The navy assigned by the Marshal of the Warring States to the Yarn ship, even if it is placed in the navy headquarters, is truly elite, and it is a navy with rich sailing experience and combat experience.

At the same time, almost all of this group of navies witnessed the "Golden Lion" Shiji's intrusion into Marlin Fandor by himself two years ago.

Facing the lone "Golden Lion" Shi Ji, who was attacking alone and full of heroism, countless navies almost collapsed in front of him, and they had no power to resist.

In the end, it was the current Admiral Sengoku and the naval hero Lieutenant General Garp who joined forces to suppress the "Golden Lion" Shiji at the cost of destroying half of Marin Vandor, and imprisoned him in the seabed. The deepest part of the prison Imperton.

The devastating battle scene has only been in just over two years, and it is obvious that these naval elites have not forgotten it.

It was precisely because of this that they knew exactly what a terrifying monster "Golden Lion" Shiji was.

For a moment, all the navy had no time to think about why the "Golden Lion" Shi Ji, who was supposed to be imprisoned in the deepest part of the submarine prison, appeared behind the Gate of Justice.

At this moment, all the navy on the warship, driven by fear, instinctively followed Yan's order, and tried their best to speed up the warship, trying to stay away from the monster called "Golden Lion" as much as possible.

"Quick, full power, full speed..."

"Leave the mainsail down quickly, quickly..."

"Turn the rudder, turn the rudder..."

For a while, if the warship was not equipped with oars, Second Lieutenant Hope would have to take the lead in paddling to speed up the warship.

And as the door of justice slowly opened, the picture behind the door became clearer, and even ordinary navy soldiers could see it clearly.

The surface of Impelton, the large undersea prison that originally stood above the sea and suppressed countless pirates, has become tattered. From time to time, a large number of black shadows rise up, and explosions occasionally appear, and you can still see it vaguely. To a large number of jailers, the navy is engaging the prisoners.

Chaos, there is no doubt that the great undersea prison Imperton has fallen into chaos.

And the person who created all of this with one hand was the "Golden Lion" floating in the air, with his legs broken at the knees bleeding continuously, and his long golden hair fluttering in the sea breeze, like a wounded lion. Shiki.

The next moment, under the watchful eyes of all the navy, the "Golden Lion" Shiji crossed the Gate of Justice and came straight to the warship where Yaen was.

The speed...extremely fast!

"We can't escape. It seems that the target of the 'Golden Lion' Shiji is us."

Yann spoke with a solemn tone, and raised his finger lightly to keep the humble Xiao Jin away from the warship for the time being.


Xiao Jin also seemed to understand what Yan meant, and he didn't dare to be awkward. Under the cover of the warship, he stayed flat against the sea and moved away from the direction opposite to "Golden Lion" Shi Ji.

Soon, the "Golden Lion" Shi Ji sat down on the mast of the warship under the chilling hairs of countless navies, his golden hair fluttering in the navies, and his arrogant laughter echoed.

"Jee ha ha ha..."

"What is the so-called 'bronze wall and iron wall'? Imperton, a large undersea prison from which no prisoners can ever escape, can't hold me?"

These domineering and contemptuous words made the more than 500 sailors on the warship tremble, as if they were trembling ants under the majesty of a lion.


At this moment, Horton's tense and firm voice sounded and shouted. "All soldiers, prepare to arrest the pirate 'Golden Lion' Shiji."

Interrupted by this voice, "Golden Lion" Shi Ji's laughter faltered, he looked down with a playful smile, and said.

"Really, you mariners are just quietly sharing Lao Tzu's joy like this,

Then die obediently, okay? "

The next moment, as the "Golden Lion" Shiji stretched out his hand and lifted it towards the air, with five fingers grasping, countless air seemed to be controlled by the "Golden Lion" Shiji.

"Lion Way Empty Volume"

In an instant, a huge lion constructed by the airflow appeared above the warship and roared straight at the warship.

At this moment, Yan's voice sounded.

"Wait, Shiki, do you want to smash this ship and sink into the sea with us?"


"Golden Lion" Shi Ji heard the words, and looked at the gentle-looking young man wearing glasses.

In just a short moment, Yaen, who had already smoothed everything out, said confidently.

"The reason why you came straight to this warship is not just to share the joy, but to escape, right? With the help of the ability of 'Piao Piao Fruit', let this ship float and take you away from this naval headquarters reinforcements The sea area that can be reached at any time."

"It's the same if you kill your navy first. I only need one ship." "Golden Lion" Shi Ji said indifferently.

"Heh, let's not talk about whether your attack will affect the overall structure of the warship. More importantly, there are still a large number of shells in the warehouse at the bottom of the ship. If you dare to attack, I will immediately let the navy in the warehouse detonate the shells. Let this The ship disintegrated in an instant."

After a pause, Yan looked at the "Golden Lion" Shiji who seemed a little annoyed, and said affirmatively.

"Your broken legs are still bleeding, and there are still a lot of wounds left on your body. Even the big pirate 'Golden Lion' Shiji can't last long with this kind of serious injury, right? And there is no record pointer to guide the direction, and there is no way to let the You can never escape from this sea area where devil fruit ability users rest."

"So, 'Golden Lion' Shiji, this ship is also the only hope for completely escaping from Imperton, the great undersea prison. Without this ship to take you away, wait for the reinforcements from Marlin Vanduo to arrive. Your end will be captivity from which you will never escape."

Listening to Yan's methodical analysis, "Golden Lion" Shi Ji's expression that was getting more and more annoyed suddenly became more relaxed.

"Jee ha ha ha..."

Immediately, "Golden Lion" Shi Ji flew down from the mast, landed in front of Yan, and said. "Boy, interesting, what's your name?"

"Terfimer Ian."

The next moment, under the stunned expressions of countless navy men, "Golden Lion" Shiji extended an invitation to Yan.

"Very good, Tefemo Yan, hang out with me. I want to re-form the 'Flying Pirates' to dominate the sea from under the sky. You and I will give you the position of deputy captain."

"Vice-captain?" Ion asked.

"What? Are you still not satisfied? Being Lao Tzu's deputy captain is the dream of countless pirates on the sea."

After a pause, "Golden Lion" Shi Ji asked puzzledly. "Could it be that you have a greater ideal than this?"

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