo had guessed this a long time ago, and his expression was a little sad. Because the background here does not include him who is unable to provide the seventh-level crystal marrow on a large scale.

"Let's talk, what else is there? Because this experiment is very important, I allow you to ask three questions."

Leo was overjoyed and thought for a while and said: "Elder, the first question I want to know is, if there is a foreign race, he has a soul, a consciousness, and a spirit, but he has two bodies. And his The power gained through cultivation can be transferred between the two bodies at will, so I want to ask, can he break through the only limit of the seventh level?"

The old man pondered for a moment, and considered his words and said: "If you want to answer this question, you must know what level 7 is. Whether it is our human race or other alien races, if you want to be promoted to level 7, the only key is to control the life particles. According to the highest mystery, the world The body of all life is composed of life particles. When we sense life particles, and the power of our own cultivation is combined with life particles, it is when we are promoted to the seventh level."

Leo already knows this concept and waits silently for the follow-up.

"Although life particles are real, they are too small, far exceeding the limit of our perception, and many times more subtle than the superfine energy pulse. When we break through the seventh level, all we can do is to use some method or luck. Perceive it for a moment, and then combine the power of self-cultivation with it before the perception does not degenerate. This is a chain reaction. Once it starts, it cannot be stopped until the life particles and power of all the bodies are combined, and our perception begins to increase. The amplitude has been increased, and the fission life particles have been released, and the terror power that is ten times more powerful than the sixth level is released. It is considered to have completed the promotion."

chain reaction? Leo faintly felt the key to the problem.

Sure enough, he solemnly concluded: "So, if there are two bodies, because the life particles have completely different attributes, theoretically the chain reaction will automatically stop after the life particles in one body are combined with the forces in the body, and there is no effect on the second body. Influence, there is the only possibility of breaking through the seventh level. Of course, I have not seen the kind of alien you mentioned, these are just speculations based on their own knowledge."

Leo pondered for a moment, basically agreeing with his guess, thinking about it for a while and asking: "Senior, my second question is the secret of Shuiyun City."

"That place, a lot of people have been in, if at the sixth level, ten people can survive about half, and the danger is not bad. It is said that there is a mysterious heart of the ocean, if you can find it, you can temporarily control the current. The ability of this kind of manipulation is the smallest possible to manipulate the water flow at the water particle level."

The old man took a look at Leo when he said that, and touched his beard and continued: "So some people are whimsical and use this temporary state to manipulate the water particles in the body to induce a chain reaction, which will spread to all levels and help break through the seventh level. Twenty percent. But the key to Shuiyun City is very rare. In addition, I would like to say that even if you have the key, it is best not to take tricks at the 7th level. Use your own ability to pass, otherwise you will have a big problem."

Leo was still a little surprised at the beginning. With the 20% chance of adding his original perfect mental power, he already had a 50% chance. If you count the bonuses such as meditation, you can be sure of 60 to 70%. But the old man's last advice was like cold water, and he was completely disappointed. .

"You always tell the truth?" Leo couldn't accept it.

"It's hard to say, there is no evidence. But as far as I know, the seventh level created by Shuiyun City, so far, no one has broken through to the eighth level, so..."

Hearing the last words of the old man, Leo's face was stiff and stunned~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Do you mean, relying on the heart of the sea to be promoted, it is very likely that you will not be able to be promoted? Leo asked cautiously.

"This is hard to say, because after reaching the seventh level, each level is very difficult, and there are not many Shuiyun City keys, and there are only a few successful ones. I can't determine whether it is the cause of Shuiyun City. I remind You just told you that this is possible and made you alert." The old man shook his head and explained.

Leo frowned and vetoed the way of relying on Shuiyun City in his heart.

"Senior, my third question is, if there is a sixth-level moonlight warlock who is hit by a seventh-level poisonous spell, and then activates the Moon of Weeping Blood, it consumes a lot of life origin and desperately. In this way, the origin is exhausted. Under the circumstances of another outbreak of poison, she looked dying, but relied on a strange prop to forcibly freeze her body in the moment before she died. I would like to ask if there is any way to save her."

Leo is not taboo, even the Moon of Weeping Blood has spoken it out, first for the old man to be able to make accurate judgments, secondly, the one from the Green Heart Principality is also a newcomer nightmare, so he shouldn't be the bookstore owner with this anonymous name. What kind of relationship does the old man have, so he said it very bluntly.

"Crying Blood Moon? Seventh-level poisonous spell? If it is solidified immediately before death, she will probably die after opening that item. It can't be saved by ordinary means. This has to make me think about it. ..."

"There are two ways. The first way is to take a gamble and she will have ten seconds left after opening the gamble. Use the nine-level detoxification potion to remove the potion, plus the source of holy water that makes up for the loss of the source. You can try it. The two methods are to find a treasure that can temporarily resurrect the person who has just died, make her temporarily immortal, and then heal it with the above two medicines." The old man quickly answered.

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