Popular recommendation:

"The new government was officially announced, with the revolutionary army as the main body and the representatives of all major races as the core..."

"After repeated discussions and finalization by the new government, the Shichibukai system that does not conform to the new era has been abolished, and most of the pirate reward lists have also been abolished. Only some of the most vicious reward lists have been recognized by the new government and continue to offer rewards..."

"The 199 former kings and nobles of the countries that joined the world will be put on public trial in three days..."

"The giant race officially announced to join the new government. At this point, the 73 races in the world will enter a process of mutual harmonious development..."

"The top leader of the new government, Monkey D. Drago, had friendly communication and consultations with the 'Sea King' Princess Shirahoshi, and confirmed that five kilometers below the sea surface is the living area of ​​the sea kings, and the sea kings within five kilometers below the sea surface Inaccessible, avoiding more than 100,000 Neptunian attacks per year in the ocean."

"Pirate officially changed its name to Adventurer. The new government plans to introduce corresponding policies to restrict, govern and support, encouraging adventurers to explore and develop unknown islands and unknown areas, and severely crack down on any crimes..."

"The new government is expected to invest tens of billions of Baileys in the construction of sea trains around the world. By then, it will only take three days to reach the great sea route from the East China Sea..."


Stacks of newspapers are placed on a table bathed in soft sunlight, with headlines lined up on them, saying that the sea has undergone earth-shaking changes during this period of time.

The majestic Marshal of the Warring States Period, who was once majestic and majestic, has completely grayed his hair and is wearing a leisurely beach attire. He is holding a four or five-year-old child in his arms, and is telling the incident in the newspaper as a story to the child. .

"Grandfather, grandfather, I don't want to hear this anymore, I've heard all of this..."

Facing the child's request, Zhan Guo cheerfully responded, and said with a slight gleam in his eyes. "Since that's the case, then grandfather should tell Little Orange about the glorious history of his grandfather as the admiral of the navy."

"Admiral of the Navy? What is that?" Little Orange asked puzzled.

All of a sudden, Warring States became a little speechless, and his eyes that had just started to shine completely dimmed. He didn't know how to explain to Xiaojuzi who lived in this new era what a specific navy was.

Immediately, Warring States said with a proud look. "Huh? In short, General Kuzan, the commander-in-chief of the government's military department, used to be your grandfather's subordinate, isn't he amazing?"

However, the little orange who looked quite similar to Sora when he was young rolled his eyes and said in a childish voice. "Grandfather, I want to hear about Grandpa's deeds."

"Your grandfather?"

Zhan Guo sighed helplessly, and then spoke.

"Little Orange, no matter what, you must never learn from your grandpa. Your grandpa is a complete bastard, cheating the world, stabbing father in the back, greedy for money and lustful..."


At this moment, a soft cough sounded behind Zhan Guo and Xiao Juzi.

Warring States and Xiaojuzi Qiqi turned their heads and saw that it was Yaen, who was wearing common clothes and looked rather inconspicuous.

It's just that compared with the white hair in the Warring States Period, Yaen's appearance and age don't seem to have changed much, except that his temperament has completely become lazy and peaceful.

"Old man, you are secretly ruining my image behind my back again." Yaen said with some dumbfounding.

Zhan Guo, who originally had a cheerful expression towards Xiao Juzi, suddenly showed a full of disgust on his face, and asked back. "Is there anything wrong?"



Obviously something is not completely correct, right?

But Yan was inexplicable and unable to refute.

But with Yan's appearance, Little Orange's eyes lit up, and he jumped out of Zhan Guo's arms, threw himself on Yan, and shouted happily.

"Grandpa, have you returned from fishing? How was your catch today? Did you catch Xiaojuzi's favorite fish?"


There was an awkward but elegant smile on Yan's face,


"Little Orange, fishing is a kind of spiritual practice, and the harvest cannot be measured by the specific fish caught."

Warring States unceremoniously cast a supercilious glance at Yan and said. "Obviously there is no gain."


Ion retorted. "Last time, it was you, old man, who had nothing to gain! I was completely defeated by me! Completely defeated!!"

