I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 177: Inner Zen Gift {Two in One}

Chapter 177 The Great Ceremony of Inner Zen {Two in One}

 Life is difficult, and many Guizhou people are already considering returning to their hometowns.

 At this time, I and the prince rebuilt the elephant guard, including food and accommodation.

  There is no reason for them to be unhappy.

 But the Sanhe people who had made money from them were very unhappy. They originally expected to continue making money from them, but they not only followed Sanhe, but also prepared to settle down, which was not so good.

These people fight and cause trouble everywhere and urinate and defecate everywhere, which is already annoying enough.

What’s even more annoying is that Baiyun City’s police officers have double standards and don’t even punish them with forced labor!

 Fortunately, as the Guizhou people joined the Elephant Guards, the Li people and the Lian people entered the Sanhe Guards, leaving only some old, weak, women and children, the situation was slowly changing.

 This winter has been exceptionally colder than previous years.

The old man in Baiyun City said that he has never encountered such cold weather in his life.

The lazy man lying on the street does not even have a place to protect himself from the wind and rain. He goes to bed every day in fear for fear that he will not wake up the next day.

As a last resort, many people joined the road construction team. Not only did they have enough to eat, but they also had shelter and quilts to cover them at night.

 “It’s so **** cold, it’s not a normal day at all.”

Lin Yi couldn't stay in the yard any longer, so he simply went into the living room and looked at the drizzle that suddenly started falling outside.

Now he goes out less and less often. Every time he goes out, he is surrounded by people, torturing others and torturing himself.

  It is better to stay at home safely.

Thinking about it, I will destroy those girls in Jizhao'an as soon as possible!

 You can also walk in the sun again.

 “Your Majesty,”

Mingyue made tea for Lin Yi again and said with a smile, "I heard that those honest people are clamoring to go back every day because they can't stand the cold."

“I don’t know how cold Ankang City will be at this time,”

Lin Yi unconsciously thought of my mother and sister again, "No matter how cold it is in Sanhe, people will not freeze to death, but people in Ankang City will freeze to death."

Every winter morning, soldiers and horses from Ankang City would pull cart after cart of cold corpses out of the city, most of them homeless beggars and refugees.

Zixia agreed, "That's why I like Sanhe more. The prince governs well, everyone has clothes to wear, everyone has food to eat, everyone is happy, and the slaves are happy every day."

 “You’re a little talkative, you’re getting better and better at coaxing people,”

Lin Yi said with great joy, “I don’t know who I learned it from.”

On the day Tian Shiyou came back with more than thirty large ships, he thought he had come to the wrong place.

  In the evening, the sun's rays had dissipated and the cold wind was whistling. He, shirtless, couldn't help but shiver.

 “Commander Bao, long time no see!”

Tian Shiyou greeted Bao Kui, cupped his hands and asked, "How have you been lately?"

 “It’s thanks to you that it’s possible,”

Bao Kui smiled and said, "According to your last letter, you should have come back ten days ago. I didn't expect you would come back today."

 As a result, Prince He asked him to guard the shore every day.

Tian Shiyou sighed and said, "We encountered a hurricane on the road, so we had to find a small island to hide in. We had to worry about food and drink for so many days."

 Bao Kui said with a smile, "It will be good if we can come back safely."

Tian Shiyou said, "Would you like to wash up before going to see the prince?"

Bao Kui said with a smile, "Your Majesty, you don't care about the false etiquette, so you should just follow me now."

Tian Shiyou nodded, took a horse from the policeman on the side, rode it directly, and followed Bao Kui.

 After arriving at the gate, he first looked at Fang Pi, then at Cui Gengren, and said to Cui Gengren, "I want to borrow some clothes."

 What does it look like to be shivering with cold in front of Prince He?

Cui Gengren took off his clothes and threw them directly to the shirtless Tian Shiyou, and warned, "Remember to come back."


Tian Shiyou followed Bao Kui and entered the house laughing.

 “The prince is a thousand years old!”

 “Get up.”

Lin Yi glanced at him and continued to focus on the crickets in the jar.

This is another entertainment he came up with after being idle.

Unexpectedly, in less than two days, the first cricket competition in Baiyun City began, and gamblers placed their bets with red eyes.

It makes him want to throw away the cricket. If Sanhe's atmosphere is ruined, how can it develop?

“Your Majesty,” Tian Shiyou stood up and said, “I have sent King Yong’s army back to Yongzhou.”

 “Have you given money?”

There is no point in regretting it now. Lin Yi only cares about whether he got the money.

 “Take it,”

Tian Shiyou said, "The sky in Yongzhou was covered with heavy snow, the weather was freezing, and the sea was frozen. Many soldiers died of frostbite as soon as they got off the ship."

“That’s pretty miserable,” Lin Yi said casually, “Have the Wadan people retreated?”

