I Don’t Want To Be A Young Master

Chapter 434: Four hundred and thirty four


"President Tong..."

The two shouted around the fish pond, but did not hear any response at all. Ye Feng quickly called Lu Kuan, who was guarding outside the fish pond.

"Lu Kuan, Mr. Tong is gone, you have to get someone to block the entire fish pond, I think they should still be nearby."

Several masters were fishing in the fish pond. Lu Kuan played cards with Tong Licheng and Wang Fan's bodyguards. Hearing that Tong Licheng had disappeared, he quickly threw away the cards in his hand.

"The big event is not good, Tong always disappeared, we hurried to look for it nearby."

Dongzi, Tong Licheng's bodyguard, also hurriedly called and asked someone to come and support the search.

The bodyguards of several of them are all masters. Ye Feng couldn't think of how that person was. From under the eyelids of several bodyguards, he took Tong Licheng away. There was only one way out. They were not going to the gate. , Will it be up the mountain?

Thinking of this, he quickly told Lu Kuan his method.

"Lu Kuan, I guess they went to the mountain behind the fish pond. You should focus on searching the mountain, and keep two guards at the door." After speaking, he also led Wang Fan to the mountain.

Wang Fan kept paying attention to the traces on the road, and as soon as he reached the foot of the mountain, he told Ye Feng that there was no need to go up the mountain.

"Not on the mountain? Why is this?"

"Brother, I know you are worried about President Tong, but I took a closer look and found that there are no footprints nearby, so I suspect that they did not go up the mountain. I guess they may be hiding somewhere and waiting for us to go up the mountain before taking the opportunity to run out. "

Ye Feng slapped his head: "Yes, I think it makes sense, so what should we do now?"

"We have Lu Kuan and Black Hawk over here, and we will find a place to hide later. I will pretend to go up the mountain alone, and you will go quietly towards the door."

"Once they find that we are all going here, as long as Dongzi stays alone and the others have not arrived, they will definitely go to the door. After all, it is easy to deal with one person."

After Lu Kuan and Black Hawk came over, Wang Fan told them his deployment strategy.

Wang Fan went up the mountain alone, making a lot of movements. It felt like several people were drilling into the mountain. When he reached the mountainside, Ye Feng and several people started to move quietly.

As he approached the door, there really was the sound of fighting.

"Black Hawk Road is wide, you guys quickly go over and help."

Two men in hoods, one was entangled with Dongzi, and the other was already running with Tong Licheng who was in a coma.

Lu Kuan stayed behind to help Dongzi, and the Black Hawk chased the man who had escaped. After a few people were reasonable, they successfully caught the two men.

Ye Feng took off their headgear. One of them, Ye Feng, was no stranger. That person was Gu Qingrong’s driver Xuefeng.

"It's you? Come on, did Gu Qingrong sent you? Quickly tell me where Gu Qingrong is now?"

Xuefeng twisted his head and ignored Ye Feng at all.

At this time, Wang Fan drove down from the mountain.

"It's you two guys, did you kill Mr. Tong? Very capable. If I didn't see through your conspiracy and tricks, I would really let you succeed today. Tell me who sent you?"

Wang Fan pinched Xuefeng's mouth and said viciously.

Xuefeng glared at him, but didn't open his mouth.

Wang Fan raised his hand and was about to slap him twice, but Ye Feng stopped him.

"Wang Fan, don't do anything, take them back." Ye Feng gave Lu Kuan a look, and Lu Kuan tied the two with a rope and threw them into the trunk.

In the car, Ye Feng carefully checked Tong Licheng's situation.

"Fortunately, Lizi was just fainted by them and was not injured."

Ye Feng pinched him in the crowd, and Tong Licheng quickly woke up.

"Oh, what's wrong with me? My head hurts." Tong Licheng felt nauseous.

Ye Feng hurriedly handed him a bottle of water: "I guess they used ether medicine to make you faint. You should drink some water and take a break."

Tong Licheng drank some water and fell on the seat.

"What are you talking about? I was just fainted by someone? Who is so bold and dare to attack me?"

"The people have been **** by us. Let's go back first. It's not safe here. By the way, Wang Fan, you and Black Hawk go nearby to find them."

"Since these two people are nearby Tong Licheng, I guess someone must be there to answer him. Please go over and take a look, don't let them run away."

Wang Fan Heiying and Dongzi split into two groups and began to search nearby, while Lu Kuan drove away from the fish pond under the command of Ye Feng.

Ye Feng still had a lingering fear of thinking that they almost succeeded.

"Brother Feng, have you found out who did it on me?"

Ye Feng nodded, "Chestnut, I really can't help you. I guess they should be sent by Gu Qingrong. I didn't expect that poisonous woman would not give up even now."

"I guess she wanted to kidnap you, and then come to blackmail me. Now that I know she is still in the capital, then I must find a way to get her out, and I can't let this woman do it arbitrarily."

Tong Licheng also sighed: "Hey, I really didn't expect this woman to be really lingering, what exactly does she want to do?"

Ye Feng rubbed his temples with a headache: "I ruined all her plans. I suspect she wants to ruin me now. Fortunately, you didn't have an accident today, otherwise I really don't know how to explain to the Tong family."

"Brother Feng, since this woman is so difficult to deal with, should I order her to kill her in the entire network? Ordinary information methods can't find her, but she will always go online. As long as she locks her ID, she won't worry. Can't find her whereabouts."

Ye Feng's eyes suddenly brightened: "Yeah, why did I forget you? Just do what you said. As long as you put a net of heaven and earth, I will see where she flees."

More than three months ago, Gu Qingrong kneeled in front of Gu Yu.

"Dad, I got into trouble, you must help me!"

"Qing Rong, why did you hurt your head? It doesn't matter, I'll send you to the hospital."

Gu Yu took out his mobile phone, and Gu Qingrong held down his hand.

"Dad, don't call, listen to me first."

Gu Qingrong briefly talked about what happened recently. After Gu Yu listened to it, she slapped her face severely.

"You do this kind of conscience, and you still have the face to beg me, you go away, I don't have your daughter."

"Dad, you must save me. I don't want to go to jail. I am also your daughter anyway. I can't do this for the sake of my family."

"The Ye Family has been pressing on you. I thought that as long as you marry Ye Yun's straw bag, and when he takes over the power, then the entire Ye Family's property will be yours?"

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