Chapter 139 Rebels

 In the past, when the Sanhe Militia was first established and had limited combat capabilities, he was cautious in his two campaigns against bandits.

But things are different now. The officers and soldiers of the guard station have all grown up through his careful training, and they are all elite soldiers who advance and retreat in an orderly manner!

Unless Zhang Mian and Bao Kui are incompetent and stupid enough not to know what it means to defeat them individually!

 Otherwise, hundreds of thousands of refugees would not be able to fight against more than 10,000 regular troops. It could be said that they would be hitting a stone with an egg.

Lin Yi sighed, "If you really lose, I won't bother to care whether you jump into the river or not. I will have to take a boat out to sea, find a small island, and end my remaining days."

He Jixiang still said firmly, "Your Majesty, please be at ease."

 “I hope so.”

Lin Yi will say no more.

Faintly, he regretted building the road. The road from Yuezhou to Sanhe was so convenient. Anyone who was not a fool would come along the way.

 Enter April.

 The temperature in Sanhe remains high.

However, as the officers and soldiers led by Zhang Mian walked northwest along the road, they felt increasingly cooler. They even needed to cover themselves with a blanket when sleeping on the top of the mountain in the middle of the night.

 It only took half a month to reach half of the road to Yuezhou.

You will always meet refugees in twos and threes along the way. After giving them some food, let them go in the direction of Baiyun City.

 At night.

 There were only two people in the large tent, Bao Kui and Zhang Mian.

According to the rules, drinking is prohibited in the army, so the two of them sat cross-legged on the ground holding teacups, facing each other in silence.

After a long time, Bao Kuicai said, "Sir Zhang, according to the report from the detective, the 100,000 refugees held hostage by Jin Ke are getting closer and closer to us. I wonder what your plans are?"

Zhang Mian said disdainfully, "Why should we care about the likes of chickens and dogs."

 His confidence in these officers and soldiers is even greater than that of He Jixiang.

 “Sir, please do not underestimate the enemy’s carelessness,”

Bao Kui said hurriedly, "Otherwise, if you make a mistake, you will let the prince down!"

Zhang Mian smiled and said, "Don't be so nervous. Let's wait two days before talking."

 The army continued westward for ten days.

Chen Xinluo, who was acting as a scout, reported that Jinke's vanguard was less than three miles away from them.

“Sir Zhang, I have already dealt with the rebels’ detective horses.”

Chen Xinluo was riding on a tall horse and said with cupped hands.

 Zhang Mian said in a deep voice, "How many people are there in the vanguard?"

Chen Xinluo said, "Less than ten thousand people!"

Zhang Mian smiled and said, "The brave one wins when we meet on a narrow road."

Facing such a small number of enemies, there is no need to use any strategy at all.

 In the evening, the refugees in ragged clothes, carrying spears and sticks, and carrying pots and pans on their backs were stunned when they suddenly saw such a group of armored and armed officers and soldiers in front of them.


The long knife in Bao Kui's hand gleamed in the sun. He led the way, with 800 cavalry behind him, and slashed at the rebel refugees!

  Before they could rush in, the refugees began to flee.

 The supervisory team began to brandish their swords to prevent the refugees from fleeing.

 There were screams everywhere for a while.

The refugees panicked and ran all over the mountains and plains.

In such a short time, Zhang Mian had not had time to order the entire army to attack, and the rebels had almost fled before the swords in their hands saw blood.

There were only a hundred or so refugees squatting on the ground holding their heads in front of them, including many women carrying children on their backs.

 The screams of women and the cries of children, mixed together, are disturbing.

Bao Kui looked at Zhang Mian helplessly, he couldn't make a move.

Even if he really takes action, according to his understanding of their prince, he will have to shed his skin even if he doesn't die after returning.

 “This is the rebel?”

Zhang Mian smiled bitterly, he didn't know whether to say that Yuan Qing and King Yong were incompetent!

Bao Kui looked at the fewer and fewer people on the mountain and sighed, "Master Zhang, what should we do?"

 Zhang Mian said, "If the prince is here, what do you think the prince should do?"

Bao Kui pondered for a while and then said, "Your Majesty is kind and you should give porridge."


 Zhang Mian said to Chen Xinluo, "Let the cook of Jinfu Restaurant set up the pot and cook the rice."

Jinfu Restaurant is also a supplier for this expedition, and is responsible for cooking rice for the officers and soldiers.

  As for the common people, they eat what they eat.

