I Don’t Want to be the Boss

: Two hundred and ninety-five. I want to pretend...wrong is to win!

Sun Ce saw that it was wrong. When the Grizzlies attacked, Gasol had to pull down the high position. Sun Ce felt that stimulating Gasol had a counter-effect at this moment. At regular times, Gasol wanted to be with his brother. Hard steel is very good, and it is very helpful for the Grizzlies to get the lead in the first three quarters, but now this lineup is similar to the first quarter, and the high-level response is very poor!

Sun Ce waved his hand, instructing Gasol to go to the bottom line to open the space in the middle.

"The light of the leader (F) triggers: There is a certain right to speak in the minds of young teammates. In the eyes of young teammates, the host is already a qualified leader..."

The light of the leader is still very useful. Little Gasol saw that he didn't score continuously. After Sun Ce didn't give the ball, he knew he had to change his style of play.

In the face of Kobe's defense, Sun Ce did not come by and asked Randolph to pick and roll, allowing Odom and Kobe to switch.

Randolph helped Sun Ce to block Kobe and then cut inwards. Kobe was really good. He did a good job of defending Randolph around the front. Sun Ce knew that he could only break Odom first.

The main reason is that Sun Ce has not scored for a long time, the Lakers have reduced his defensive pressure a lot, and did not kill him as originally.

However, Odom lowered the center of gravity with a horse step... Sun Ce suddenly found that Odom's guy now feels like Fisher.

Sun Ce accelerates his breakthrough...

Odom is distracted!

Sun Ce rushed to the back of Odom, this guy came up from behind, Sun Ce rushed to the right of the three seconds zone, the pass chance is not good! Passing to Randolph is very likely to be cut off by Kobe, Sun Ce can only go on himself!

Sun Ce was about to make a direct layup. Odom caught up. The guy responded a little slower, but the area inside the three-point line was so big that it really caught up. Sun Ce quickly turned around and took the ball back... This fierce The original gyro turned around, and turned himself dizzy, but also Odom jumped to the bottom line. Sun Ce turned around 270 degrees and turned to face the bottom line, hooking the ball sideways. Throw towards the basket...



Shaking himself off again, Sun Ce quickly quit the defense. The system prompts that the event goal 2 has been completed and Sun Ce didn't care. Now, winning is the key.

For nearly three minutes, the Grizzlies didn't score. Suddenly Sun Ce's "Fantasy Footsteps" came again, and the scene cheered wildly.

However, Sun Ce feels that this ball is not so much a fantasy step, it is better to say that it is a circle in place...

When Randolph faced the twin towers, it was difficult to open the singles, and Gay singles Artest was very difficult. Sun Ce scored a goal, representing a breakthrough for the Grizzlies offense, so Kobe also began to take over With 7 minutes left in the game, Kobe Bryant has been singles for the rest of the time.

After scoring, Sun Ce was able to attract defense and pass his teammates.

At the seventh minute and a half of the final quarter, as Randolph and Gasol Jr. attacked Gasol together, Randolph fouled and the game entered the last official timeout.

98 to 101, Gasol still has two free throws!

The point difference has been hovering between 3 and 6 points!

Fisher made a sudden correction in the fourth quarter and scored two three-pointers to help the Lakers lay the lead. Kobe and Gasol then cooperated to carry the Grizzlies' offensive to overtake the score. !

10 points, 14 rebounds, 14 assists, lost after getting a triple-double? Sun Ce felt mad, with 4 minutes and a half remaining, still falling behind by a maximum of 5 points!

Sun Ce wants to win!

Even if he got a triple-double, how would he pretend to be in front of Kobe if he lost?

Without pretending, where is the Lin Crazy Star Experience Card?

If you get a triple-double and lose, you won’t even have a face...


Official suspension, coach Hollins did not replace, several coaches discussed a one-off attack and defense tactics.

The Lakers haven't made any substitutions. For the Zen Masters, they are now in perfect condition. Kobe and Fisher overcame the score by themselves and took the initiative.

After a timeout, Gasol really made two free throws and pulled the difference to five points again.

The Grizzlies attacked. Coach Hollins arranged a three-pointer at the corner. Through the tactical position, Gay and Gasol Jr. left the basket on the left side of the basket to pull the basket down from the middle. After a pick-and-roll with Randolph, he broke through to the basket and passed back to Randolph. Randolph made a high singles Kobe on the right side of the free throw line!

This position is the most accurate point for Randolph's high singles. The left-handed and right-handed high and low singles areas are like looking in the mirror.

Fisher came up to help Kobe, Randolph distributed the ball to Battier on the right corner. At this time, Odom rushed towards the corner, Gasol also withdrew to the inside line, Battier received the ball It was adjusted before Odom threw up, and the bottom corner made a three-point shot...

At the critical moment, Battier did not disappoint his teammates and hit a three-pointer!

101 to 103, two points left!

This kind of ball, for a role player, psychological quality is more important than a super-precision corner shot, Battier is under such pressure at the critical moment!

