I Don’t Want to be the Boss

: Two hundred and ninety-nine.oh, China's big O!

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"Oh, damn, I actually arrived at the stadium at half past nine. Why did they come so early? Noah, what time did they come?" Guy asked. Bookmark this site┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

"They arrived when I arrived at the stadium at eight ten."

"They are crazy!"

Guy felt his image of diligence was ruined!

Sun Ce was speechless when he saw Guy covered with "idol burdens" all over his body.

However, since this is the Grizzlies' first "thematic battle" this season, players have more or less this "idol burden" and want to show their good side in front of the fans.

Sun Ce felt awkward on the game day of the whole shooting. It should be said that the Grizzlies feel uncomfortable.

On the other side of the Rockets... Most people are uncomfortable, but Rockets players who have played with Yao Ming for a year or two are already used to it.

From 8 o'clock in the morning to record the time of each player to the arena training, to the tactical meeting at 10 o'clock, nutrition lunch at noon, this is the interview stage in the morning.

At first, Sun Ce was not used to the feeling of being surrounded by the camera even when he went to the toilet camera, but today he did not arrange an interview session, and he shot the whole process. At most, he introduced what he was practicing. Sun Ce slowly felt This way seems to be better than usual, because he has a small amount of training today, and he has practiced 150 hooks. Most of the time he is watching the Rockets game video. The TV station loves to shoot or not. It's better to delay his time than to ask the media to waste more time after the normal training.

In terms of interviews, Sun Ce hated the most repetitive and different story. The reporter said that he had to pretend that "this question is well asked, and I have to think carefully and answer it."


After lunch, news officer Kyle and a director of the court station came to Sun Ce.

There is a shooting plan, the players of the two teams meet before the game...

Because the shooting was dominated by the court sports station, it was very different from the links that Sun Ce occasionally recorded on American TV stations.

The imperial court had to have a meeting.

This is very inconsistent with the habits of nba players. For example, O’Neal didn’t like Yao Ming for two or three seasons. He didn’t take the initiative to talk to Yao Ming for three years. Yao Ming was a little sullen and restrained. He didn’t take the initiative to talk to O’Neal. O’Neal thought Yao Ming had English. Communication barriers...

Although it may not be a good thing, it is always interesting.

Kyle repeatedly told: "Noah, are you ready to say something when you meet with Anthony and others? Remember, you can't open a yellow tone, otherwise the court sports station can't broadcast..."

"Am I like the kind of person who can open a yellow tone casually?"

"Like! You're so embarrassed, who doesn't know the love affairs of your university..."

After Sun Ce entered the NBA, especially after he hit it, some of Sun Ze's things in the college era that were not personally enjoyed but had to help his predecessor were exposed.

However, before entering the NBA, they are working hard to enter the NBA, and have entered the NBA to play a good performance. These two stages have been exposed, and the effect is completely different.

Like now, no one even mentions the madness he had in college. As long as he plays well and does not do illegal things, there is no problem at all.

And it also gave him the reputation of "returning the prodigal son" in a certain fan group...

The so-called prodigal son turns back only after you succeed, can you be called the prodigal son turning back; if you don’t succeed, who knows if you turn back...

As a second-round show, Sun Ce has exceeded expectations even if he only looks at the current performance. Even if those things are exposed, there will be no impact on Sun Ce. Fans will automatically filter out many things.

Of course, the black powder must be black anyway, even if they use this to attack, it has no effect on Sun Ce.

"Chris, you are an insult to my personality!" Sun Ce grumbled.

Although the TV station deliberately arranged this so-called "star meeting", making Sun Ce feel weird, so did the Grizzlies starters.

However, Sun Ce also wants to know Anthony.


At 1:30 in the afternoon, Sun Ce and several teammates came to the Elvis Memorial next to the stadium under the direction of the director.

At the memorial, the Rockets players are already visiting the memorial.

The two players met very "surprise", one pair did not expect to see each other at this time.

Anthony saw Sun Ce coming, showing an ecstatic expression, and then exaggeratedly shouted: "oh! Oscar Robertson of China! Brother! I am your fan!"

"I am a fan of XX..." Sun Ce has heard the most falsehood after entering nba, this is the sentence.

And he felt that Anthony seemed overpowering.

What Chinese big o shouted out.

But seeing other people's more exaggerated performances... Sun Ce found that Anthony's performance traces are already the lightest, others are more fake...

Sun Ce egg hurt a bit, adjust his emotions... "Oh, I didn't expect to see you here, Merlot, it's so amazing, I have watched you play since I was young..."

