I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 111: Gratitude and resentment

Chapter 111 Gratitude and hatred

Wen Zhaoyi said seriously, "Jizhao'an cannot be underestimated."

Lin Yidao, "A few masters with strong martial arts skills are saints?"

Wen Zhaoyi said, "Seizing the enemy's head among thousands of troops is like picking out an item from a bag."

“Relying on one person’s strength to determine the outcome of a war?”

Lin Yi was quite disdainful.

Wen Zhaoyi said calmly, "Emperor Lin Baozhi fought against Chen Duo, who was unparalleled in power at the time, in Hongzhou. An army of 300,000 people faced an army of 500,000 people. They retreated continuously and were in danger.

Finally, the master of Jizhao'an personally led his disciples into the enemy camp as if entering an uninhabited country, and killed three generals in a row.

 Chen Duo was defeated.

Emperor Gaozu relied on Jizhao'an to conquer the world.

 Do you still dare to look down upon me? "

Lin Yi sneered, "With the death of a few generals, the army's command system has been paralyzed, and Chen Duo is no better."

 As a modern person, he actually looks down upon this kind of military system.

Wen Zhaoyi continued, "There is no master in the world who has the highest skill than Master Jingyi of Jizhao'an.

 After the age of forty, he has never met an opponent.

If you can get help from Jizhao'an, your hope of seizing the throne is quite high. "

Lin Yi said carelessly, "If I want something, I will naturally get it based on my ability. It's really not rare for others to give it to me.

 A gentleman does not eat food that comes with a sigh. "

Wen Zhaoyi added, "Ye Jinyu has the ability to conquer the country. According to the rules, if you ascend to the throne, the saint from Jizhao'an will be your future concubine."

Lin Yi said, "It's just a little prettier. I don't care if you put on a bad face every day."

“I’ve said so much and you’re not moved?”

Wen Zhaoyi suddenly laughed.

 “I’m just curious, how do you know so much?”

 Lin Yi changed the topic.

Wen Zhaoyi stared into Lin Yi's eyes and said, "I am the previous saint of Jizhao Temple, Jingyi is my junior sister, and my name is Jingxuan."


Lin Yi was stunned.

Wen Zhaoyi seemed happy to see Lin Yi like this.

He picked up the tea cup, lifted up his skirt, crossed his legs elegantly, and said with a smile, "Why, are you surprised?"

 “The reason why the late emperor ascended the throne was because of”

Lin Yi had to suspect that the late emperor’s accession to the throne was because of Ji Zhao’an.

“That’s right,” Wen Zhaoyi said with a smile, “otherwise, how could he, an unpopular prince, ascend to the throne?

However, he is a heartless person.

I have been in the palace for decades and have never seen it once. "

 “What about my old man?”

Lin Yi's curiosity became even more intense.

Wen Zhaoyi said, "When the late emperor was in power, he was known as the Yongguang Dynasty, and Jizhao'an remained in seclusion, but Delong relied on his own ability to get there.

 He knew a little bit about my affairs, but he never made it difficult for me.

 However, in his dreams he probably wanted to destroy Jizhao'an. "

 “Then why are you following me?”

 Lin Yi's face gradually changed.

 He just wants freedom.

 We will never become a puppet of any force or anyone.

“When did you, kid, become so suspicious?

I have liked you since I was a child, not to mention you promised me to support me in my old age. "

Wen Zhaoyi said.


Lin Yi still had some doubts.

Wen Zhaoyi said, "You know me, I never lie to others."

  It’s more that she doesn’t bother to lie.

Lin Yi said, "If you have any purpose, I think you will probably be disappointed."

“I forgot to tell you that Jizhao’an and I have been at odds with each other for a long time.”

Wen Zhaoyi said with a gloomy face, "Do you think that the reason why I was injured last time was all because of my good junior sister?"


Lin Yi didn't understand, "You two are senior sisters, shouldn't you have a good relationship?"

