I Don’t Love Warlock

Chapter 376: Gintama

Leo's consciousness in the split seemed to be infinitely elevated, and the essential transformation began. More importantly, he saw the law with his eyes for the first time.

   The whole world began to blur again, but this time it was not because of the mirror of dominance, but the process of fusing the virtual godhead.

   The real world disappeared, and countless light streams appeared beside Leo. Most of the light currents are like small rivers, flowing within a limited range, and at the same time are branches of a certain big river. And those light currents like big rivers are much smaller, probably thousands of them, with a long history, but they merge into their respective seas.

   In the boundless flow of light, the nearest one is the sea of ​​twelve sheets of light flow, which is extremely vast, extremely large, and infinitely vast.

   "That is the twelve main gods?" Leo looked back at the virtual gods turning into a stream, flowing into a frozen river, and then looking back at the twelve boundless seas, his heart was shocked.

   After a long time, the virtual gods completely merged, the illusion of the void of the law faded, Leo's split slowly opened his eyes, and pointed at a low-level insect soldier in the distance.

   Insect Soldier slowly turned into a frog.

   Leo's heart moved, and after thinking about it, he wanted to point to a high-level insect soldier. This time the insect soldier instinctively resisted with blood, and the transformation technique was resisted.

   Leo thought for a while, pointed at a stone again, and the original stone instantly turned into gold.

"Alchemy, Transfiguration, hey, the essence is to change the structure of matter or life from the most basic level, but it can only be useful for low-level things, and is not very useful for actual combat. However, the most critical problem is that the split can still Return to the main body? What will happen?" Leo put away his playful mentality, and the split body slowly returned to the main body and merged into it.

   Three-body return, something surprised Leo happened.

   "You, your soul???" Katis exclaimed.

   Rio looked back on himself and realized that as his consciousness returned, his soul seemed to be undergoing earth-shattering drastic changes.

   The original colorful soul quickly turned into a pure silver.

   "The Son of God? It's weird. The spirits of the gods are golden, and the mortals are colored, but how did your soul turn to silver similar to the original Son of God? What happened?" Katis asked in surprise.

   Leo blinked, guessing that it was due to the virtual godhead, and immediately explained the illusions when the virtual godhead was fused.

   "... So that's it, this virtual godhead is actually such a thing, artificial first generation **** son?" Katis couldn't help but chuckle.

   "His Royal Highness..." Leo couldn't wait.

"Well, it's not bad, better than I thought. I originally thought that I would become a special demigod. Moreover, what you have accomplished is not an ordinary **** son. There are many kinds of **** sons, such as the combination of gods and mortals. There is no silver spirit. Only when the gods and gods are combined, the sons who will be born with a very small probability can have the silver spirits, can feel the law of the ocean, and can have a law brook." Katis slowly explained.

   "In other words, those rivers, rivers and oceans correspond to the gods?" Leo asked his guess.

Katis pondered for a while and replied: "The statement is not very accurate. It can only be said that the rivers, rivers, and oceans correspond to the gods of the gods. It is an expression of the upper limit. However, there are some hard work and powerful gods. Completely master the laws corresponding to one's own **** position, it is extremely powerful. And some gods are loose and don't work hard, such as me, who have a very low grasp of their own laws and can only use the power of some laws, so the strength is naturally much worse. "

Katis spoke for a while and said: "In fact, in the age of the gods, there have been several records of powerful sons killing gods, and that was a head-on defeat of the gods. Compared with the gods, the sons of gods have no realm of gods, no kingdoms of gods, and no The position of the gods has silver spirits, powers, and laws. Sometimes, small has small benefits and is relatively easy to master, so it is possible to leapfrog and defeat."

   "Do you mean... Can the Son of God defeat the God?" Leo asked in surprise.

"To take an extreme example, don't look at the vastness of the ocean representing the laws of the main gods, but the difficulty of mastering has risen exponentially. As far as I know, no main **** has mastered his own laws more than half of the ocean. And my personality Discrete, the level of mastery of Sorrow and Pity River was less than one-third, not to mention the gods, I couldn't even beat most of the gods."

   "According to your opinion, isn't the main **** very weak?"

"That's not true. When he becomes the Lord God, the Lord Godhead will naturally give him basic control. Because of the horror of the law sea, even if it is only one tenth, it must far exceed the Star God, so the Lord God is unmatched. Relatively speaking, the gap between the Star God and the Domain God is slightly smaller, and the rivers and rivers are not too absolute. If the worst Star God is probably better than the strongest Domain God, with the artifact, there may not be no leapfrog victory. Possibly. As for Yushen and Shenzi, they are rivers and creeks. The gap is even smaller. Leapfrogging challenges are common~www.wuxiaspot.com~ By the way, have you noticed the scale of that creek? It was the strongest at the time. The big gods, their law streams are larger than the average rivers, and the territorial gods stalk their heads." Katis broke out another shocking news again.

   Rio remembered it silently, and shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I disappoint you. My stream is one hundred and eight thousand li worse than the river that flows into it. It is also much worse than the average river, only half the size of the ordinary river."

   Katis was taken aback, and shouted: "Half?"

   "...Yes, half of a normal river, but it's too far behind the glacier I flowed into." Leo responded.

"...What is the glacier, your divinity comes from Afra, that is the deity that represents Afra. She is a star god, so it is basically a big river, a big frozen river, you actually call it a glacier. So much smaller than other star gods, it is probably related to the place where she hides the godhead, don't treat it as a river." Katis said amused.

   Rio thought about it in surprise, and suddenly realized.

"In that case, there are other mysteries in this divine body of Afra, or virtual divine personality and peculiarities that I don't know, you can be regarded as the kind of high potential among the gods." Katis smiled stand up.

   "... Can you beat the Lord of Liuli?" Leo asked immediately.

   "It should be possible in the future. However, you have to control the law, at least 80%, it is estimated that tens of thousands of years are almost enough." Katis chuckled.

  Leo's face became stiff, and he completely gave up on this path.

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