Exaggerated greetings, hugs, grouping of shots, Sun Ce and Yao Ming's meeting pictures have been taken enough, Anthony and Sun Ce and several players have been divided into a shot to chat, shoot more material.

Sun Ce and a few players from the former Denver bandit met.

Many people see it for the first time.

"Noah, I will entertain you well next time you go to Houston..."

"Thank you……"

Anthony is very interested in making a friend with Sun Ce, but Sun Ce just wants to know Anthony's ability evaluation...

Sun Ce looked at Anthony's ability evaluation.

"Carmelo Anthony, ability evaluation s-, offensive s, defensive b-, offensive rebound a+, rebound a-, three-point b, midrange s-, layup a+... speed a, power s-... Shoot the ball after dribbling, b+ for the second attack..."

Anthony's ability evaluation... Sun Ce doesn't know where to start vomiting. Anthony's technical level is full of slots. To sum it up, it is that the physical quality is blind.

The players of the two teams greeted each other kindly and friendly. This Rockets team has completely changed compared to the opener.

I also saw Kevin Martin by the way...Sun Ce had seen him when Kevin Martin was in the Kings.

But... Sun Ce turned around and forgot what Kevin Martin looked like.

Compared with Kenyon Martin, Kevin Martin is obviously stronger, but Kenyon Martin is an impressive player. Kevin Martin... is too ordinary, too featureless, saying that ugliness is not ugly, It doesn't matter if it's good-looking or not.



After dealing with these chores, it is almost time to warm up for the evening game.

You can finally put aside external interference and devote yourself to the game!

The admission ceremony was very early today. The game started at 5:30 in the afternoon, and it was already entered before 5 o'clock.

In an ordinary regular season, the Grizzlies made a surprise for the New Year. The mayor of Memphis is promoting the city’s prospects. This picture, I don’t know, thinks that the election of city councilors is here.

But it’s no wonder that today Memphis has a lot of Chinese fans, mainly Chinese from North America gathered here, want to watch this game, and the Chinese in North America, the ability to do business is famous, hope to take this Attract some Chinese entrepreneurs...

It doesn't matter to the players. Sun Ce and others talked about it themselves.

I think today's domestic live broadcast starts at 6:30... Sun Ce distressed a wave of fans who want to watch the live broadcast.

As a Western team, the game starts earlier than almost all teams in the central division...

After the Grizzlies had Randolph, a powerful All-Star, and Sun Ce, a popular All-Star, even Kobe and James came here and booed.

But Yao Ming came here, the cheers were quite high.

Chinese fans are mostly one aspect, another reason... Yao Ming has the right to jump out of the contract after playing this season.

Grizzlies fans naturally want to attract Yao Ming to join through Sun Ce... Although there is no possibility at all, Yao Ming will not consider the Grizzlies even if they change teams, and the sponsors will not agree, maybe the league will Won't agree...

Here in Memphis, Sun Ce’s business value cannot be fully developed...


"The court sports station, the court sports station... here is the China Derby of the Rockets and Grizzlies brought by the court sports station..."

"Fans friends, welcome back to espn, the game between the Grizzlies and the Rockets is about to begin..."

In the opening of the sports live broadcast giants in China and the United States, the starting players of the two teams played.

Sun Ce sat on the sidelines, watching the opponent's starting lineup.

"Brooks, a-level (peak), offensive a+, defensive d; Kevin Martin, a-level (peak ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ offensive a+, defensive c-, basically no offensive pure offensive type Guard combination...

Anthony, s-level, offensive s, defensive b; Kenyon Martin, c+ level, offensive d-, defensive b+; Yao Ming, s-level...

Dayao's basket defense is one-on-one in the league, and he doesn't have a good ability to expand. Kenyon Martin has no offensive ability except for eating. The defensive end can expand with agility. On the defensive end, Dayao is very good. Take the ride, Anthony’s defensive awareness is not good, but his physical fitness is good, and he will not be hindered...

In general, the Rockets have almost no outside defense and are afraid of teams with many shooters, but the offensive and defensive rebounding performance may be excellent...

Our advantage should be quite large, we have good starting defense, sister-in-law Tianke Dayao..."

Just when Sun Ce analyzed the Rockets, the game had already begun.

In the opening stage, Sun Ce fell behind without it!

Anthony's mid-range three-threat threatens to play Gay and Battier playing like... while the Grizzlies themselves have Randolph's head, they have to drop low singles!

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