Pot after pot of hot porridge was cooked and given to the woman in front of him first.

 The women ate bowl after bowl with fear, always feeling like they were dreaming.

 Some stray thieves hiding in the grass on the mountain could not resist the temptation of the fragrance and gradually ran down.

Even if they die, they want to be a dead ghost.

 There were more than 2,000 people queuing up to eat.

Bao Kui didn’t dare to give them more food for fear of overstuffing them to death.

After that, he had them **** and arranged for a hundred civilians to **** them back to Baiyun City.

 As for how to deal with it, that is a matter between you and the prince.

 The army marched for three more days, but still did not encounter any decent resistance. The refugee team of 10,000 to 20,000 people ran away when they saw them.

 Until the fourth day.

 Encountered Jinke's direct troops.

“Jin Ke can escape from the hands of General Yuan Qing and ascend to heaven. He is definitely not an ordinary person!”

 Bao Kui repeatedly reminded Zhang Mian.

 Zhang Mian smiled and said, "Who is the mantis and who is the cicada? We will find out today."

Looking at the enemy troops in front of him, Zhang Mian did not use any fancy tactics. He charged in first with one man and one horse, shouting.

 The civilians who were two miles away from the army were sleeping, in a daze, and were bored.

 Suddenly, they were awakened by the neighing of animals.

 Then they heard the sound of gongs and drums on the mountain, followed by the enemies charging down.

 If you are timid, just run away.

As a pork supplier, Pork Rong suddenly yelled, pulled out a cleaver from the middle of the car, and cursed, "Why are you running!

There are so many of us, we can crush them to death! "

 “I can still be afraid of them!”

Not to be outdone, the butcher took out his meat cleaver.

 “Don’t freak out!”

Li Sanniang shouted loudly, "Our Kung Fu training is not in vain."

 Pork Rong was the first to cut down the enemy rushing down the mountain!

 He is the third grade!

 After beheading two people in a row, he felt that it was easier to kill a person than to kill a pig.

 The pig has to be poked, it’s useless even if it’s shallow.

 But people are different. If you scratch and pull on the neck, there will be no one who doesn't lie down.

 About to chop at the third person.

 A volley of bows and arrows came over.

There is no one alive in front of me.

 He turned around and saw Zhang Mian, who was watching with cold eyes.

 It didn’t take long for the battle to end.

 Zhang Mian punched a strong man.

 The big man vomited blood, knelt on the ground, and remained silent.


 You are quite a man."

Zhang Mian snorted coldly and said, "It's not bad, he can actually outflank us.

 It’s a pity that it doesn’t work here. "

 “dog official,”

Jin Ke's face was bloody, but he still said forcefully, "Kill me if you dare. I will still be a good man after eighteen years!"

Bao Kui kicked him and cursed, "You kidnapped women and children, did many evil things, and killed countless people. Are you worthy of being a good man?"

Jin Ke still said, "If you succeed as a king or lose as a bandit, I have nothing to say."

Bao Kui said loudly, "Take him down and keep a close eye on him."

 He believed that Prince He would definitely cut this man into pieces.

This man massacred two cities, Baihe and Zhuxi, one after another!

 There was not a single person left alive!

His crimes are too numerous to list!

 Late night.

 Bao Kui and Zhang Mian gathered in the tent again, looking at each other.

Bao Kui was a military householder for generations. He joined Mei Jingzhi's southern expedition at the age of fifteen. After that, he conquered the south and the north. His greatest skill was to save his own life.

Zhang Miannai was the queen of the generals. He also served under the governor Yang Changchun at the age of fifteen. He took the lead and made many military exploits.

The commander of the Nanmen Army and Horses Division is not of high rank, but has great authority.

If he didn't have real ability, his uncle alone wouldn't be able to achieve this position!

 But the two of them have never had such a smooth battle before!

This time, we defeated a hundred thousand rebels and captured the bandit leader, but only dozens of civilians and hundreds of officers and soldiers died. This is simply an unparalleled achievement!

 Speak out and don’t say others don’t believe you!

Even they themselves refuse to believe it!

 “Master Zhang,”

After winning the battle, Bao Kui was not very happy. He sighed and said, "Are we just going back like this?"

 Go back and tell the prince directly, will the enemy run away when they see us?

 It’s so shameless!

 It gives people the feeling that I can have **** with me!

 “What should you do?”

 Zhang Mian asked.

 ps: Please vote!

 (End of this chapter)

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