“I have been attending Jizhao Temple since I was a child, but Jingyi and I have always been at odds with each other and always competed.”

Wen Zhaoyi suddenly fell into memories of the past, “When I was sixteen years old, I became the saint of Jizhao Temple.

 But what I like is the bustling streets and the beautiful flowers on my head. What does the rise and fall of the world have to do with me?

 However, it is hard to disobey the master's orders and walk the rivers and lakes on behalf of the master.

 I found the late emperor and answered him. He regarded the common people of the world as his own responsibility. Master was very satisfied. Jizhao'an fully supported his enthronement.

 After the master passed away, Jingyi became the head of the sect.

It is true that things in the world are unpredictable. "

Lin Yi said, "Then you can't be enemies, can you?"

 “She killed my only son,”

Wen Zhaoyi suddenly said loudly, “He is only two years old!

 Already know how to call me mother.

 My good boy”

  Tears as big as rice grains fell from her eyes one by one.

When Lin Yi heard this, he didn't know what to say or how to comfort him.

“At that time, I met a man, fell in love with him, and later became pregnant with him.

 It’s just that the saints of Jizhao’an were not allowed to have an affair and could only marry the emperor.

 What is the common people in the world?

 She can kill my son for the sake of the world! "

Wen Zhaoyi said in a cold voice, "What does the world have to do with my son!"

 The hatred of killing a son is irreconcilable!

 I will take Jingyi’s life in this life! "

“My condolences, sister,” Lin Yi gritted his teeth and said, “Your enemy will be my enemy from now on!

 I will definitely avenge you! "

How cruel it is to kill even a two-year-old child!

 “Hey, I shouldn’t have said so much,”

Wen Zhaoyi wiped away her tears and said with a forced smile, "You must be laughing."

Lin Yi said, "Jinyu was her apprentice that night. It would be tolerant of you to let her go."

Wen Zhaoyi said, "She is just a poor person like me. Why is it difficult for a poor person to be a poor person?"

 After speaking, he shook his head and said nothing.

Lin Yi was not in the mood to go fishing.

The guardsmen recruited refugees, and the number suddenly expanded to nearly 5,000.

Every day training is in full swing on the playground on the south bank of the river.

 In addition to the more than 1,000 yamen and police officers, they spent a lot of money and food every day.

 Sanhe has a small population, and taxes are only so small, so it cannot afford to support so many officers and soldiers.

Shan Qi ran out of money and sighed at Lin Yi.

 “What do you care about my king?”

Lin Yi said angrily, "If I can't solve the problem, why can't I solve those of you who raised the problem?"

"Your Majesty, as long as we survive this autumn harvest, it will be fine. The autumn grain will come soon."

Shanqi laughed sarcastically.

“Hmph, I heard that there is a bandit in Jinji Mountain who is occupying a gold mine. Wouldn’t it be great if you go and deal with it?”

 Expect him to pay?

He is not willing to do such stupid things now.

 “Your Majesty is wise!”

Shanqi kowtows.

 Happy beyond measure.

 In the afternoon of that day, five thousand officers and soldiers of the guard station set out, led by He Jixiang and Shen Chu.

 “This **** thing, can’t he pay again?”

Lin Yi felt that he had been fooled, "It takes so many people to fight a bandit?"


Ye Qiu, who had been standing next to Lin Yi, hesitated to speak.

 “If you fart, let it go!”

Lin Yi glared at him.

 “Jiang Sixi is my disciple.”

 Ye Qiu lowered his head.


Lin Yi suspected that he heard wrongly.

“The Swordsman is my useless apprentice,”

Ye Qiu hurriedly patted his chest and said, "If the prince doesn't like him, I will kill him immediately!"

“Who can I ask for money from if I kill him?”

Lin Yi kicked him and said, "Hurry up and catch up with Mr. He Jixiang and the others!"

 Ye Qiu ran away in a hurry.

 (End of this chapter)

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