Chapter 11 Brothers

Lin Yi stood up, straightened his clothes, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect him to be the first one to come. This is quite interesting.

Let's go. When people bring gifts, we have to show our face and welcome them at the door. "

Hong Yingdao said, "Yes."

Lin Yi walked slowly, looking at the gift list, and walked to the door. King Dai's carriage had just stopped.

Lin Yi secretly thought that he was holding on to time to wait for himself to pick him up.

Stepping forward, before the car curtain could be opened, he cupped his hands and said, "Greetings to Brother Sixth Emperor."

A hand stretched out from the carriage and lifted the curtain. Before the guards could place the bench, he jumped out and smiled at Lin Yi, "Lao Jiu, is it not your nature to be so polite?"

   “The cannibal is soft-spoken and the recipient is short-handed. My elder brother gave me so many gifts, which made my younger brother feel quite embarrassed.”

Lin Yi told the truth.

 Looking at King Dai reaching out to put his arm around his shoulders, he subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

He really doesn’t want to be with this acting king if it’s not necessary!

I am really afraid of being compared, which will cause my self-confidence to drop and make me depressed for several days!

 In terms of appearance, the facial features of the two people are almost the same, and the combination is quite good.

However, the blame lies in his temperament. Lin Yi has no idea where he is compared with him, and he is invisibly shorter!

The words "romantic, suave, elegant, and majestic" seem to have been tailor-made for this acting prince.

 But think of the generous gifts that others sent!

 Finally, let’s let him hug you!

"Haha." Dai Wang laughed and patted Lin Yi on the shoulder, "There are so many brothers, but I only like to talk to you. Go straight and don't have to go round."

"Brother, please." Lin Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that King Dai didn't put his arm around his shoulders, and then welcomed King Dai into the hall.

 After the tea and cakes were served, Hong Ying and the maid left.

 Dai Wang waved casually to the people around him, and for a while only the two brothers were left in the huge living room.

Lin Yi held up his hands and said, "Lao Jiu, I wish you congratulations again."

Lin Yi sighed and said, "Brother Liuhuang, you clearly know where Sanhe is, and yet you come to make fun of me."

King Dai smiled and shook his head, put down his robe, took off his boots, put one foot on the ground and one foot on the chair, took a sip of the tea cup and said, "Brother, I What you say is true, and it is worth more than real gold.”

“You actually imitated me and said you didn’t make fun of me,”

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at him unceremoniously, "Sanhe is a remote and remote country, with many barbarians and disobedient people. I'm sure I'll have a headache from now on. I don't have a clean face, right?"

Don't look at me like that, it makes me embarrassed. "

 “Lao Jiu, you are a fool but you are lucky.” King Dai said suddenly.

 “What?” Lin Yi was confused.

The king took another sip of tea and put the tea cup back on the table.

“Brother is envious of your luck. Sanhe, you have a blank piece of paper, you can write or draw as you like.”

“Brother, my brother doesn’t understand what you are saying.”

Lin Yi suddenly became vigilant.

 The king asked, "Do you know the purpose of Emperor Gao's establishment of vassal kings?"

“We will defend the frontier from the outside, and support it with domestic capital.” This is the standard answer, and Lin Yi cannot fail to know it, “to prevent local ministers from being arrogant and domineering.”

“That’s right. The king of Sai replaced the heroes to guard the border, so as to avoid the situation of the previous dynasty’s Jiedu envoys who supported their own troops."

Dai Wang smiled lightly and said,

“But the most important thing is that Emperor Gao loved his son deeply and planned for his descendants.

  Emperor Gao was born into a poor man and did not want his 19 sons to suffer from poverty again. "

“That seems to be true.” Lin Yi suddenly felt that it made sense.

“I was given a gold book and gold treasures, a salary of ten thousand stones, commanded the border troops, built cities and farmed fields, and guarded a few thousand people, and a large number up to ten thousand people. It was really a prince.

 The princes and ministers all bowed down and paid homage when they saw him, it was so beautiful. "

The king continued, "It wasn't until the third year of Emperor Xianzong's reign that the British king rebelled, and the court did not allow the vassal kings to have fiefs and subjects, but their salaries and fields were not reduced.

Fifteen years ago, the king of Liangzhou rebelled, and his father was cruel. When the fourth and fifth emperor brothers were ennobled, they no longer had the opportunity to lead troops at the frontier.