 “I’m not sure about this,”

Tian Shiyou said cautiously, "I heard that Yang Changchun has been used by King Yong."

"anything else?"

Lin Yi asked next.

Tian Shiyou recounted the story of the ship being attacked by the Qizhou Navy and said, "In my humble opinion, the Qizhou Navy did not use all its strength, otherwise I would not have a chance to come back."


Lin Yi was surprised, "So this king still owes that promotion, what do you mean, I owe him a favor?"

"Zhao Chaoliu," Tian Shiyou took the tea handed over by Mingyue, thanked him, and then said, "It seems that he is not willing to embarrass King Yong."

“Don’t you know it’s my Sanhe’s boat?” Lin Yi asked curiously.

"Your Majesty, our Sanhe Navy has just been established, and the reputation of the Otter Banner has not yet spread."

 Tian Shiyou always felt that this prince was different from before, but he couldn't tell what exactly had changed.

“That’s for King Yong’s sake, not for my own.”

Lin Yi said calmly, "I don't owe him anything, and you don't have to be polite when you see him in the future."

Tian Shiyou said, "Exactly."

Lin Yi said, "I understand. It's been a long journey. Let's go home and rest."


Tian Shiyou bowed and stepped back. He didn't even have time to take a sip of the hot tea he had just received.

When he went out, he saw Ye Qiu and Xiao Xizi competing in swordsmanship. You came and I went, sword shadows were everywhere, and he couldn't help but shout "Hello".

Ye Qiu said with a smile, "Mr. Tian, ​​I think you have a connection with this evil sword technique. Why don't you tell the manager and we'll learn it together tomorrow."

 “Fuck your mother!”

Tian Shiyou cursed angrily and ran away in a hurry, not daring to stay any longer.

 Just kidding, do your best to be a eunuch!

That’s really crazy!

 Everyone looked at his back and laughed.

A young man dressed in white and holding a bamboo stick in his hand suddenly said, "Master Ye, you have suffered a **** disaster recently and have to be on guard. I advise you not to stay in my house for too long today."

"Wang Dong, the prince asked you to follow that old Taoist priest Sun Xing to learn fortune-telling by touching bones. You did it to extort money from others, not to entertain your own people."

Ye Qiu, who has always been proud, did not dare to say harsh words to this blind man.

 Because this blind man’s words are sure to hit the mark.

It's really crazy.

 The more unknown something is, the more frightening it is.

Wang Dong shook his head and said, "I never lie, even if you don't believe me."

“I am already at the ninth level? What kind of **** disaster can there be?”

 Ye Qiu was a little angry.

This guy has a crow’s mouth!

 It always comes as it comes.

 “The secret of heaven must not be revealed.”

Wang Dong shook his head, leaned on the bamboo joint, and walked away.

Although he was blind, he seemed to have eyes. He quickly left Prince He's Mansion without anyone to guide him or support him.

 That night.

 Ye Qiu was beaten by Hong Ying and his forehead bled.

Wang Dong once again shocked everyone, what a masterstroke.

 It’s okay to be unconvinced.

They are really worried that Sun Xing, an old Taoist priest, will starve himself to death if he teaches his disciples, and his skills are far behind those of his disciples.

Sun Xing himself is of course troubled.

The incense of Baiyun Temple is getting stronger and stronger, and the business is getting better and better.

 But most people came here for him as his apprentice.

 After all, the name Divine Fortune Teller has already resounded throughout Baiyun City.

 Now, he, the master, actually wants to help his disciple.

 However, his apprentice also has advantages. He has no concept of money, and most of the money he earns is in his hands.

For the sake of money, he held his nose and admitted it.

“Disciple, come and wash your feet. It’s really hard work.”

Sun Xing brought his disciple back from Hu Banquan's house and earned ten taels of silver. He was so happy that he couldn't find the north and took the initiative to fetch water for his disciple to wash his feet.

 “Thank you, Master.”

Wang Dong remained motionless, letting his master take off his shoes and put on his socks.

 When his feet landed in the basin, he rubbed them and said, "Master, don't go to the Hu family again."


Sun Xing said puzzledly, "Among the big families in Baiyun City, which one is more generous and generous in giving money than the Hu family?

Disciple, let us master and disciple work harder, and when we make money, master will marry you a wife. "

“Master, climb up on the snow and climb to the sky,”

Wang Dong said calmly, "Master, you understand better than my disciple, what does this mean?"

 “Climbing on the plains to the sky on the snow”

Sun Xing was shocked and murmured, "No one can save this **** thing.

 Okay, then forget about it. If you come to us again in the future, just ask for help.

Grandma is a bear and cannot seek bad luck. "

 “Yes, I will follow the instructions carefully.”

Wang Dong smiled with satisfaction.

“You can’t go wrong if you listen to your teacher.”

Sun Xing laughed.

