Chapter 19 Wen Zhaoyi

After Hu Shilu returned home, he drove the carriage to the backyard and handed it all over to his father, Hu Da, the horseman of Yuanhe Palace.

He took the tea from the maid and sat under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the yard, holding the tea cup but not taking a sip.

 “Are you stupid?”

Hu Shilu's daughter-in-law, Jin, came over and snatched his teacup, put it on the stone case, and said angrily, "It fell to the ground and broke. I'm not done with you."

"I'm thinking about something." Hu Shilu sighed, "Don't interrupt."

"Are you annoyed with me?" Jin said with an unhappy face.

"No, no," Hu Shilu sighed, "I and the prince will set off to join the feudal clan tomorrow."

"Does the prince really want to become a vassal?" Jin was startled.

"Yeah." Hu Shilu thought about it for a while, then looked at Jin and said, "Let's follow the prince to Sanhe."

"are you crazy!"

Jin jumped up immediately, "Who doesn't know where Sanhe is?"

Hu Shilu sighed and said, "I have thought about it. Let the child pack his things. We will set off with the prince tomorrow."

Jin said angrily, "You don't want to die, and you want to take our mothers to die with you?

And my parents, they are so old, can they bear the torture? "

Hu Shilu said solemnly, "I am a doctor, so I can naturally protect you, mother, son, and father and mother."

“What did you do in that **** place?” Jin really couldn’t figure it out.

“Your Majesty has shown me kindness, so I must repay it.” Hu Shilu said with a smile, “Without Your Majesty, I, Hu, would not be where I am today.”

 “I am a prince, what kind of person does not exist around me, and who is missing you?”

Jin's voice became louder and louder, "Besides, if you want to repay your kindness, there is no need to take the lives of our mothers so seriously!"

“Isn’t his prince’s life more valuable than ours?”

Hu Shilu’s father Hu Da suddenly walked out of the front room.

“Mother,” Mrs. Jin looked at the old lady of the Hu family behind Hu Da.

“You guys must be crazy. You know where Sanhe is. Everyone in Ankang City knows that. As long as they are exiled to that hellish place, I have never heard of anyone coming back alive.”

The old lady of the Hu family said with a smile, "In our women's family, we can marry a chicken or a dog according to the wishes of the two men."

"Mother," Jin said without giving up, "let's not talk about the two children and the land thousands of miles away. The road is not so easy to walk."

Hu Shilu said, "For the sake of the two children, we have to leave. Since the prince is gone, there will be no one to support us in the future."

"Don't you always brag about which minister or general you have treated?"

Jin was unconvinced and said, "Are you just an ant in Ankang City, letting others manipulate you?"

Hu Shilu snorted coldly and said, "As a woman, do you think this doctor is that good?

How often do I not feel trembling when I go into rich people's houses?

There are endless scandals there. If it weren’t for the fact that I was related to the prince, I would have been silenced long ago! "

Jin said, "Why do you think so much of the worst?"

Hu Shilu sneered and said, "In this world, do you still want to do good things?

 Dream on, let’s pack up quickly and follow the prince’s motorcade early tomorrow morning. When we arrive at Sanhe, the prince alone has the final say in that place.

Given our relationship with the prince, it’s not a sideways move. "

“What about the house?

 This was just purchased last year, and it passed away so suddenly.”

Jin’s eyes were about to burst into tears as she spoke.

Although she is usually arrogant, she is not a fool. Now that the man has decided the matter, she deliberately goes against the grain to leave no way out for herself.

Hu Da Dao said, "This is an easy thing to do. If you rent it out, you'll get dozens of taels of silver a year. It's an extra income. I'll go find the dentist right now."

Hu Shilu nodded, and it was settled that the Hu family would go to Sanhe with Wang.

 In the evening, the weather suddenly changed, with dark clouds and heavy rain.

 It turned into a drizzle in the second half of the night, and it continued without stopping.

Lin Yi stood in the pavilion. He never thought that he would have something on his mind and get up before midnight.

Hong Ying said, "Your Majesty, it's still early, why don't you lie down for a while?"

"No, I can't sleep," Lin Yi sighed, "Have you decided to let someone stay in the house?"

