I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 373: Cabaret banquet

"It's boring, it seems that you need to have a regent, um, it's Omis. In addition, before the code is published, the old official system has to be used, at least not to mess up the country." Leo soon After making a decision, I found Omis, and ordered her to stabilize the situation, and at the same time, work out the law as soon as possible, and then she was ready to return to the Lost Lands.

   This is just to pave the way for Xingying mother and daughter, what really matters is the virtual godhead.

"Well, master, don't you look at the women in the harem? That is the collection of the most beautiful women in the entire Demon Spirit Empire. There are a few beautiful women who are not inferior to me, but their wisdom and talent are slightly inferior to me." After being enslaved, Omis Wholeheartedly consider Leo, suggesting.

   "No." Leo was not interested.

"Is it because they are not virgins? There are princesses in the harem. I suggest you take a look at the sweet princess. She is the daughter of the princess. With a strange fragrance, she is a rare beauty."

   Leo was a little startled, looking at Omis, how she felt like a pimp. But the Eye of Enslavement would definitely not go wrong, and he understood Omis' thoughts a little after another thought.

   Her idea of ​​replacing the old empire with a traditional new empire is to suggest that Leo should accept some princesses and concubines from the former empire, in order to achieve the effect of gathering some people's hearts.

"...You think too much, that's something you should have a headache, don't bother me." After Leo understood, he smiled, and the curiosity in his heart was aroused, thinking that he hadn't seen the court dance. Especially the imperial concubines and princesses danced the palace dance, and immediately smiled: "Next, you need to use the old officials to maintain the stability of the empire until the code is out. I will stay for one day. You have someone prepare a banquet, and then Inviting some useful officials to participate is to stabilize their hearts. When I finish dealing with them, I will enjoy the singing and dancing of those imperial concubines and princesses alone, and leave early tomorrow morning."

   "Master, a good way." Omis exclaimed, and immediately arranged.

   An hour later, Leo was in the palace hall, lazily dealing with the demon spirit officials who had taken refuge in. After the banquet was over and the officials left, the show that really made him look forward to was staged.

   The princesses and princesses named by Omis, whether they like it or not, since they didn't commit suicide in the first place, they all came to the hall at this moment.

   The luxurious party began, and Omis was arranging the entire party, so Arthur was by his side.

   "It's interesting." Leo narrowed his eyes slightly, and his interest in seeing increased greatly, and he was quickly attracted by a song that sounded like a natural sound.

"She is Le Concubine, and her singing voice is very beautiful. Before entering the palace, she performed singing in her hometown, which caused a lot of chaos, and some people even passed out because of excitement." Arthur saw Leo interested and started immediately. Introduce softly.

   Leo listened intoxicated for a while and was amazed.

   Just then, a Miaoman figure danced a strange dance and entered the hall. Because of the wings behind the demon spirit tribe, this wings not only danced on the ground, but also occasionally danced in the air, coupled with the dancer's superb interpretation, made Leo feel refreshed and happy.

   "She is Ling Fei. Although her appearance is not the best, she dances beautifully. Her Majesty's favorite at the beginning..." Arthur suddenly woke up when he said that, and fell to the ground with a pale face, trembling all over.

   Rio smiled indifferently, drank the wine and smiled: "He loves to watch when he is here?"

   Arthur nodded tremblingly.

   "Get up, I don't care about these little details." Leo casually ate something like a piece of meat, and a strange light fragrance faintly struck, and five beautiful girls followed Ling Fei stepping into it.

   "This fragrance... seems to have a pleasant feeling." Leo said in surprise.

Arthur, who had just gotten up, said in surprise: "Your Majesty, the great emperor, this is impossible. Princess Xiangmi's body fragrance can only be smelled within one meter. She has just entered the hall and you shouldn't smell it. "

   Leo smiled slightly, naturally not telling him the abnormality of breaking through the seventh-level Kong Jue strong body art, moved his nose slightly, and his eyes suddenly locked on one of the five dancing girls.

   The most beautiful one.

   "The one in the middle is Princess Fragrant Honey?" Leo was a little intoxicated and smelled the scent of honey, and his mood became more and more relaxed and happy.

   "Yes." Arthur was completely speechless to Leo's nose, and even a disrespectful thought emerged in his heart.

   The music is like a dream, the singing is beautiful, the dancing is wonderful, and with the good wine and delicacies, Leo has a slightly drunken feeling.

When she was drunk and confused, Katis’s voice suddenly echoed in her ears: "You have also seen the power of these things. If you are already the main god, I will not interrupt you. However, you are still a demigod now, I advise You leave these things that make people addicted to your will, after all, these things are harmful to your goals. Besides, those who eventually climbed to the highest have never heard of those addicted to these things, you can experience them yourself."

Leo's hand holding the wine glass stiffened, and said with a wry smile: "His Royal Highness, I understand. Actually, I didn't want to do anything at all, let alone the idea of ​​in-depth contact with these women~www.wuxiaspot.com~Depraved Chief Before I know it, I feel that proper relaxation and desire will help boost your motivation, but not too much. This is also the reason why I don’t stop you, Nini, and Xingying. But now you are about to take a step towards licentiousness. Of course I have to advise." Katis said leisurely.

   "His Majesty, isn't it? After tonight, I will leave and focus on the virtual godhood. Just listening to songs and dances should not have much effect." Leo was very confident about this.

   "If it is an ordinary person, I naturally believe it. But what about the temptation of the law level?" Katis sneered.

  Leo was taken aback for a while, his gaze fell on Princess Xiangmi, and said in shock: "Law? She?"

"Yes. Don’t blame her, she doesn’t know that such anomalies happen occasionally in the miracle of creation. However, there was a **** who met a woman who could sing the law and became obsessed and degenerate. There was not much progress in the year, and finally the enemy broke through the kingdom of God, seized the godhead, and completely fell." Katis replied solemnly.

   "Is it a conspiracy?" Leo asked in surprise.

"I don't know about this. At the time, there were indeed rumors afterwards that the singer was discovered by his enemy and deliberately tried a way to pass it to him." Katis said and sighed, as if Think of something.

   "Oh, there is such a thing? Your Royal Highness, if I take this sweet honey princess away and give it to the lord of Liuli, what do you think will happen?" Leo touched his chin suddenly whimsical.

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