The new year is approaching.

One big ship after another returned to Baiyun City.

More than 200 large ships crowded the Xijiang River, and it was impossible to see the end of the river.

As soon as school time comes, the children in Baiyun City swarm onto the big boat, climbing around like monkeys.

 The world of children is simpler than that of adults, but it has the same number of contradictions.

Children also form gangs. Regardless of whether they have learned martial arts or not, they inevitably fight with each other. The size of the group fight is usually more than thirty people.

According to the laws of Baiyun City, those who fight will be sent to a labor camp.

 However, facing these half-grown cubs, the detectives were unable to do anything.

I went to ask Lin Yi for advice. Lin Yi only said that the children were free.

Any child who makes a mistake will be punished with copying a hundred times.

On New Year's Eve, Qi Peng finally sent news about the capital.

“The prince ascended the throne and was named Zhengchang. Emperor Delong was honored as the supreme emperor and gave guidance on government affairs.

The Ministry of Rites respectfully announced that Emperor Zhengchang had entrusted himself to the Supreme Emperor and passed the imperial edict on his throne. The golden phoenix issued the edict and declared it to the world."

After Lin Yi finished reading, he threw away the note in his hand and said, "Let's make trouble, make trouble as hard as possible. I want to see who is the fisherman and who is the oriole in the end."

 “Your Majesty,”

Qi Peng continued, "The empress and the princess are fine. Please rest assured, Your Majesty."

  "If the boss dares to do something stupid, I will definitely make a **** mess with him,"

Lin Yi continued, "Tomorrow is a new year, the first year of Zhengchang, and there is really a change of dynasty."

Shanqi said, "Your Majesty, General Mei's 70,000-strong army has entered Nanling."

 “Where is my uncle?”

Lin Yi picked up the tea cup and said, "Isn't he going to be a loyal minister? Has he returned to Ankang City?"

Shanqi said, "I'm afraid the army has arrived in the south of the Yangtze River at this moment."

                      ded by

Lin Yi sighed and said, "I have many uncles, so it doesn't matter if one or two of them die, but my mother is the closest to this uncle. If he dies, I don't know how sad my mother will be."

 Let him live. "

 “Your Majesty is wise!”

Shan Qi said sternly, "I'm sure His Highness the Crown Prince will not make such a foolish move."

 “Not necessarily,”

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "The boss has been in the position of prince for thirty years and is no longer a normal person. It's better to be careful."

 Normal people would not take such a big risk and put him under house arrest!

Shanqi said, "Yes."

Lin Yi said curiously, "I can still understand the betrayal of Yu Boxu and Yu Wenshe's father and son. After all, there is an emperor and a minister.

 But why does He Jin take such a big risk? "

 There were three dynasties of elders.

 Have there ever been eunuchs in the Three Dynasties?

 A **** can only be attached to one person for his whole life.

Shan Qi said, "I think the prince must have caught He Jin's hand."

Chen Desheng shook his head and said, "He Jin holds the imperial guard and holds a high and powerful position. How can the prince threaten him?"

Bian Jing nodded and said, "What you said is true. He Jin is by no means such a person who compromises easily."

 “If you can’t guess, don’t guess,”

Lin Yi raised his hands and stretched, "Then what does Jiang Zhong mean?

 As far as I know, he does not have such a good relationship with the prince.

The two of them had never dealt with each other before, and they wanted to kill each other. "

Qi Peng cupped his hands and said, "Jiang Chong's attitude is not so clear yet."

Lin Yiteng stood up and said, "Hey, I have a headache, don't worry about it for now. Today is the 30th of the New Year. Let's celebrate the New Year together. I will drink with you all until I get drunk."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward!”

 Everyone knelt down again and kowtowed three times solemnly.

 The Sanhe ship returned, the Chief Secretary's finances eased, and Lin Yi became rich.

 Not short of money.

 This night, there was a big feast.

As the fireworks from Hewangfu took off, the fireworks from Baiyun City also followed.

Lin Yi held the wine glass and said loudly, "Drink this glass with everyone. Thank you for your help!"

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

 Everyone spoke in unison and raised their heads to finish the drink.

“I just want to live a peaceful life, and it’s good to make mud.”

Lin Yi put down his wine glass and cursed, "If they don't let me, there's nothing I can do.

 Unless I turn into stinky shit, they won’t step on me.

However, I don’t want to be a stinky person. "

 Being a mess is already his biggest bottom line!

Everyone just listened to him speaking quietly, no one dared to interrupt, and no one knew how to interrupt.

“From now on, if this king doesn’t do well enough, just say it and don’t hold back your illness.”

Lin Yi finished another glass of wine, "I won't change it anyway!"

 It was a funny thing, but no one laughed.

 What does “won’t change” mean?

 This is a true promise!

  ps: Asking for votes

 (End of this chapter)

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