I Don’t Want to Be a General, I Choose Buddhism

Chapter 8 Special Combat Strength Quotation Mechanism

'Um? '

The moment Yann heard this questioning, he almost instinctively exuded a sense of domineering arrogance, and clearly felt a tall figure appearing beside him.


Zhan Guo only felt that Yaen, who was lying on the sofa, appeared on the side of the office in an instant.

"So fast!"

Zhan Guo, who had witnessed the whole process, narrowed his eyes slightly and murmured.

"Also, what kind of technique was that just now? It's a bit similar to 'Navy Six Style Shave', but it's a completely different movement technique."

"Yan, you bastard, you hide really deep!"

And Yaen, who was completely awake, saw that his environment was in the office of Zhan Guo, especially Zhan Guo was squinting and looking at himself, and he couldn't help but secretly said "bad".

In a state of complete relaxation, startled by the sudden sound, the insecure Ian almost instinctively used a technique called "Shunpo" to distance himself from the sound source.

However, this moving skill called "Shunpo" has never been shown by Yan in front of Sengoku in the past.

While thinking about it, Yaen showed a shock expression on his face, patted his chest lightly with one hand, and said again and again.

"Scared me to death, who is it? I was so scared that I even jumped out of my mouth."

But as Yan turned his gaze, he found that standing next to the sofa was a tall and thin man with a turban on his head, dark skin, and a pair of sunglasses.

'Admiral 'Aokiji'? ! '

But soon, Ion reacted.

In the period when even the Warring States Period is still a general, Kuzan has not yet been promoted to the admiral "Aokiji".

Today's Kuzan, if Ian remembers correctly, belongs to the rank of Vice Admiral.

However, after being promoted to Marshal in the Warring States Period, the three monsters, Sakaski, Kuzan, and Polusalino, whose strength has far surpassed the ordinary vice-admiral level, should also usher in promotion at the same time.

At this moment, Kuzan gently pulled up his sunglasses, looked at Yan carefully, and said.

"The strength is good, but why haven't I seen you before? And why are you so rude, sleeping in the office of the general of the Warring States Period?"

At the end, Kuzan's tone was quite dissatisfied, and Ian was almost full of question marks when he heard it.

Sleeping in the office of the Warring States Period, wouldn't Shuku praise you for being the most diligent? The kind that even carries an eye mask almost everywhere?

If Yann was blindfolded, he would have thought it was Sakalski who was scolding him.

But soon, Ion remembered.

Admiral "Aokiji" Kuzan, who will pursue "lazy justice" in the future, was a passionate young man when he was young. The justice he upholds is called "passionate justice", so it is normal to say these words .

After thinking up to this point, Yan scratched his head gently and said gently. "Sorry, some fell asleep uncontrollably."

"Can't control it?" Kuzan asked with an increasingly dissatisfied tone.

"This is the office of the General of the Warring States Period, one of the places that symbolizes the justice and order of the sea. How shallow is your justice to be able to sleep here?"

Hearing these words, Yaen couldn't help but look a little weird, and said. "This... After you experience this kind of happiness, you will also be unable to control it."

"Impossible, even if I, Kuzan, don't sleep all my life and die of a mental breakdown, it is absolutely impossible for me to do such a disrespectful thing!" Kuzan said firmly.

Yan did not refute Kuzan again, but just silently remembered this sentence, waiting for an opportunity to repeat it in front of Kuzan in the future.

Seeing this scene, Zhan Guo couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

Kuzan's passionate justice,

It is suitable to change Yan's usual lazy style.

Didn't you see that under Kuzan's impassioned speech, Yan, who is usually full of excuses and reasons, chose to remain silent?

‘It seems that it is indeed a good choice to hand over Ian to Kuzan to guide him. '

Zhan Guo praised Lieutenant General He's wisdom in his heart, then coughed lightly twice, attracted the attention of Kuzan and Yaen, and said.

"Lieutenant General Kuzan, this is my son Tefemo Yan, a promising young man who aspires to join the navy and uphold justice."

When Yan heard this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching a few times, and he retorted almost instinctively, "No, I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense."

However, Yaen finally suppressed this impulse, lest Zhan Guo lose face in front of his subordinates.

Kuzan's expression was full of surprise, he glanced at Warring States, then at Yan, and said in a suspicious tone.

"General Warring States, is this really your son? Don't you look very similar in appearance?"

As soon as this remark came out, Zhan Guo's expression couldn't help stiffening a bit, and he couldn't help but glanced at Yan.

Handsome, gentle, gentle...

It can be said that, except that Yaen and Sengoku both wear glasses, even Sengoku has to admit that there is a huge difference in appearance between the two.

"Yan, Ian is the adopted son I adopted overseas many years ago."

In order to prevent Kuzan from overthinking, Zhan Guo couldn't help explaining with some reluctance, and then said.

"However, because Ian has lived outside Marin Fandor all year round, his character is relatively lazy."

"I see." Kuzan nodded, then asked. "What does the Warring States General mean?"

Zhan Guo glanced at Yaen, who still had a nonchalant expression, and said with a smug smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Lieutenant General Kuzan, as you just saw, Yaen's own strength is not bad. It would be a waste of combat power to directly join the navy as a soldier, especially now that the overall situation in the sea is not stable..."

After a pause, Zhan Guo noticed that Yaen's expression gradually changed, and continued.

"So, I plan to activate the 'Special Combat Power Reference Mechanism'."

Hearing this, Yaen couldn't bear it anymore, and said repeatedly.

"Hey, old man, don't go too far, this mechanism doesn't apply to me, you are messing around."

"Why doesn't it apply? The establishment of this mechanism is still a suggestion you gave me specifically. You should think about it carefully." Warring States said with a smile.

At this moment, Yan suddenly felt a feeling of "shooting himself in the foot".

At the beginning, the reason why Yan proposed to Sengoku to set up a "special combat power reference mechanism" was to recruit the two admirals "Fujitora" and "Green Bull" in the strict promotion mechanism of the navy today. The back door left by the level of combat power.

"No, old man, my strength is far from meeting the standard of 'special combat power', you are messing around." Yan said sharply.

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