 When you go to the fiefdom, you can only be controlled by the governor. If you don't take care of things, you are no different from a waste.

 They are not allowed to return to Ankang City for the rest of their lives without any reason.

 How sad! "

Lin Yi heard it. He was lamenting that he was not born at the right time. It would be better for the second prince and the third prince to catch up with him at a good time.

Looking at Dai Wang who looked slightly sad, Lin Yi didn't know how to comfort him for a while.

I am sorry for your loss?

 “Do you know how many princes and princes there are in our dynasty now?”

 The king kept asking questions.

 “This is really unclear.”

Lin Yi could not count on his fingers. It has been more than two hundred years since the founding of the country, and hereditary succession has been neglected. How many descendants of the old Lin family are there!

The king continued, "I have read the records of the clan's mansion, and there are still thirty-six princes like you and me, excluding those who did not build a mansion because of their young age and those who were demoted!

 You and I, brothers, are just two of them.

 Four hundred and twenty-seven princes!

 There are more than 100,000 remaining royal bloodline members such as generals who govern the country, generals who support the country, county lords, county monarchs, and Yibins!

The salary of the lowest lieutenant Fengguo is one hundred and fifty Dan! "

 “100,000 people?”

Lin Yi opened his mouth in surprise. He had only expected that there would be many people, but he never expected that there would be so many. “This salary is even higher than that of the county magistrate.

 They are all rich people. "

 The key is that the family is still a large local landowner and has accumulated wealth for generations!

"Hmph!" Dai Wang snorted coldly, "Last year the clan's salary expenditure alone was 1.5 million dan. What's ridiculous is that General Yuan Qing has returned to the court, and the salary of only 30,000 taels has not been made up.

If General Yuan had not had a high prestige in the army and had mutinied long ago, there would be no great victory today. "

"This" Lin Yi was stunned. He didn't know anything about these things. After all, he was only interested in money.

 “Do you know why I’m talking to you so much today?”

 “Brother Emperor, please clarify.” This is exactly what Lin Yi wanted to ask.

"I plan to go to Jiangnan in a few days to join the vassal and live out my rest of my life as an idle prince," Dai Wang said sadly, "I don't know if you and I will have a chance to meet again in our lifetimes, so I'm going to chat a little bit today."

 “Brother, you are just kidding me. We have been together for a lifetime, how can we not meet each other?”

Lin Yi still didn’t believe what he said, just because he wouldn’t be able to see him again!

“To put it bluntly, my father is getting old.” King Dai suddenly snorted coldly, “The world is about to change.”

Lin Yi listened blankly, not knowing how to answer the question!

 Although they are brothers, their relationship is not that close!

The King of Dai suddenly said in a sinister tone, "Lao Jiu, remember my words, no matter whether it is the Fourth Brother, Lao Ba or Lao Twelve who inherits the throne, even you will do.

We must not let the crown prince, the third emperor brother, and the seventh brother succeed to the throne, otherwise you and I, the first-class brothers, will die without a burial place! "

 “Brother, what you said is serious.” Lin Yi really didn’t expect that King Dai would dare to say such words in front of him!

 Aren’t you afraid of being sold?

“The prince is suspicious, the third brother is mean and ungrateful, and the seventh brother is a little too pedantic. He says that benefiting the people is a blessing for the people of the world, but it is a disaster for us.”

Dai Wang slowly put on his boots, stood up with his hands on the chair, glanced back at Lin Yi, and said with a smile, "That's all, Lao Jiu, see you later."

 After speaking, he laughed and left.

 “Bear yourselves to your royal brother.”

Looking at the carriage of King Dai gradually driving away, Lin Yi said in a deep voice, "We will set off to join the feudal clan the day after tomorrow."

"Your Majesty." Hong Ying was startled and didn't know what happened. "Isn't it too hasty?"

"That can't wait any longer." Lin Yi waved his hand towards him and said, "Go and get ready."

ps: Thank you for being the leader of the boss, I will update it later. Thank you to cc178, A Zangfengjian, Ziyue, Ye Luolan, I love reading but I don’t like bathing, etc.

There are many other big names, too many to list here one by one.

 Thank you all for your love! Still shamelessly asking for votes!

 (End of this chapter)

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