This is the first time that the Grizzlies have narrowed the point difference to within three points since Fisher made two consecutive three-pointers!

Next is defense!

As long as it is guarded, a CIC can be tied and a three-pointer can overtake!

In the next few minutes, both teams were trying their best to defend, and there was another wave of scoring vacuums. Kobe was caught on the ball. Odom played very well in the first three quarters, but it seemed that he was lying on the side of Sun Ce. His hands were gone, and his open shots were not good at him. Bryant faced Randolph and Battier's pinch and passed the ball to Odom. Odom missed three times.

After hitting a three-pointer from Battier's corner, he hit the eleventh minute of the fourth quarter. This was almost two and a half minutes. Both teams only got two points!

The Lakers scored a mid-range shot against Kobe Bryant, and the Grizzlies received a pass from Gasol Jr. from the bottom line to Randolph who scored and scored two points.

The Grizzlies called a timeout again!

103 to 105, still two points behind!

In the fourth quarter, the two teams scored like squeezing toothpaste, it was too difficult to score.

In the first three quarters, both teams scored more than 80 points. In this quarter, there were 1 minute left. The Grizzlies only scored 18 points, and the Lakers only scored 22 points.

The Lakers are a wonderful team. They lost 76 points per game in the first three quarters of the season. The result was only 97 points per game, and only 21 points in the fourth quarter!

In the first three quarters, the Lakers defended only the middle of the league, and the fourth quarter was the league's first! And the overall defense was pulled to the fourth place in the league by the performance of the fourth quarter, second only to the Celtics, Magic, Cavaliers, more defensive efficiency than the Spurs and Jazz.

When Sun Ce was cranky due to pressure, Coach Hollins suddenly called his name: "Noah, Sean, Zac and Rudy are all focused on marking now, you go to the post and throw the ball in!"

"What? Coach are you teasing me?"


After a timeout, the Grizzlies attacked.

Sun Ce advanced to the frontcourt and handed the ball to Gasol Jr. for a high position. Today, Gasol Jr. 2 assists, 1 steals and 2 blocks in the fourth quarter. His performance was excellent, showing his talent to catch up with his brother. .

Sun Ce egg ran to the low position, the coach really looked up to him! Say what they have theoretically two offenses here, let him seize the opportunity.

But...Sun Ce certainly won't refuse!

Being trusted at a critical moment, refusing to be a fool!

He doesn't say "I'm not ready yet".

There is no way to get off the ball without picking, Odom or Artest switch to him, he can not play in the post, but with Battier picking and picking, Fisher and Kobe directly came to attack him.

Battier seems to have sacrificed the key three-pointer feel, it is okay to contain Fisher's defense, and people ignore him directly after the ball-free pick and roll.

But Battier's offensive end has no other scoring ability except for the corner three-pointer and corner open space catching the second pass after the defense. It has long been degraded. Except for the rookie season, it has not been used as a scorer for many years. Now, the cutting ability is gone.

But... Kobe Bryant!

Sun Ce came to the low position, waiting for his teammates to run under the command of Gasol Jr., with 24 seconds of attack time and 11 seconds left, Sun Ce leaned against Bryant on the right edge of the three-second zone to ask for the ball!

Sun Ce is very strange. When leaning on Kobe to ask for the ball, there seems to be no special obstacles. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Little Gasol saw Sun Ce going to the position and hung the ball in.

Just when Sun Ce reached out to catch the ball, suddenly, his back was stuck and pushed a bit!

Just like this, in a moment of small movements, Sun Ce almost didn't receive the ball, and quickly patted the ball in his hand...

"Darkened by this snake's small movements!"

Sun Ce's left foot crossed the body for the axis, grabbed the ball and leaned against Kobe to find his teammates. Kobe had no more movements, just holding Sun Ce's waist with one hand and covering the other with the other hand.

Because Kobe has no need to exert any force, Sun Ce has already dribbled the ball, can't dribble the ball anymore, or he can't start, or just pass.

And the rest of the Lakers are frantically blocking the Grizzlies' receiving route!

Can't spread it!

After listening to the bottom line, the referee counted five seconds back to four, and there was only 6 seconds left in the attacking time. Sun Ce couldn't do anything. The left foot turned to face the basket frontally. Suddenly, Sun Ce turned sideways to the basket. The left leg is bent, the right foot is kicked to the ground, and the body is shot obliquely toward the upper right at a low altitude...The sideways hook!

"What's this FUXK?" Bryant didn't dare to push it up, just like Odom, who had been thrown at the free throw line by Sun Ce before.

Kobe didn't dare to interfere with it, it was a foul!

Sun Ce hooked the ball to the hoop, and the whole body lay down on the side of the body towards the floor, but his eyes did not leave the ball... He has done his best to throw the ball out at a shooting angle!

Live fans also held their breath! When the ball fell into the hoop, the scene was boiling!

Sun Ce's key ball!

Kobe looked at Sun Ce on the floor, his scalp was a little bit fried!

This is all in!

This child is going against the sky!

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