I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 167: Qian people

Chapter 167 Qian people

 The more the earth shakes, the closer the elephant's hoofbeats and neighing sounds get.

 Everyone can already see the big ears like cattail leaf fans and the snow-white ivory tusks, shining in the sun.

 The big tree as thick as an arm was directly trampled down by them.

The officers and soldiers of the guard station lined up, and more than a thousand people drew their bows and set arrows. The Guizhou people who were originally cheering rushed to the elephant soldiers and shouted loudly, signaling the elephant soldiers to stop. They were not stupid, and they definitely did not want to see their fellow tribesmen being shot into hedgehogs. .

Hundreds of Guizhou people, including the elderly, women and children, stood between the elephant herd and the guardsmen. The elephant soldiers finally stopped.

  The elephant soldiers were obscured by dust and downed trees and could not be seen at a glance.

Kang Bao, the leader of the Lian people, imitated Shen Chu and said, "Your Majesty, even though there are two hundred elephants, these are all for good but not for use."

The Lian and Li tribes also tried to tame their elephants, but the elephants were not obedient, and elephants trampled people to death one after another, so they had to give up in the end.

Looking at Xiang Bing's earth-shattering momentum, Lin Yi was extremely shocked.

This **** thing, if it goes to the battlefield, not to mention the infantry, even the cavalry on horseback will not be an opponent!

He ignored Kang Bao and only said to Shen Chu, "Treat everyone equally, treat them well, and don't chill their hearts.

 Tell them that if they can defeat the army of Asoka this time, the king will give them one thousand loads of grain, one thousand bows and arrows, and ten thousand pieces of cloth. "

 In a barbaric land, food, cloth, and ironware are the hard currencies, and they are more effective than gold and silver!

Shen Chu took Kang Bao and Chen Dashui to the front of the elephant soldiers. Shen Chu said something, and Kang Bao followed suit.

The Guizhou people roared one after another, accompanied by the neighing of elephants.

Due to the language barrier, Lin Yi had no intention of meeting with the leaders of the Guizhou people, and left all matters to He Jixiang, Shen Chu and others.

 Not two days.

The campsites spread over the mountains and plains have become a small market.

The peasants from Sanhe came here with a lot of good goods and set up a stall on the spot. With a piece of cloth and a pair of scissors, they could exchange gold particles as big as fingernails and silver as big as fists from the hands of Lian people and Qian people. !

 There is no better money in the world than this.

In order to make money, some people exchanged their kitchen knives, axes, pots and pans, and even took off their clothes and gave them to local tribesmen.

If it weren't for the shame, I would even take off my underwear to others.

This place is isolated from the rest of the world. For Lian and Qian people, it is a good idea to exchange useless gold and silver for things.

 They were a hundred times happier than the people of Sanhe.

 At one time, most of the tens of thousands of people, except for women, were bare-chested and bare-legged, with only a pair of underpants all over their bodies, and some were even wrapped only in towels.

Lin Yi, who was used to being shirtless, felt less out of place when standing in a crowd.

The local tribesmen are quite neatly dressed and walk proudly among the crowd.

The officers and soldiers of Sanhe were jealous. However, they were restricted by military discipline and could not exchange their swords, armor, and linings for money.

 Pando is finally back.

"Your Majesty, after the three thousand vanguards left the Hundred Thousand Mountains, they did not continue to advance. They only sent out a few dozen scouts, and the small ones have all been dealt with."

"You are hurt?"

Lin Yi saw the bright red blood on his chest.

 “A small injury is nothing to worry about,”

Pan Duo patted his chest and laughed and said, "If nothing happens, in three days, another 10,000 troops from Ayu Kingdom will be able to leave the 100,000-strong mountain and join the 3,000 pioneers. Including the civilians, there will be about 20,000 people."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work. Go down and have a rest. Ask Hu Shilu to apply some medicine to your wounds."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Pandor bowed his hands and stepped back.

He Jixiang said loudly, "My lord, don't worry, I have set up ambushes on both sides of Jinji Mountain. Even the elephant soldiers will never come back."

Lin Yidao, "When Mei Jingzhi was marching south, his army of 100,000 people was only tied with 30,000 people from Ayu State."

 “The prince doesn’t know something,”

 Chen Desheng, who came with the army despite everyone's dissuasion, said, "Twelve years ago, Mei Jingzhi claimed to have an army of 100,000, but there were 40,000 civilians among them.

Moreover, there were many northerners in the army who were not adapted to the climate of Sanhe. At that time, a plague broke out in the army, which depleted morale. Xin Desan and the local tribes came to the rescue.

I am different from Sanhe. There are many locals in the army. Although there are many refugees from other places, they have all practiced the martial arts. No matter how fierce the Ayu people are, we are not afraid! "

 “What Mr. Chen said is,”

Bao Kui had not yet come out of the shadow of defeat because of the previous defeat in Daxi City, and he had been reticent. However, he could not help but say at this moment, "My subordinates have fought against the Ayu people. They fought with brute force. Both of them fought with each other." The army of Sanhe is not a vegetarian."

Everyone was talking to each other, and the discussion was in full swing. After Hong Ying filled Lin Yi's cup with tea, he quietly left the camp.

He walked straight to Pando, who was sitting on a rock with his eyes closed and concentrating.

Pando opened his eyes and asked, "What are the orders from the steward?"

Hong Yingdao said, "You are already at the peak of the eighth level, who can hurt you?

Is it possible that there are some masters in this Ayuguo army? "

Pan Duo pondered for a while and said, "The next porter was captured by the Ayu people and went to rescue him. There were many people on the other side and he was a little injured, so the manager didn't worry about it."

"It doesn't matter if you die, don't miss the prince's important event."

Hong Ying had a gloomy face and suddenly slapped his chest with a palm.

Pando had no chance to escape, and the shock and horror on his face gradually turned into calmness, and he no longer resisted.

 After a while, Hong Ying retracted his hand, and Pan Duo also lowered his hands on his knees.

 “Thank you, steward.”

Although the external injuries are still there, the internal injuries have been basically healed.

He had to admire the **** eunuch's high strength. He had been practicing his kung fu for so long, but not even a drop of sweat could be seen on the other person's forehead.

Hong Yingdao said, "Are you learning our Huiyuan Gong?"

Pan Duo was panicking. In the martial arts world, secretly learning martial arts is a taboo. He gritted his teeth and said, "If you want to kill or behead, it's all up to the manager. I just ask the manager to forgive me for a few days and wait until I return to Baiyun City to explain the matter to the shopkeeper." , I have nothing to say."


Hong Yingying said to Ye Qiu who was following him, "Starting today, you will teach him the complete Huiyuan Kung Fu.

Wherever he goes, you go and follow him. "

Ignoring Ye Qiu's bitter look, he turned around and left.

When Hong Ying walked into the camp, Ye Qiu patted Pan Duo on the shoulder and said, "Brother, you really screwed me up."

Not only do you have to teach this guy martial arts, but you also have to follow him as a bodyguard!

 “Thank you, Brother Ye.”

Pando was naturally overjoyed.

 After all, the Huiyuan Gong he learned in the past was incomplete. Now that someone is teaching him carefully, he believes that he will definitely make further progress.

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 (End of this chapter)

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