Hong Yingdao said, "Guo Zhao, the old man in charge of the garden, and his wife Qin Shi, these two are mature and reliable, so the prince can rest assured."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "I can rest assured about the two of them. I told Guo Zhao that the goldfish will be raised by me."

He has been raising these goldfish since he was a child, some of them for ten years. It took a lot of effort to bring them from the palace to the outside.

 “Yes, the younger one will definitely explain it well.”

Hong Ying's crouched body suddenly straightened up, walked to Lin Yi's side, and whispered, "Your Majesty, I will take you back to your room first."

Lin Yi said helplessly, "Hey, you're getting more and more nagging now. As I said, I can't sleep now. It's hot in the house and it's not as cool as outside. Let's set off in a little while."

 “But it’s still raining?”

As Hong Ying spoke, his whole body tensed up, "My lord, you'd better go into the house first."

Lin Yi said nonchalantly, "It doesn't matter if it rains. I just said it in the morning. Even if it's a knife, it will go the same way."

 Woof woof!

Suddenly a dog barked in the garden.

After two sounds, it stopped suddenly, leaving only whimpering.

Hong Ying pressed closer to Lin Yi. No matter who came, he would not leave Lin Yi even half a step without permission.

Out of curiosity, Lin Yi saw a vague figure in the dark sky through the weak lantern light of the Hexagonal Pavilion.

“Little father-in-law, you recovered very quickly.”

Lin Yi heard a woman's voice, which seemed far away, yet seemed to be right next to her ears.

"It's you!"

Hong Ying’s expression changed again and again.

The figure finally walked out of the darkness, took off the bamboo hat on his head, and placed it on the stool next to the door. He looked at Hong Ying with a smile and said, "Why, you still want to fight with me?"

"Oh it's you"

Lin Yi finally saw the woman's appearance clearly, and then patted Hong Ying on the shoulder, indicating that he didn't need to be nervous.

This tall, beautiful woman is none other than Wen Zhaoyi from the cold palace.

 How did she get out of the palace?

 Why do you come here?

"What?" Wen Zhaoyi said with a smile, "You have only been out of the palace for two years and you don't recognize me anymore?"

“Grandma, you didn’t even say a word in advance when you came, so you’re welcome and sit down quickly,”

Lin Yi said to Hong Ying, "What are you doing standing still? Hurry up and make tea."

 “I told you in advance, do you dare to pick me up?”

 Wen Zhaoyi asked narrowly.


Lin Yi chuckled and said, "Don't dare, your grandson and I are only so brave, you know this."

 “Your child’s temperament has not changed at all.”

Wen Zhaoyi sat down generously, took the tea cup from Hong Ying who was looking at her warily, and said with a smile, "Little father-in-law, do you really not recognize me?"

Hong Ying said coldly, "Our family dare not forget it."

“Then why don’t you thank grandma quickly? Grandma has great supernatural powers and boundless magic power. She will enjoy eternal blessings and live as long as heaven.

 Your three-legged cat kung fu, if grandma hadn't let you go, would you still be able to run away now? "

 No matter how stupid Lin Yi is, he now understands who the person who attacked Hong Ying the night before was.


To be honest, I didn’t know it was him at first that night, otherwise I wouldn’t have been so heavy-handed.

 Luckily nothing happened, otherwise I would be embarrassed to come to your place. "

Wen Zhaoyi's fingers gently pressed Lin Yi's forehead. Hong Ying beside him was sweating profusely, as if he was about to break out of his savior at any time.

 “Thank you very much, Wen Zhaoyi, for showing mercy.”

Hong Ying had to admit that if Wen Zhaoyi continued to chase him the night before, he would definitely not be able to escape as he was seriously injured.

"Okay, go down and don't get in the way,"

Lin Yi drove Hong Ying away and personally refilled Wen Zhaoyi's cup with water, "Grandma, are you here this time?"

“Hey,” Wen Zhaoyi sighed heavily, “I can’t remember which little **** said that he would support me in my old age in the future.”


Lin Yi was shocked.

ps: There will be a minimum of two updates per day for the new book issue, and we will strive for three and four updates every day. The leader’s additional updates will be made up in the next two days.

 (End of this chapter)

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