"It's just that you are lucky. If you catch such a finger-sized fish, is that considered a victory?!"

Zhan Guo stood up suddenly, rolled up his sleeves, and said. "It's just that I didn't exert my full strength, and I planned to let you go for a while. Believe it or not, I will let you experience the fishing method of Zhijiang Liu today?"

Yan also said without giving in. "Old man, now is the only time to talk big, you will have nothing to say after a while!"

"In that case, let's decide the winner again today, let's fight to the death, bastard!"

"Come on, old man, this battle has convinced you!"



On the shore, as two fish floats of different colors fell into the water in a perfect arc, Zhan Guo and Ian sat on the chairs on the left and right, staring at the water intently. Their serious looks seemed to be planning What a big move that affects the world in general.

Time goes by little by little...

A full three hours had passed, and neither float had moved at all, which also made the atmosphere on both sides a little awkward.


Zhan Guo coughed lightly, breaking the somewhat peaceful awkward atmosphere, and said. "Speaking of which, why did you let the Straw Hats cooperate with the illusion of your disappearance and death?"

"Dorag knows I'm not dead."

Ion replied briefly. "Even if Drago didn't react at the time, he must have understood that I was not dead afterward."

Hearing this, Warring States was even more incomprehensible.

Ian said disapprovingly.

"The world government has brought disaster to the sea for more than 800 years, but the inevitable sea also has a large number of supporters of the world government. If the new world is built on the basis of overthrowing the world government, then at least the old government will be missed for nearly a hundred years. The dissatisfied will continue to raise rebellions in this name..."

"So, from a business point of view, it is the best choice for the new government to completely distance itself from me, the sinner who single-handedly destroyed the system of all the world's franchise countries."

"On the other hand, my prestige is too high, which will seriously affect the establishment and operation of the new government, and is not conducive to the improvement of the system that is truly based on the rules of equality and justice..."

"More importantly, I don't care about power, and I'm tired of the feeling of a high position. In contrast, I might as well accompany you, old man, to fish for retirement and live a truly leisurely and personal life."

Hearing this, Zhan Guo's expression softened a lot, but he still asked in a stubborn tone. "Hmph, you're about to leave for Wano Country, right?"


Ian nodded and agreed. "We'll probably leave tomorrow. The next stop of Sora and Nami's honeymoon trip will be in Wano Country. By the way, I'll bring Little Tangerine there too."

"Don't you think it's troublesome? Bastard boy, he keeps running back and forth on Kusnake Island, Wano Country, West Sea New Ohara Island, and here for a year." Sengoku asked.

"Then don't you think Lieutenant General He is troublesome?" Yaen asked back.

Zhan Guo sighed, smacked his mouth, and said.

"Actually, Xiaohe is really troublesome sometimes. She knows everything clearly, but she keeps asking this and that, all kinds of boring and repetitive questions. I think she is retired and has too much time..."

However, what Zhan Guo and Yan, who have completely retired and retired, without the vigilance of the past, did not notice that there were three more figures behind them at some time.


The next moment, as Hezhong passed that gentle laughter into Zhan Guo's ears, the expression of Zhan Guo who was talking so eloquently completely froze. When he suddenly turned his head and looked, Tong Kong shrank even more.

"That... Xiaohe, I think I can explain..." Zhan Guo said dryly with his mouth twitching.

However, Lieutenant General He didn't pay any attention to Zhan Guo's intentions, and directly threw the basket containing food into Zhan Guo's arms, turned around and left while holding Xiaotangerine in one hand.

Seeing this, Zhan Guo turned his head to look at the fish float and hesitated for a second, then hurriedly chased after Lieutenant General He.

"Wait, Xiaohe..."

On the other hand, a heroic and charming figure in a white kendo uniform sat directly on the original seat of the Warring States Period, turned his head sideways, looked at Yan, who seemed to be staring intently, and asked.

"Master Yan, are you going home tonight for kendo training?"


Yan looked at Gion beside him and asked. "The kendo training you are talking about is the training between knives and knives, or the kendo training between knives and scabbards?"

"What do you think? Ah~en~big~ren~"

Gion, smiling brightly.

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